The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 3rdday of May in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Kim E. Wilson, C. Chylene Whipple, C. Susie Hatch and C. Molly Keaton

Absent: Maintenance Jeff Pei

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey

Public in Attendance: Keith Hunt, Brandon Whipple, Dalan Wilkinson, Kelly Crane – Ensign Engineer

Meeting to Order: Mayor Kim E. Wilson

Pledge: Mayor Kim E. Wilson

Prayer: Lisa Wells

Roll Call: Mayor Kim E. Wilson

Approval of minutes: Motion to approve minutes of April council meeting: C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Susie Hatch Aye: All in attendance

Report of Officers:

Councilmember Susie Hatch:

Thanks to all involved for taking care of the Easter 5K and Egg Hunt. The 5K brought in $220 for the Old Church. Discussion was held regarding the 4th of July activities. The evening of the 3rd will be the gymkhana and Karaoke dance with the rest of the festivities on Tuesday July 4th. The town will be adding a motor cross event this year.

Owen Olsen of Castle Dale is coming on May 20th at 10am to meet with the Hanksville Chapter of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers regarding his input on restoring the old Burnell/Madsen cabin. This project will be by donation and local labor.

Councilmember Molly Keaton:

Cemetery cleanup scheduled for Tuesday, May 23rd, the Boy Scouts will help with the cleanup.

Councilmember Chylene Whipple:

The roof needs to be repaired on the little house at the housing. A request for bids needs to be sent out for that project so it can be in this budget year.

There is money from the TRT tax that needs to be spent on advertising; discussion of a placement for the restaurants that spotlight all the Hanksville businesses and also tri-fold brochures. This money needs to be spent on tourism for our town

Affordable Housing – no update on the broken window.

Mayor Kim E. Wilson:

Nothing to report

Maintenance Jeff Pei:


Treasurer Jessica Alvey:

Budget worksheet – each council member needs to look at their area and decide what upcoming projects they would like to complete and get that in the budget each year and then they need to spend the money budgeted each year.

Public hearing will be held in conjunction with the council meeting on June 1, 2017 for the budget. The budget will be available for the public to see at the clerk’s office.

Clerk Lisa Wells:

·  Bills were presented by the Mayor (see attached spreadsheet)

·  Motion to approve bills for payment C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Susie Hatch Aye: All in attendance.

·  Budget worksheet given to all council members to have budget items completed by next council meeting.

Tabled items:

Ordinance for Hanksville Town establishing a park rule of alcohol free zone during public functions and events.

Motion to approve Alcoholic beverage free zone during public functions and events Ordinance # 2017-07 including a sign at the park and rodeo ground. C. Susie Hatch; Second C. Molly Keaton. Roll call vote: Mayor Wilson – Aye, Chylene Whipple – Aye, Susie Hatch – Aye, Molly Keaton – Aye.

New Business and Public Comments:

Kelly Crane – Ensign has priced out several treatment facility operations and adjusted plans to make the system the most economical for the Town of Hanksville. There are very few times that all 3 wells need to be on at the same time, the system has been sized to last about 5 years with the primary wells running are the 2 located in town. The Navajo well has a little higher phosphorus level so the plan is to use this well as the backup well only. (See the updated map attached for the water project.) $1,076,000 is roughly the cost of this plan for an arsenic treatment facility. Ensign is hoping that the funding package will reflect the loan amount staying the same as the original application and the rest will be awarded grant funding; this is what Ensign anticipates but they cannot guarantee this funding package. The next funding meeting with Division of Drinking water will be July 14th. Jessica Alvey asked Ensign about the possibility of putting a reverse osmosis (RO) system into each home instead of the treatment facility. The EPA website had the RO system as an option for arsenic treatment in small towns, why isn’t this a good option for Hanksville? Ensign said they did look into that system and ran the numbers and it would be more expensive to place an RO system in each house than putting in a treatment facility.

Brandon Whipple – Duke Alvey has taken care of the fireworks and has stored the canisters in the past but he has expressed that the town needs to have a space to store the canisters and the fireworks when they are delivered.

Discussion of purchasing a storage container for the town; council agreed that this is needed. Mayor will look into prices.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Susie Hatch Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 7:00 pm

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