Town of Oakmont, Bethesda, MD 20817

Minutes of the Oakmont Annual Town Meeting

April 25, 2013



Ad BaxDave KingCommittee Members

Ann DurkeeCaroline ManganielloMarilyn Mazuzan, Chair

Stan DurkeeJosh MayerDonna Duer, Treasurer

Fran FabishBarbara MoskowitzIngrid Pufahl, Secretary

Irwin FabishEric Moskowitz

Walt FriaufAse Sewall

Virgil HuberAnna Shah

Ella IamsJaimieTaff

Howard IamsLaurens van derTak

The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mazuzanat 7:30 pm. After a brief welcome, the attendees introduced themselves.

1. Old Business

Minutes from the 2012 Annual Meeting

Marilyn Mazuzan noted that the meeting agenda and the minutes from the 2012 annual meeting had been posted on the Oakmont website.The minutes from the April 24, 2012annual meeting were approved with no revisions.

Treasurer’s Report

Donna Duer presented the treasurer’s report, which was accepted. Ase Sewall presented the budget for FY 2013-2014, which was accepted.

2. New Business

Election of New Committee Member

Joshua Mayerwas nominated and elected to the Citizens’ Committee.

Tax Rate

Residents unanimously voted to keep the property tax rate at the minimum rate of $0.04 per $100 of assessed property value.

Update on Daley Lane Improvements

Donna Duer gave an update on the Daley Lane project, reporting that the Town did not receive a state grant to help fund the project. After soliciting, receiving, and evaluating bids for a variety of options, in particular, pervious pavers and pervious concrete, it appears that the proposed new driveway surface is more expensive than initially anticipated. The Committee will explore installing a gravel driveway and improving the landscaping and path in Daley Lane instead.

Liaison Reports

National Institutes of Health: MarilynMazuzan reported that NIH will submita new 15-year campus plan, which involves moving more administrative offices back on campus, increasing the number of employees by about 3,000 and requiring about 900 additional parking places.

BRAC: Marilyn Mazuzanreported that the pedestrian tunnel at the Medical Center Metro Station has been funded.

She also gave an update on the upcoming construction at the intersection of Old Georgetown Road/ Cedar Lane. This involves widening southbound Old Georgetown Rdsouth of Oakmont Ave to create an additional northbound dedicated right turn lane from Old Georgetown Rd onto Cedar Lane (on NIH side), a wider sidewalk on southbound Old Georgetown, and widening of Cedar Lane to add one dedicated right-turn lane onto northbound Old Georgetown Rd.

The project requires acquisition of property owned by Town residents along southbound Old Georgetown Road under eminent domain. Construction is anticipated to start mid-2014 and last for about one year. It will involve lane closures during off-peak hours.

Residents discussed the potential impact of the construction project. There was agreement that the Town shouldget more information from the State and Highway Administration about traffic plans and accommodations for local traffic during construction. If necessary, a town meeting with SHA representatives should be arranged. It was also suggested to contact Roger Berliner for help should there be disagreement with SHA.

Suburban Hospital: Marilyn Mazuzan reported that the Montgomery County Planning Board approved, with conditions, the plan to expand Suburban Hospital.One of the conditions was that the board will revisit the plans if they were significantly changed as a result of litigation, currently pending before the Maryland Court of Special Appeals.

Parking Report

Irwin Fabish gave the parking report, reminding residents to contact him by phone or email for parking permit stickers and for any parking problems.

Fall Picnic

The annual Town Picnic date was set for Saturday, September 7, 2013, with a rain date for Sunday, September 8, 2013. Residents were invited to join in planning the picnic.


The Committee reported that the new town Web site is up and running, New features will include a password protected town directory and a bulletin board. Residents were asked to send photos to be posted on the site.

There was a brief discussion of the status of the ongoing construction at 5610 Oak Place and proposed construction at 5615 Oak Place.

The meeting was adjourned at about 8:30 pm.