• The Northern Locality has an estimated population of 39,540, equating to 21% of the Borough’s population (ONS mid 2011).
  • There are 7,505 children and young people (0-15) (19.0% of the population), 25,376 adults of working age (16-64) (64.2% of the population) and 6,645 adults of retirement age (65+) (16.8%) (Census 2011).
  • There are 5,122 families with dependent children living in the locality; this equates to 31.3% of households have dependent children, which is similar to the borough average of 31.5%. 1,314 (26.2%) of theseare lone parent families, which is lower than the borough average of 27.3% (Census 2011).
  • There are an estimated 16,375 occupied households, equating to 21% of the Borough’s households (TVU mid 2011).
  • 72% of residents own their home, higher than the borough average of 68%. 16% of households are social rented, slightly lower than the borough average of 17% (Census 2011).
  • 2.1% of the population classified themselves in a non-white ethnic group, which is lower than the Borough average of 5.4%. 1.0% of the population classified themselves as an Asian/ Asian British ethnic group, which is lower than the Borough average of 3.5% (Census 2011).
  • 20.2% of the population perceive their day-to-day activities to be limited a little or a lot, which is higher than the Borough average of 19.0% (Census 2011).
  • 6.6% of the population have bad or very bad health, which is higher than the Borough average of 6.3% (Census 2011).
  • Life expectancy at birth for males is 78.1 years, which is higher than the Borough average of 77.1 years. Life expectancy at birth for females is 83.0 years, which is higher than the Borough average of 81.4 years (2006-2010, Public Health England).

  • The locality experiences different levels of deprivation. The pockets of acute deprivation can be seen on the map, highlighted red.
  • The different levels of deprivation is also highlighted when looking at the wards within the locality, three of the six wards are within the 20% most deprived wards in the country (Billingham East, Billingham South and Billingham Central wards).


  • 38.7% of households are likely to have a net annual household income less than £20,000, which is lower than the borough average of 39.1% (Experian Mosaic Public Sector 2010).
  • 37.6% of households are likely to have no savings, which is lower than the borough average of 38.5% (Experian Mosaic Public Sector 2010).
  • 25.0% of households are likely to perceive their ability to cope as difficult or very difficult on their income, which is lower than the borough average of 26.3%(Experian Mosaic Public Sector 2010).
  • 21.9% of children live in poverty (where their families are in receipt of Child Tax Credits with less than 60% median income or in receipt of Income Support / Job Seekers Allowance); this is lower than the borough average of 22.5% (HMRC, 2011).
  • 17% of households are in fuel poverty, compared with 18% across the borough (TVU 2010).
  • 15.8% of children are eligible for Free School Meals, this is lower than the Borough average of 22.8% (Schools Census – Jan 2013).
  • 13.0% of working age residents receive key benefits, which is lower than the borough average of 14.6% (TVU May 2013).
  • The rate of acquisitive crime (including burglary, robbery, vehicle crime, shoplifting and other theft) was 20.33, which is lower than the borough average of 30.30 (Cleveland Police, 2012/13).


  • 71% of working age residents aged 16 to 64 year olds are employed, this is slightly higher than the Stockton Borough average of 69% (APS/TVU March 2013).
  • 3.8% of working age residents and 8.3% of 18 to 24 year olds are unemployed (TVU July 2013). Both rates are lower than the borough average of 5.3% and 11% respectively.
  • 25% of unemployed learners attending Tees Achieve courses were from the Northern Area (SBC 2012/13). This is higher than expected based upon the proportion of the unemployed people in the Borough living in this locality (16%).
  • Residents’ highest qualifications (Census 2011):
  • 23.1% of residents have no qualifications, which is lower than the borough average of 24.8%.
  • 6.1% have an apprenticeship, which is higher than the borough average of 5.2%.
  • 21.9% have a degree/HNC/Professional qualification, which is lower than the borough average of 22.8%.

Health and Social Care

  • 6.5% of births are low birth weight births, which are lower than the Borough average of 7.5% (2007-2011, Public Health England).
  • 58.8% of mothers are initiating breastfeeding soon after birth; this is higher than the Borough average of 50.2% (2012/13, Tees Valley Public Health Shared Service).
  • 9.4% of children in reception year were classified as obese, which is lower than the Borough average of 10.3%. However the percentage of children in year 6 classified as obese is more similar to the Borough average (20.4% compared with 20.8%), (2009/10-2011/12, Public Health England). 29.0% of adults have a BMI of 30+, which is higher than the Borough average of 27.7% (2006-8, Public Health England).
  • The rate of under 18 conceptions is 43 per 1,000 female population aged 15-17, this is lower than the rate for the Borough of 45 (ONS, 2008-10).
  • 18% of all active Children’s Social Care cases live in this locality, this is lower than the proportion of the Borough’s children and young people living there (20%) (RAISE, as of 21/8/13).


  • 39.2% of children have an overall “good” level of development in their Early Years education including literacy and math, which is lower than the Borough average of 41.0% (Schools Performance Tables, 2012).
  • The proportion of pupils who achieved 2 levels of progress in Key Stage 1 in English (89.2%) and Maths (87.7%) is lower than the achievement in the Borough (90.5% and 89.0% respectively) (Schools performance tables, 2012).
  • 81.0% of pupils achieved Level 4 or higher at Key Stage 2 in combined Maths and English, which is higher than the Borough average of 80.0% (Schools performance tables, 2012).
  • 62.8% of pupils achieved 5 or more GCSEs graded A*-C, including English and Maths, which is higher than the Borough average of 53.6% (TVU, 2012).
  • In 2012, 1.9% of the previous year’s school leavers were not in education, employment or training (NEET), which is lower than the borough average of 3.6% (TVU 2012).

Community Safety

  • The anti-social behaviour rate was 43.83, which is lower than the borough average of 63.20 (Cleveland Police, 2012/13).
  • The rate of domestic violence was 5.51, which is lower than the borough average of 5.65 (Cleveland Police, 2012/13).
  • 75% of residents are satisfied with the quality of housing in their local area, which is lower than the borough average of 77%. (Ipsos Mori – Residents Survey 2012).