Cognos ODS Access Request Form – Student

Requests for Cognos access must be complete with all signatures. A scan to pdf should be emailed to the Cognos Security Team at: . (Including the name of the employee for whom access is being requested in the subject line of your email is helpful and results in faster processing.) Please complete each section of this form. Incomplete forms will be returned to the submitter.

Request type(please check one)

New access
Replace current access
Add to current access
Remove Access
Information For Employee Requesting Access
Name and Job Title
College and Department
Phone Number
Email Address
Supervisor’s Name and Title

Student Roles:Please make a mark in the cell to the left of the role required to perform job functions. If you are unsure which role to select, refer to the appropriate tab(s) on the Cognos Security Roles-Reports Access spreadsheet on PCCommon\Business Intelligence for a list of reports available to each role.

Typically a Registrar would request access to the Registrar role, a Scheduler the Scheduler role, etc. In most cases a single role is required. Please ONLY check multiple roles where the employee serves multiple functions. If there is need for a new role, please contact the Director, Business Intelligence at the System Office.

Role / Role
Admissions / IR
Advisors / Registrar
Athletics / Registrar-Restricted
Catalog / Scheduler
Concurrent Enrollment Services / Tutoring
Continuing Education / Veterans Processors
Executive Staff
Instruction / System Office Roles
Instruction – Dean / System Director, Enrollment Management
Instruction – Dept Chair / System Instruction
International Processing / System IR

Cognos ODS Access Request Form – Student
Revised: 1/15/15

Cognos ODS Access Request Form – Student

All requests must be accompanied by the Supervisor’s and Required Approver’s signatures below. *Please note: If the person requesting access is the required approver, then that person’s immediate supervisor becomes the required approver. Incomplete requests will be returned.

Supervisor’s approval
Name and Title (please print)
College and Department
Phone Number (with area code)
Institution Banner Business Area Authority (Requests for access to Banner Student data requires Registrar’s* approval below.)
Name and Title (please print) / Kristen Cusack, Registrar
College and Department / CCA, Admissions, Registration & Records
Phone Number (with area code) / 303 360-4701

*Please note: If the person requesting access is the required approver, then that person’s immediate supervisor becomes the required approver.

Please scan to pdf and e-mail completed forms to Security, Cognos in the Global Address List in your Exchange Address Book. (). Including the name of the employee for whom access is being requested in the subject line of your email is helpful and results in faster processing.

Cognos ODS Access Request Form – Student
Revised: 1/15/15