1425 Mountain Drive North

Bethlehem, PA 18015

Telephone (610) 866-0581

FAX (610) 867-8702

Pre-Interview Survey

Technology Integration

School: Code:

Date: Survey Completed by:

Learning Outcomes

  • Please describe the integration of technology into your staff’s instructional methods. Indicate equipment, software and/or online tools that are used by faculty.
  • Please describe the ways that students utilize technology as a learning tool.
  • Please describe the utilization of the library computers, (and server, if applicable). Describe the purpose of the use, i.e. research from the library; research from the classroom; use of subscription or online academicdatabases; use of on-line card catalogue.
  • Are your students and/or teachers involved in any online synchronous or asynchronous virtual learningprojects? Yes No
  • If yes, please describe.
  • Please share any good ideas, topics and or strategies you have gained from participating in these experiences.

Technology Hardware/ Software/Support

  • Describe the technical support for your program, and describe what could be done to make it better.
  • List any eRate support you use for filing your funding request.
  • Please list hardware/equipmentto enhance teaching that you are considering purchasing?
  • Please indicate if your school uses the following educational software/resources:
  • Compass Learning Software Yes No
  • First in Math Yes No
  • IXL Yes No
  • Discovery Education Yes No
  • Defined STEM Yes No
  • Elluminate Yes No
  • Electronic Grading System; MMS, OptionC, PowerSchool, etc. Yes No
  • Other (please list)


  • Are there any goals or action plan statements in your Middle States process that involve the development of technology? Please state the goal and strategy, and describe your status on these.
  • Do you believe that the yearly Tech Plan Evaluation will reflect significant changes to yourLocal Technology Plan ? Yes No
  • Please describe any major changes to your Plan.

eRate/CIPA Compliance

  • Please name and describe the implementation of your school’s filtering software for Internet access.
  • Do you find this tool adequate? Yes NoExplain:
  • Do you have signed copies of your school’s Acceptable Use Policyfrom both students and faculty on file? Yes No
  • Have you presented your school’s Internet Safety Policy to your board for approval? Yes No
  • Do you monitor online activities of students? Yes No
  • Please describe how you will educate students about appropriate online behavior.
  • By completing the above requirements your school will be CIPA compliant. Have you certified that your school is compliant on your eRate applicaton? Yes No