Peace United Church of Christ Personnel Policy Approved by Governing Body on 5/14/2012
Note: This policy is subject to change depending upon changing financial, staffing or other circumstances.
I Structure At Peace United Church of Christ, staff members, either full-time salaried, part-time salaried or part-time hourly, are supervised by the Pastor, in consultation with the People Team (with exception of the Associate Director of Music who reports to the Director of Music). The Pastor, the Director of Music, and the Administrative Assistant meet regularly. Contacts between each Governing Body Team and staff person are shown here:
- Facilities Team: Pastoral Associate (clergy serving in volunteer capacity)
- Finance Team: Pastoral Associate (clergy serving in volunteer capacity)
- Worship Team: Director of Music, Part-time salaried-A; Associate Director of Music, Part-time salaried-B,
- Community Team:
- Learning Team: Student Pastor, A field experience with honorarium (paid as a weekly stipend)
- Servant Team: Campus Minister (clergy serving in volunteer capacity)
- People Team: Administrative Assistant, Part-time salaried-A; Communications Coordinator: Part-time salaried-B
- Crib Room Attendant: Part-time hourly
- Sunday Custodian: Part-time hourly (paid as a weekly stipend)
I.a. Definitions
Full-time salaried: Persons hired to work the normal workweek of at least 37 ½ hours. These employees are eligible for vacation, sick and personal leave, paid holidays, life/disability insurance, health/dental benefits, flexible medical reimbursement plan, flexible dependent care reimbursement plan and enrollment in the retirement plan in accordance with Peace United Church of Christ’s policy as described in this handbook. The Pastor is, currently, the only full-time salaried employee.The Pastor’s benefit package is stated in the contract for the Pastor.
Part-time salaried-A:(at least 20 hours)Persons hired to routinely work fewer than 37 ½ hours per week, but at least 20 hours per week. These employees are eligible for prorated vacation, sick and personal leave. These employees may participate, by making the full-required contribution for the specific benefit, at their own expense, in the life/disability insurance, health/dental benefits, and the retirement plan in accordance with Peace United Church of Christ’s policy as described in Section V-B of this handbook. There is no church contribution for these benefits. Part-time salaried-A employees are eligible for paid holidays. Compensatory time off will be granted for hours worked in excess of expectations (as defined by the pastor and people team during onset of employment) with prior approval from the Pastor. All authorized compensatory time must be taken within two weeks of accrual. The Administrative Assistant and Director of Music are part-time salaried-A employees working at least 20 hours a week.
Part-time salaried B: (at least 10 hours) Persons hired to routinely work fewer than 20 hours per week, but at least 10 hours per week. These employees are eligible for prorated vacation. For present purposes, these employees are not eligible for sick or personal leave, paid holidays, life/disability insurance, health/dental benefits or enrollment in the retirement plan, in accordance with, Peace United Church of Christ’s policy as described in Section –B of this handbook. Compensatory time off will be granted for hours worked in excess of expectations (as defined by the pastor and people team during onset of employment) with prior approval from the Pastor. All authorized compensatory time must be taken within two weeks of accrual. The Communications Coordinator and Associate Director of Music are part-time salaried-B employees.
Part-time hourly: (less than 10 hours) Persons hired to routinely work fewer than 10 hours per week. For present purposes, these employees are not eligible for prorated vacation, sick or personal leave, paid holidays, life/disability insurance, health/dental benefits or enrollment in the retirement plan, in accordance with Peace United Church of Christ’s policy as described in Section V-B of this handbook. The Crib Room Attendant and Sunday Custodian are part-time hourly employees.
Student Pastor: Peace United Church of Christ participates in the Field Education program of Eden Theological Seminary, and may have one or more students “on staff” throughout the year, including summer. Time and compensation agreements are worked out individually with each student, to meet needs of Peace United Church of Christ, Eden Seminary and the student. The Field Education student is supervised by the Pastor.
II Salary Salary is negotiated at the time of employment. Within the constraints of annual budgetary considerations and as much as possible in line with guidelines established by the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the UCC (MMSCUCC), the People Team, in consultation with the Pastor, recommends full-time salaried, part-time salaried and part-time hourly merit increases to the Finance Team, which in turn recommends increases to the Governing Body as part of a proposed budget for the following year. Pastoral increases may be based on a variety of considerations as part of a caring conversation, including but not limited to: benchmark data and expectations; an increase in the cost of living; meritorious service or increased responsibilities. The salary request reflects the congregation’s intentions to take seriously its calling of the Pastor. Increases are presented to the congregation at the January annual meeting for its vote.
Merit increases for full-time salaried and part-time salaried employees are based on annual performance reviews (see sections IV-A and IV-B below) within the constraints of annual budgetary considerations and as much as possible in line with guidelines established by the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the UCC (MMSCUCC), as well as on a variety of considerations as part of a caring conversation, including but not limited to: benchmark data and expectations; an increase in the cost of living; meritorious service or increased responsibilities. As noted above, the People Team presents requests for increases to the Governing Body. The Finance Team will determine the most feasible way to update pay.
III-ASearch and Hiring Procedures: Pastor In the event ofneed to call a Pastor, the Governing Body will appoint a Search Committee, which will consult for guidance the MMSCUCC “Pilgrimage through Search” document. Terms of the Pastor’s employment, benefits, vacation and professional sabbatical are outlined in the contract between the called Pastor and the Governing Body, on behalf of the congregation. Contract terms are reviewed annually by the Chair of the People Team and the Pastor.
III-B Hiring Procedures: Part-time salaried and Part-time hourly Employees The MMSCUCC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and as such supports open search processes for filling vacancies. The People Team is responsible for recruiting and hiring all part-time salaried and part-time hourly employees, while the Governing Body approves the staff configuration of the church.
Employment for all paid and endorsement for volunteer positions is contingent upon satisfactory completion of an employment application form and an employment disclosure form, or a volunteer application /disclosure form; and a State of Missouri background check, in compliance with current Safe Church policy requirements.
Peace United Church of Christ is an “at will” employer, meaning either Peace United Church of Christ or its employees can terminate the relationship at any time, for any or no reason, with or without notice.
IV-A Ministry Review Process: On a scheduled basis (for example, every 18 months) a Pastoral Care Committee and/or the People Team facilitates a ministry review process for the congregation, to review and offer feedback on our shared ministry. The results are shared with the Pastor and staff, which then develops plans to build on strengths and to address opportunities for improvement. All documents are to be kept in a locked file in the church office, accessible only the Chair of the People Team or designee.
IV-BEmployee Review Process: Salaried employees, in consultation with the Pastor, develop mutually agreed on goals and development plans for the following twelve-month period. Throughout the year, the Pastor meets with each employee to discuss progress, provide feedback and mutually adjust goals, if necessary. At the end of the twelve-month period, the Pastor and each employee provides a written performance review and meets to discuss. The performance reviews become a permanent part of the employee’s personnel record. All evaluation documents are to be kept in a locked file in the church office, accessible only by the Chair of the People Team or designee. Suggested time frame for employment review process: Goal Setting: September, Mid-Year Evaluations: March, Year-End Evaluations: August.
V-A Employee Benefits – Pastor The benefit package for the Pastor is stated in the contract for the Pastor.
V-B Employee Benefits (for non-clergy staff)
- Health Insurance: Part-time salaried-A employees
Applicable only to full-time salaried and part-time salaried-A employees. Employees who are scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week but less than 37 ½ hours are eligible to enroll in the UCC Pension Board’s health benefit plan at their own cost. Individuals who have been employed more than ninety (90) days of employment are subject to providing evidence of good health. There is no insurance coverage for part-time salaried-B or part-time hourly employees.
- Health Insurance: Full-time salaried employees
To provide a measure of security for Peace United Church of Christ and its full-time salaried employees, a health insurance benefit is provided.
These employees are covered under a health benefits plan of the UCC Pension Board. This is a comprehensive program covering in part outpatient treatment, drugs, mental health, dental care and hospitalization. The full cost of the employee’s insurance premium is paid by Peace United Church of Christ.
The deadline by which to apply after employment or after any status change is ninety (90) calendar days from the date of hire or the change in status.
If the employee already is covered by another health insurance plan, and elects not to participate in the UCC Pension Board plan, this benefit may not be taken as additional coverage. Peace United Church of Christ will make a payment of equal value to another carrier for supplemental coverage on behalf of the employee and/or his/her immediate family [partner and or dependent children up to age 26].
The employee also may direct Peace United Church of Christ to pay a portion of their compensation directly to an insurance carrier on their behalf. A signed and dated written request to participate or not must be on file in the church office, in a locked file, accessible only the Chair of the Finance Team or her/his designee.
In the event of termination of employment – voluntary or involuntary for cause -- prior to the expiration of any paid insurance policy, that portion will be reimbursed by the employee, upon consideration of extenuating circumstances. Two weeks’ notice of termination is required, unless waived by the Governing Body.
- Retirement Plan
Peace United Church of Christ participates in the UCC Pension Board pension plan, open to all full-time salaried employees. A Part-time employee may elect to make contributions to a pension plan through the UCC Pension Board. This decision can be made at any time during their employment at Peace United Church of Christ. The minimum contribution is twenty-five (25) dollars per month. Arrangements can be made to make these payments by withholding the selected amounts from the individuals’ paycheck and forwarding the pension contribution to the UCC Pension Board.
- Social Security
Retirement, disability and survivor’s benefits are provided in compliance with existing federal law. The Pastor makes the total payment as a self-employed person. For all other employees, the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare payments is withheld from each paycheck and forwarded to the Social Security Administration on the employee’s behalf. Peace United Church of Christ will include the employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare payments in remittances to the Social Security Administration.
- Workers’ Compensation
Employees who are unable to work as a result of an illness or injury occurring in the course and scope of employment may be entitled to benefits under Missouri’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance program. Workers’ Compensation and FMLA leaves run concurrently. Accidents or injuries that occur on Peace United Church of Christ premises or during performance of assigned duties must be reported promptly (within 48 hours) to the Pastor and to the People Team.
- Unemployment Compensation
Peace United Church of Christ is exempt from the unemployment law. Employees are therefore not eligible for unemployment compensation when leaving the church’s employment.
- Holidays
Full-time salaried and Part-time salaried-A employees are paid for eight (8) holidays. If falling on a Saturday, the holiday is to be taken on the preceding Friday; if falling on a Sunday, it is taken on the following Monday. Recognized holidays include: New Year’s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day following, and Christmas Day.
- Personal Leave
Full-time and Part-time salaried-A employees are paid for two personal leave days, per calendar year. To enable employees to conduct personal business, bereavement time, and deal with emergencies, including inclement weather, on the rare occasion when it is necessary to be absent from work for reasons other than those covered under other leave policies. It is not meant to be used as additional vacation. Personal leave days are not cumulative and not compensable if not taken prior to termination of employment.
- Vacation Time
Full-time and part-time salaried A & B employees are entitled to vacation with pay as approved with sufficient advance notice to the Pastor, to allow for arranging of needed coverage. No more than 5 days may be carried over to the following calendar year. Unused vacation time has no cash value at termination of employment. Employees must track their vacation balance.
Accrued vacation time is based upon the calendar year. During the first year of employment, one week’s vacation will be earned for each 6 months worked up to a total of two weeks. Thereafter, the following vacation time schedule based on completed calendar years employed is in effect:
Full-time salaried employees:
1-4 years 2 weeks paid vacation
5-10 years3 weeks paid vacation
After 10 years4 weeks paid vacation
Part-time salaried employees:
1-4 years# of hours per week x 2 = # hours per year
5-10 years# of hours per week x 3 = # of hours per year
After 10 years# of hours per week x 4 = # of hours per year
- Sick leave
Only full-time salaried and part-time salaried-A employees earn paid sick leave. Full-time salaried employees earn paid sick leave at the rate of one day per each month worked, beginning only with the fourth (4th) month. Days may be carried over from year to year up to a maximum of 30 days.
Part-time salaried A employees earn paid sick leave at a pro-rata rate (i.e., an individual who is scheduled to work 30 hours per week [75% of a work week] would earn six (6) hours of sick leave per each month worked, beginning only with the fourth (4th) month. Days may be carried over from year to year up to a maximum of22.5 days [75% of 30].
When paid sick days are used, the process of accumulation automatically goes into operation until the employee again reaches the maximum for their category of employment, at which time no further accumulation takes place until the days are again used. Extenuating circumstances will be considered by the People Team, upon recommendation of the Pastor. Use of sick leave is to be in 4 hour increments or greater.
It is the employee’s responsibility to report sick days to their supervisor and track their sick leave balance. Sick days have no cash value upon termination of employment, and must be used while employed. No payout is available for unused sick days.
- Jury Duty
Full-time salaried and part-time salaried employees will receive regular pay during jury duty. The Pastor must be notified immediately upon receipt of the jury summons, to allow for arranging for needed coverage.
- Continuing Education / Travel Allowance
Full-time salaried employees may receive a continuing education allowance or paid time off for development or improvement of church-related job skills. Pre-approval by the Pastor is required for individuals under her/his supervision. If the Pastor elects to use this benefit, s/he must advise the People Team of time anticipated to be gone, to allow for arranging for needed coverage.
Per-mile reimbursement for church-related business travel will be made at the currently prevailing rate. All travel requests must be pre-approved by the Pastor for individuals under her/his supervision.