Duke City Soccer League

April 20, 2005 Minutes

Ron Espinosa called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm at the Duke City Soccer League Office.

Attendees: Bryan Ingram (RVFC), Mike Stone (AUFC), Greg Heilman (Rush), Corey Cruz (Rush), Dave Seidel (Rush), Denis Genas (Admiral Elite), Gary Bauerschmidt (Ref Admin), Kathi Tero (Ops), Bill Nordin (Exe. Dir.), Bob Edwards (Vice Pres), Anna Trujillo (Secretary), Carol Nelson (Treasurer), Ron Espinosa (Pres.)

Guests: Dulcie Schalk (NMYSA), Dave Erhart (AYSO)

Approval of Minutes: Review of minutes from February 16, 2005 minutes were amended to read that Rio Vista submitted a check to DCSL in the amount of $3894.45 for the Gaylord Sheppard Tournament. A motion to accept (by Bryan Ingram) was seconded (by Ron Espinosa) and voted on. Motion was accepted and passed.

Introductions/Guests/Special Reports



President: Ron Espinosa

o  Transfer Policy: Additional definitions dealing with transfers. Motion made by Corey Cruz: Modify the transfer definition to allow transfers to occur within a club or a club in multiple leagues. Bryan Ingram seconded the motion. Motion was accepted and passed.

Vice President: Bob Edwards


Club Representatives:


Management: Bill Nordin (see attached)

·  Bill presented a draft Ranking Procedures for Duke City Soccer League (2005-2006). Board accepted wording for U7, U8, U9 and U11. One minor change made to the U10 proposal: “U10 – will be ranked by random draw….”

·  Need a procedure to handle emergency exits for the Farmers Insurance Soccer Complex in Bernalillo. The complex was closed during the 3:00 pm games due to the weather service issuing a tornado warning. Lots of cars and only one exit out of the complex – took people about an hour to exit the complex.

·  Reference the Duke City Referee List for 2004-2005 (Team referees vs number of games referred for the fall is low)

·  One team that has gone over 60 discipline points – coach has been advised that he can not attend the next game. Suspensions will carry forward into State Cup.

·  The complex does not have a vendor to sell concessions. Need someone to volunteer to sell drinks at the 1st 2 state cup weekends.

·  Changes made to the Coaches Handbook – Board okay with the proposed changes.

·  Older teams still need to makeup games from the season – the complex is open the following Tuesday. Please call Bill and Kathy to schedule.

·  Non-DCSL teams in developmental play. DCSL charges $8/player * 8 players @ $64.00/team.

·  How do we penalize a team that plays games with illegal players? Assign 30 points to the team and suspend the coach for 2 games, if playing on the metro schedule.

·  What do we do if a player is a repeat offender (i.e. fighting during games). Bill will write a suggested way to handle repeat offenders.

·  Tryouts (See handout). Adds for tryout newspaper deadline is 4/28/05 - $100.00 (full page), $60.00 (half page).

·  Thank you to AUFC for giving DCSL a check in the amount of $728.25 from Gaylord Sheppard tournament of 2 years ago.

·  DCSL Representatives at the next AGM meeting will support the proposed NMYSA changes that entails savings for DCSL (i.e. increase player fees to $3.00/player and eliminate fees for guest players and travel rosters). Motion made by Dave Seidel. Corey Cruz seconded the motion. Motion was accepted and passed.

Treasurer Report: Carol Nelson (see attached)

·  All is well.

Sandia Cup

·  Need Field Marshalls from NM Rush and Admiral Elite.

·  Need a team to handle t-shirt pre-orders and selling at the venues. Carol Nelson will ask the parents/coach from RV90 Moran if they are interested.

NMYSA/District Commissioner: Dulcie Schalk

·  None

Coach Administrator: Dave Seidel

·  None

Referee Administrator: Gary Bauerschmidt

·  None







Old Business:

·  Small-sided ranking (see Bill’s report): Any ideas on ranking, please call Bill.

New Business

·  Ranking Committee meeting is May 11 @ 7 pm

·  Tryouts – See handout. AUFC (ADO, Oso Grande), NM Rush (BFP) on Day1, RV (BFP, ADO) on Day 2, Classic on Day 3. Admiral Elite moved to Day 4 on their own.

·  Nominations for the May Meeting:

q  President: Ron Espinosa

q  VP – Bob Edwards

q  Secretary – Anna Trujillo

q  Treasurer – Carol Nelson

q  Coach Administrator – Dave Seidel

q  Referee Administrator – Gary Bauerschmidt

No other nominations

Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:30 pm was seconded. Motion passed.

Next meeting is scheduled for May 18, 2005.