Tallwood High School

Course Name: Biology

Teacher Name: Stephanie Trevino

Contact Information: Room #211

Email: or


Phone #: 648-5700 Ext: 78820

Course Prerequisite: Earth Science

Required Text:Biologyby Glencoe

Opportunities for Extra Help: Students may make an appointment with me after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Course Description
Biology is the study of life, the basic characteristics and functions of living organisms and their place in our environment. Laboratory and field investigations are the primary means for developing problem-solving skills and for developing knowledge and understanding of biological concepts. Topics include the history of biology; the cell and cell processes, genetics and heredity, cycles in nature, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, ecology, classification, kingdoms, continuity of life, and the interactions of science, technology, and society. Students will take the Standards of Learning test for Biology. Specific dates for the SOL test will be announced by the school, and SOL tutoring will be offered during the months of April and May of 2014.
Required Materials
  1. A composition notebook (please NO spiral notebooks) brought each class or left in the assigned drawer if not needed at home
  2. A writing utensil for each class
  3. A textbook. For those with internet access, the text can be accessed online from my website at or is no pass code needed. If you DO NOT have consistent nightly internet access you will need to pick up a hard copy to keep at home.
/ Grading Policy
Each 9 weeks is calculated as the number of total points divided by the number of points you actually received.
Ex. 223=your points
250=max. # of points
Divide the denominator into the numerator
Grade=89 or a B+
At Tallwood High School, all students are expected to complete all work assigned by teachers to earn a grade.
Students who do not demonstrate sufficient academic responsibility will be required to attend extra help sessions after school. This will be interactive, non-punitive, and be designed to provide students with academic assistance to complete assignments.
It will now be easy for you to access your grades online so that you can be fully aware of your up to date grade. Grades will be recorded within a few days of the due date, but no longer than one week following the due date. PLEASE see me for any discrepancies that may inadvertently occur.
Over the grading period the points will approximate the following percentages:
Tests = 25% Labs = 20% Classwork = 15%
Quizzes = 15% Project = 15% Homework = 10%
Restroom Policy
Do not ask to use the restroom during teacher instruction. In case of an emergency, take care of it and then come talk to me after and at an appropriate time.
Your planner must be signed in order to leave the classroom.
One student may be out of the room at a time.
Academic and Homework Policies
  1. Homework will be assigned a minimum of 1 night a week, occasionally there will be homework each night.
  2. Assessments of grades may include:
homework, quizzes, labs, tests, projects, notebook entries, warm up questions, and current event articles.
  1. We will have several required outside labs during the year (see note below).
NOTE: You may choose to use an insect repellant from home or rub with Bounty dryer sheets as insects can sometimes be a nuisance. / Make-up Work and Late Assignments
  1. If you are absent, check your folder. Any make up work will be paper-clipped to the folder. You can also check my website.
  2. After an absence on a test day (or day a project is due), you should be prepared to makeup the test (or turn in the project) immediately upon your return to school.
  3. A grade of “0” will be recorded for any test not made up within 5 days after returning to school.
  4. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all makeup assignments.
  5. 10% of an assignment’s grade will be deducted for each day that it is late up to 4 class blocks then a zero is given.

Students are expected to demonstrate an appreciation for diversity and to be courteous and respectful toward classmates and school staff members. The following are some ways in which you can demonstrate these qualities.
Demonstrate respect for your education by
  • Completing all assignments on time.
  • Bringing the required materials each day.
  • Having your planner with you and using it effectively.
  • Providing appropriate verification for an absence and inquiring about make-up work on the day you return to school.
Demonstrate respect for yourself by
  • Maintaining good health and dressing appropriately for school and school-related events.
  • Becoming involved in your school
  • Utilizing your talents and performing to the best of your ability.
Demonstrate respect for your peers and your teacher by
  • Listening when others speak.
  • Maintaining a clean desk and classroom.
  • Coming to class on time and being in your seat before the bell rings.
  • Beginning your warm up upon entering class.
  • Following all policies outlined in the Tallwood High School Student Planner.
Mrs. Trevino’s Bring Your Own Device Policy
Students may use their own electronic devices for academic purposes only after approval by the teacher according to both VBCPS and Tallwood HS policy. Students will be responsible for the access, maintenance and security of their devices.
Devices may only be out and used when the device sign is posted at the front of the room. Any other time is inappropriate and disciplinary action will be taken. / The THS Honor Code and
“No amount of ability is of the slightest avail without honor.”
~Thomas Carlyle
The Tallwood High School Honor Code is dedicated to instilling high standards of ethical scholarliness. It is more than a list of rules; it is a philosophy of conduct based on the belief that students value fairness and integrity and will take responsibility for their own academic achievement (See THS Student Planner for Honor Code).
Consequences for Inappropriate Choices
  • Verbal reminder and/or conference with student
  • Parent contact and/or conference with parent and/or after school detention
  • Written referral to Administration
  • Each infraction after will be a written referral to Administration
Tardy procedures and consequences are in keeping with those outlined in the school planner. Students late will immediately proceed to the Tardy Window to receive a pass in order to be admitted into class.
Lab Safety Guidelines
  1. Horse play will not be tolerated.
  2. Do not eat or drink in the lab. Water may be used on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Always have the lab instructions visible and follow them exactly.
  4. Only perform experiments/activities specifically assigned by the teacher.
  5. Before beginning an experiment, tie back long hair and roll up loose sleeves.
  6. Know the location of safety and emergency equipment in the classroom.
  7. Immediately report any accidents to the teacher – no matter how minor.
  8. Many labs will include outdoor explorations; please prepare (appropriate insect repellant, etc) and dress appropriately as directed.
  9. Do not apply cosmetics during lab activities.
  10. Keep your work area neat and clean your work area after completing the lab.
  11. Wear approved safety equipment (goggles, etc) as directed.
  12. In the event of a fire/fire alarm, quietly & orderly move to the room’s designated meeting place.
  13. Use extreme caution when handling sharp instruments.
  14. Inspect glassware before use; do not use cracked glassware.
  15. Do not taste, touch, or smell any laboratory materials, unless instructed by the teacher.
  16. Always carry a microscope using both hands.
Know the safety symbols listed in the textbook (pages xxx to xxxiv).

NOTE: You may send this acceptance electronically, or filled in below, and turned in.


I______have read and understand these expectations and understand that I will be held to these standards.

Name (sign)______

Date: ______

Student email address (if you have one): ______


I______have read and understand these expectations and understand that my student will be held to these standards.

Name (sign)______

Date: ______

Home phone number: ______

Cell phone number: ______

Parent email address: ______

Other comments/information: