Date : 03-02-2018 : Statement Reasoning

This set contains additional situations. Each questionpresents a situation and asks you to make a judgmentregarding that particular circumstance. Answer eachone solely on the basis of the information given.

1. The school principal has received complaintsfrom parents about bullying in the schoolyard during recess. He wants to investigateand end this situation as soon as possible, sohe has asked the recess aides to watch closely.Which situation should the recess aidesreport to the principal?

a. A girl is sitting glumly on a bench reading abook and not interacting with her peers.

b. Four girls are surrounding another girl andseem to have possession of her backpack.

c. Two boys are playing a one-on-one game ofbasketball and are arguing over the last basketscored.

d. Three boys are huddled over a handheldvideo game, which isn’t supposed to be onschool grounds.

2. Dr. Miller has a busy pediatric dentistry practiceand she needs a skilled, reliable hygienist

to keep things running smoothly. The lasttwo people she hired were recommended bytop dentists in the area, but they each lastedless than one month. She is now in desperateneed of a hygienist who can competentlyhandle the specific challenges of her practice.Which one of the following candidates

should Dr. Miller consider most seriously?

a. Marilyn has been a hygienist for fifteenyears, and her current employer, who isabout to retire, says she is the best in thebusiness. The clientele she has worked withconsists of some of the wealthiest and mostpowerful citizens in the county.

b. Lindy recently graduated at the top of herclass from one of the best dental hygieneprograms in the state. Prior to becoming adental hygienist, Lindy spent two yearsworking in a day care center.

c. James has worked as a dental hygienist forthree years in a public health clinic. He isvery interested in securing a position in aprivate dental office.

d. Kathy is an experienced and highly recommendeddental hygienist who is also finishingup a degree in early childhoodeducation, which she hopes will get her ajob as a preschool teacher. She is eager tofind a job in a pediatric practice, since shehas always wanted to work with children.

3. Mrs. Jansen recently moved to Arizona. Shewants to fill her new backyard with floweringplants. Although she is an experienced gardener,she isn’t very well-versed in whatplants will do well in the Arizona climate.Also, there is a big tree in her backyard makingfor shady conditions and she isn’t sure

what plants will thrive without much directsunlight. Her favorite gardening catalogoffers several backyard seed packages. Whichone should Mrs. Jansen choose?

a. The Rainbow Collection is ideal for Northeastgardens. It includes a variety of colorfulperennials that thrive in cool, moistconditions.

b. The Greenhouse Collection will blossomyear after year if planted in brightly lit locationsand watered regularly.

c. The Treehouse Collection will provide lushgreen plants with delicate colorful flowersthat thrive in shady and partially shadylocations.

d. The Oasis Collection includes a variety ofperennials that thrive in dry climates andbright sunlight.

4. Eileen is planning a special birthday dinnerfor her husband’s 35th birthday. She wantsthe evening to be memorable, but her husbandis a simple man who would rather be injeans at a baseball game than in a suit at afancy restaurant. Which restaurant belowshould Eileen choose?

a. Alfredo’s offers fine Italian cuisine and anelegant Tuscan décor. Patrons will feel asthough they’ve spent the evening in a luxuriousItalian villa.

b. Pancho’s Mexican Buffet is an all-you-caneatfamily style smorgasbord with the besttacos in town.

c. The Parisian Bistro is a four-star Frenchrestaurant where guests are treated like royaltyChef Dilbert Olay is famous for hisbeef bourguignon.

d. Marty’s serves delicious, hearty meals in acharming setting reminiscent of a baseballclubhouse in honor of the owner,MartyLester, a former major league baseball allstar.

5. Mark is working with a realtor to find a locationfor the toy store he plans to open in histown. He is looking for a place that is eitherin, or not too far from, the center of townand one that would attract the right kind offoot traffic. Which of the following locationsshould Mark’s realtor call to his attention?

a. a storefront in a new high-rise buildingnear the train station in the center of townwhose occupants are mainly young, childlessprofessionals who use the train to commuteto their offices each day

b. a little shop three blocks away from thetown’s main street, located across the streetfrom an elementary school and next doorto an ice cream store

c. a stand-alone storefront on a quiet residentialstreet ten blocks away from the town’scenter

d. a storefront in a small strip mall located onthe outskirts of town that is also occupiedby a pharmacy and a dry cleaner

6. Rita, an accomplished pastry chef who is wellknown for her artistic and exquisite weddingcakes, opened a bakery one year ago and issurprised that business has been so slow. Aconsultant she hired to conduct marketresearch has reported that the local populationdoesn’t think of her shop as one they

would visit on a daily basis but rather a placethey’d visit if they were celebrating a special

occasion. Which of the following strategiesshould Rita employ to increase her dailybusiness?

a. making coupons available that entitle thecoupon holder to receive a 25% discounton wedding, anniversary, or birthday cakes

b. exhibiting at the next Bridal Expo and havingpieces of one of her wedding cakesavailable for tasting

c. placing a series of ads in the local newspaperthat advertise the wide array of breads,muffins, and cookies offered at her shop

d. moving the bakery to the other side of town

7.Mrs. Carson took a taxi to meet her three friendsfor lunch. They were waiting for her outside the

restaurant when she pulled up in the car. Shewas so excited to see her friends that she left hertote bag in the taxi. As the taxi pulled away, sheand her friends took notice of the license platenumber so they would be able to identify the carwhen they called the taxi company. The fourlicense plate numbers below represent what eachof the four women thinks she saw.Which one ismost likely the license plate number of the taxi?

a. JXK 12L

b. JYK 12L

c. JXK 12I

d. JXX 12L

8. Zachary has invited his three buddies over towatch the basketball game on his wide-screentelevision. They are all hungry, but no onewants to leave to get food. Just as they arearguing about who should make the foodrun, a commercial comes on for a local pizzeriathat delivers. The phone number flasheson the screen briefly and they all try toremember it. By the time Zachary grabs apen and paper, each of them recollects a differentnumber. Which of the numbers ismost likely the telephone number of thepizzeria?

a. 995-9266

b. 995-9336

c. 995-9268

d. 995-8266

Answer question 9 solely on the basis of the followinginformation.

When a new employee is hired at the law firm, a humanresources representative should take the following stepson the employee’s first day of work.

  1. Greet the employee in the reception area andoffer him coffee or tea.
  2. Take the employee back to the human resourcesoffice and have him complete a general informationquestionnaire, a healthcare insurance form,and a tax form.
  3. Take a photograph of the employee for his identificationcard.
  4. Issue the employee a temporary identificationcard.
  5. Walk the employee to the department in whichhe will be working and introduce him to hiscolleagues.
  6. Bring the employee to his office or cubicle.

9. It is Kate Milford’s first day of work as a paralegalat the law firm of Jasper, Jenkins & Mead.Taylor Franklin, the human resources manager,greets Kate in the reception area and getsher a cup of tea as they walk back to thehuman resources office. Taylor asks Kate to sitat a table and fill out three forms.While Katecompletes the forms, Taylor checks her messagesand asks her secretary to confirm a meetingshe has for later that morning. Taylor thentakes a photograph of Kate that will be used on

her company identification card. As Taylorwalks Kate over to the paralegal department,she tells her that the identification card shouldbe ready in a couple of days. Taylor introducesKate to her new colleagues, who all greet herquite warmly, and then shows her to her newcubicle, jots down her phone extension, andsays that Kate should call her if she has anyquestions at all. Taylor Franklin’s actions were

a. proper, because she is the human resourcesmanager and knows how to greet a newemployee.

b. improper, because she did not spendenough time making sure that Kate wascomfortable.

c. proper, because she told Kate that she shouldfeel free to call her if she had questions.

d. improper, because she did not issue a temporaryidentification card.


Answer question 10 solely on the basis of the followinginformation.

When a client comes in looking for a new home, thereal estate agency requires its realtors to follow some

specific guidelines during the first meeting. The realtoris expected to do the following.

  1. Be sure the client is comfortably seated and hasbeen offered a drink.
  2. Get background information on the client’s currentliving circumstances.
  3. Ask the client what qualities she is looking for ina house.
  4. Discuss the price range that the client has inmind and determine whether or not she has beenpreapproved for a mortgage.
  5. With the computer screen facing the client,browse the current house listings and print out information for any of the houses that the clientwould like to see in person.
  6. Ask the client if she is available to look at some ofthe houses immediately, and if not, make anappointment to show her the houses as soon aspossible.

10. Marcus and Cynthia Howard arrive at SmithfieldRealty for their appointment with realtorPatricia Russo. Ms. Russo leads the coupleto a comfortable sofa in her office and getsthem both a cup of coffee. Ms. Russo asksMarcus and Cynthia what kind of house theyare looking for and it becomes clear that theyhave very particular ideas. Most importantly,they are looking for a house that is in walkingdistance of the train station. They alsowant a newer house, preferably one builtafter 1970.They must have four bedrooms and centralair conditioning. A finished basementwould be a welcome bonus. Ms. Russo discussesprice range with her new clients, andbefore the discussion is finished, they hand hera letter from their mortgage company thatindicates that they have been preapproved for amortgage. Together, the three of them browsethe listings on Ms. Russo’s computer screenand information is printed out for four housesthat the couple would like to see. Ms. Russodetermines that Marcus and Cynthia are free

for another few hours, so the three of themhead to her car to begin looking at potentialnew homes. Based on the company guidelines,the actions taken by Ms. Russo were

a. improper, because she was only able to findfour houses that Marcus and Cynthiawanted to see.

b. proper, because she obtained all the necessaryinformation from the clients.

c. improper, because she failed to get anydetails about the client’s current livingcircumstances.

d. proper, because she didn’t try to persuadethe clients to consider houses that didn’tmeet all of their criteria.–


11. The film director wants an actress for thelead role of Lucy who perfectly fits thedescription that appears in the originalscreenplay. He is not willing to consideractresses who do not resemble the characteras she is described in the screenplay, no matterhow talented they are. The screenplay

describes Lucy as an average-sized, fortysomethingredhead, with deep brown eyes,very fair skin, and a brilliant smile. The castingagent has four actresses in mind.

Actress #1 is a stunning red-haired beautywho is 5'9" and in her mid-twenties. Her eyesare brown and she has an olive complexion.

Actress #2 has red hair, big brown eyes, and afair complexion. She is in her mid-forties andis 5'5".

Actress #3 is 5'4" and of medium build. Shehas red hair, brown eyes, and is in her earlyforties.

Actress #4 is a blue-eyed redhead in her earlythirties. She’s of very slight build and standsat 5'.

Which two actresses should the casting agentsend to meet the director?

a. 1, 2

b. 2, 3

c. 1, 4

d. 2, 4

12. The neighborhood block association hasreceived many complaints about peopleknocking on doors and soliciting money foran unknown charity organization eventhough door-to-door solicitation is prohibitedby local laws. Three residents have provideddescriptions of individuals who havecome to their door asking for money.

Solicitor #1 is a white male, 20–25 years old,5'9", 145 pounds, with very short brown hair.He was wearing a dark blue suit and carryinga brown leather briefcase.

Solicitor #2 is a white male, 25–30 years old,6'2", 200 pounds, with a shaved-head. He waswearing a red T-shirt and jeans.

Solicitor #3 is a white male, approximately23 years old, 5'10", slight build, with shortbrown hair. He was wearing a blue suit.

Three days after the block association meeting,a resident noticed a man knocking ondoors in the neighborhood and phoned thepolice to report the illegal activity. This solicitorwas described as follows:

Solicitor #4 is a white male, 22 years old, 140pounds, about 5'10", with short brown hair.He was carrying a briefcase and wearing adark suit.Based on this description, which of the threesolicitations was also likely carried out bySolicitor #4?

a. #1, #2, and #3

b. #1, but not #2 and #3

c. #1 and #3, but not #2

d. #1 and #2, but not #3

Here’s another type of verbal reasoning question. Foreach item in this set, you will be given a short, informationalparagraph and four answer choices. Lookfor the statement that must be true according to thegiven information. The best way to approach thisproblem is to read the answer choices in turn, goingback each time to look for that exact information inthe short passage.

For questions 13 through 23, find the statement thatmust be true according to the given information.

13. Erin is twelve years old. For three years, shehas been asking her parents for a dog. Herparents have told her that they believe a dogwould not be happy in an apartment, butthey have given her permission to have abird. Erin has not yet decided what kind ofbird she would like to have.

a. Erin’s parents like birds better than theylike dogs.

b. Erin does not like birds.

c. Erin and her parents live in an apartment.

d. Erin and her parents would like to move.

14. Last summer, Mike spent two weeks at asummer camp. There, he went hiking, swimming,and canoeing. This summer, Mikelooks forward to attending a two-week musiccamp, where he hopes to sing, dance, andlearn to play the guitar.

a. Mike’s parents want him to learn to play theguitar.

b. Mike prefers music to outdoor activities.

c. Mike goes to some type of camp everysummer.

d. Mike likes to sing and dance.

15. The Pacific yew is an evergreen tree thatgrows in the Pacific Northwest. The Pacificyew has a fleshy, poisonous fruit. Recently,taxol, a substance found in the bark of thePacific yew, was discovered to be a promisingnew anticancer drug.

a. Taxol is poisonous when taken by healthypeople.

b. Taxol has cured people from variousdiseases.

c. People should not eat the fruit of thePacific yew.

d. The Pacific yew was considered worthlessuntil taxol was discovered.

16. On weekends, Mr. Sanchez spends manyhours working in his vegetable and flowergardens. Mrs. Sanchez spends her free timereading and listening to classical music. BothMr. Sanchez and Mrs. Sanchez like to cook.

a. Mr. Sanchez enjoys planting and growingvegetables.

b. Mr. Sanchez does not like classical music.

c. Mrs. Sanchez cooks the vegetables that Mr .Sanchez grows.

d. Mrs. Sanchez enjoys reading nineteenthcenturynovels.


17. Tim’s commute never bothered him becausethere were always seats available on the trainand he was able to spend his 40 minutescomfortably reading the newspaper or catchingup on paperwork. Ever since the trainschedule changed, the train has beenextremely crowded, and by the time thedoors open at his station, there isn’t a seat tobe found.

a. Tim would be better off taking the busto work.

b. Tim’s commute is less comfortable since thetrain schedule changed.

c. Many commuters will complain about thenew train schedule.

d. Tim will likely look for a new job closerto home.

18. When they heard news of the hurricane,Maya and Julian decided to change theirvacation plans. Instead of traveling to theisland beach resort, they booked a room at afancy new spa in the mountains. Their planswere a bit more expensive, but they’d heardwonderful things about the spa and they were

relieved to find availability on such shortnotice.

a. Maya and Julian take beach vacationsevery year.

b. The spa is overpriced.

c. It is usually necessary to book at least sixmonths in advance at the spa.

d. Maya and Julian decided to change theirvacation plans because of the hurricane.