Minutes of the Meeting of St Breock Parish Council held in the Main Entrance Building, Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge on Monday, 2nd November 2015 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. R Jarratt (Chairman), P Starling (Vice Chairman), G Semmens, A Sanders, Mrs J Pratt,

Mrs J Desborough, Mrs R Harding, S Malloni, D Johnson.

Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)

Two members of the public

No. / Action
1 / Public Session: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the membersof the public to address the Council.
Miss Rebecca Shaw and Mr Mike Pumphrey highlighted plans for the change of use of two units at Hawksfield to set up a nursery for babies and pre-school children providing a facility for parents in the Wadebridge and Padstow areas. Ofsted had been contacted and the facility would accommodate up to 49 children depending on age. The Chairman notified Miss Shaw of the Parish Council’s planning sub-committee that would contact her once the application had been received.
2 / Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. J Bellringer, A Jones and
J Rowe (Cornwall Council).
3 / Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4 / Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 5th October 2015 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
5 / Maters Arising:
Item 16 Remembrance Sunday – TheChairman reported that he had met withthe vicar of St Breock and gained an insight into the history of those you lost their lives from St Breock parish. The Chairman will lay a wreath at St Breock church.
6.3 / Planning Applications:
PA15/08997 Mr D Herring, Tregals, Broadmeadows, St Breock –
Removal of Condition 3 (Holiday Occupancy) on decision notice E1/2008/01919 dated 26th November 2015 to residential dwelling.
The Parish Council make no recommendations on this application. If this application was supported it would set a precedent for future open market development and conflict with the pre-application advice given earlier this year for the adjacent land in the same ownership as the applicant for this application.
PA15/09179 Sun Green Energy Limited, land East of Hawksland, Whitecorss –
Application to vary condition 16 of planning permission PA10/08667 in order to allow for a 5 year extension to the lifetime of the solar farm.
The Parish Council object to this application. The S.106 money as indicated in the original application for this solar farm has not been honoured by this company who took over the ownership of the development.
Planning Decisions/ Correspondence: Nothing to report.
Cornwall Council Paperless Planning: The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had received £700 from Cornwall Council. Each Parish and Town Council would receive this amount to adapt to the paperless planning when Cornwall Council ceased sending paper copies for consultation.
A workshop being held on the 17th November at 6.00pm would address this matter. Councillors again expressed their views that they did not agree to paperless planning.
Planning Matters:
Ten Acre Wood –It was agreed that the Cornwall Council Planning Enforcement section be asked to confirm that thedevelopments at Ten Acre Wood did not require planning consent, and that the positioning of the yurt and shed adjacent to the public highway was acceptable.
7 / Parish Neighbourhood Plan / Localism Bill: To receive a verbal report from
Cllr S Malloni on the draft neighbourhood plan for Egloshayle, St Breock and Wadebridge: Cllr S Malloni thanked the Parish Council for approving the response to the plan.
8 / Community Fundsfrom Renewable Energy Projects: Cllr S Malloni had nothing to report but stated it would be helpful to know what local organisations benefitted from the Pengelly fund.
Cllr S Malloni respected the Parish Councils decision not to support Community Energy proposal for the wind turbine project at Scotland Corner but felt a little disappointed that the project was not encouraged.
Cllr S Malloni agreed to obtain the constitution for the REG St Breock Wind Farm from Claudia Rickard.
It was suggested that the S.106 money from the Will Brothers, Pawton Farm turbine had not been paid to Wadebridge School. Cllr P Starling offered to contact Mr Anthony Wills to clarify this matter. / SM
9.1 / Accounts / Financial Matters – to receive accounts for payment / fiancé report:
The Council approved the payment of accounts and the finance report presented by the Clerk. The accounts are listed as Part 2 of these minutes.
Precept for 2016/2017: The Clerk, Chairman and Vice Chairman will look at the budget and precept figures for the forthcoming financial year and present a report to the Parish Council. / Clerk
10 / Correspondence:
  • NHS Peninsula Community Health 2014/2015 Annual Report
  • Clerk & Councils Direct November 2015 magazine
  • Trago Mills – Poster advertising the pensioners week 23rd -27th November

11 / Communications & Publicity – parish website: Cllr S Malloni suggested the Chairman’s report be given to each property in the parish. The Chairman will produce the draft report and the Clerk and Cllr S Malloni will organise copying and distribution. / RJ
Clerk /
12 / St Breock Burial Ground – update on timescale of work to be carried out by Cormac: The Clerk had received an email from Cormac that confirmed the
£327.98 increase but did not agreed with the final costs as calculated by the Chairman, Cllr D Johnson and the Clerk. It was agreed that a meeting be arranged with Cormac to establish the total sum.
Councillors agreed that should the costs be near to the sum agreed, the Clerk and Chairman authorise Cormac to go go ahead with the work. / Clerk
13 / Burlawn Playing Field: The Contractor will be asked to trim the playing field hedge. The grass cutting contractor will be asked to look at this work.
The Chairman will investigate a report of children getting into the field through a hole in the hedge.
14 / Highway Matters: Cllr A Jones was unable to attend this meeting and present a report. Enquiries will be made with Withiel and Lanivet Parish Councils to see if anything is being done to prevent any future damage to Ruthern Bridge.
It was noted that a garden hedge adjacent to the public highway at Ruthern Bridge (just along the Grogley road from the junction) had been removed and a wooden fence was being erected by the landowner.
It was noted that the Burlawn crossroads signs needed attention. Also a pothole on the left hand side of the road travelling from Burlawn to Wadebridge needed filling. The hedges along this road had been trimmed leaving a lot of debris on the road. It was reported that the Cornwall Council road sweeper did not travel further than Trevanion in Wadebridge.
Hedges in the Ruthern Bridge to Grogley needed trimming.
15 / Clerks Report: The Clerk reported that the Cornwall Association of Local Council were organising training for the new transparency code, but dates had not yet been confirmed. / Clerk
16 / Parish Matters to be brought to the attention of the Parish Clerk:
  • Proposal by Cornwall Council to sell a section of the access lane to Rocky Vale, Grogley: The Clerk regularly emailed Cornwall Council for update on this matter.
  • Notice Board, Ruthern Bridge: Councillors agreed that a sealed cabinet notice board be purchased for Ruthern Bridge to improve the existing facility.
  • Burlawn Street Light: The street light in Burlawn was continually lit. The Clerk will report this once the light number had been confirmed.
  • Parish Council Standing Orders: The Clerk along with the Chairman and Vice Chairman will review the Parish Council policies and recommend any updates to the Council.
/ Clerk
17 / Summary of Meeting and action points of Councillors and Parish Clerk:
The Chairman and Clerk gave a summary of the meeting and actions to be taken.
18 / Date of next Meeting: Monday, 7th December 2015
19 / To close the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.54pm.

Dated: 7th December 2015 Signed:

St Breock Parish Council Meeting 2nd November 2015Page 1