Basking in the Glory

A 1 ½ hour talk (powerpoint visuals)

Who are you? How would you define yourself? Let’s explore the events surrounding the Exodus and find out how Moses and the Children of Israel answered that same question?

Back to Our Root

A 1 ½ to 2 hour study

In order to produce fruit, we need a strong connection to our root, Jesus Christ. Come take a look at John 15 to find out why.

CPR – Christian Promises and Reminders

A 1 ½ hour study & discussion

Do you know people who are hurting? How do you help them? Do you know the words to share? Let’s study God’s CPR for the hurting Christian heart. Take a look at the passages that give us comfort and discuss how we can use them to comfort others.

Imitating His Steps

A 2 hour study with break outs & break

More than just “what would Jesus do?” Let’s focus on how we can follow Christ’s lead in encouraging others in their faith and lives and building one another up.

Cultivating Contentment

A 1 ½ hour study with break outs

Discover the joy you didn’t know you had and turn those complaints into thankfulness.

In the Body

A 3 hour study with break outs & break

We are all a part of the body of believers; the Holy Christian Church. But where do we fit in the Body? Jesus answers that question through His own example.

Backwards in High Heels

A 1 ½ hour study & discussion

Someone once said, “Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, only she did it backwards and in high heels.” Our life of love and service to God and others is often like Ballroom dancing. Join me in discovering the joys and encouragement in God’s design for service and leadership in the Body of Christ. Put on your dancing shoes and find your steps.

Mary, Martha, and Rachael Ray

A 1 ½ hour study & discussion

I admit it. I’m a Martha. I love to prepare, entertain, and be busy. And I’m proud of it. We’re needed too. Hospitality and hard work are virtues. Join me in celebrating the Martha in all of us as we take Mary’s example and listen at our Savior’s feet.

The Power Wives Wield

A 2 hour discussion presentation (Powerpoint visuals)

Learn how much power the Lord has given wives to encourage and strengthen their husbands and their marriages. We have the power to make it or break it ladies…how are you using your power?

Keeping Christmas

A 30 minutes talk

How do you keep Christmas? What traditions does your family celebrate? What decorations and cookies are “musts” for your Holidays? We go through a lot of work to prepare for Christmas, and we know the true reason we celebrate. It’s Jesus’ birthday party. But there’s more to it. So much more!

Spa Studies: Enjoy either of these two studies with a spa experience. Relax and refresh your body as well as renew your spirit. 2 hours each.

Supernatural Bodycare

It’s the most restorative and natural bodycare available – the rejuvenating effects of our salvation in Jesus can’t be matched! We’ll find the only cure for our natural state and discuss ways to daily nurture our faith and rejuvenate with the spirit.

Time Out to Refocus

Do you have every hour of the day mapped out? Do you feel full or empty in the midst of your busy life? Time Out! It’s time to re-evaluate that hectic schedule and discover not only what the Lord wants for your life, but how to re-focus all that energy into building you up as you serve Jesus.