Program Learning Outcomes:

Explain what engineers do and how it differs from what scientists do;

Clearly picture the engineering profession in order to make an informed vocational decision;

Acquire skills in working as a team;

Develop creative capacities by understanding and applying the engineering design process;

Developing skill in expressing one’s self orally and in writing;

Learning how to find and use resources for answering questions and solving problems.

Credit Hour(s): This is a traditional, 3- credit hour course. Each credit hour earned in this course requires at least 15 contact hours and a minimum of 30 hours of student homework. Thus, expect to attend class for 3 hours each week, and dedicate at least 6 hours to homework.

Academic Honesty:

The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor policy on academic integrity applies to all courses. UMHB expects the highest standards of academic integrity among all members of the campus community. All acts of plagiarism or violations of academic honesty are considered serious offenses and may result in failure of the assignment or the course.

Special Accommodations:

It is the student’s responsibility to request disability accommodations. If you require an accommodation for a disability, contact the UMHB Counseling, Testing & Health Services as early as possible in the term. The Course Catalog, Student Handbook and UMHB website provide more details regarding the process by which accommodation requests will be reviewed.

Assignments and Grading:

In-Class Assignments15%

Quizzes and Homework15%

Matlab Project and Presentation20%

Exams (3)30%

Comprehensive Final Exam20%

Final Exam: 10:30 AM ‐ 12:30 PM, Monday, December 7

Grade Distribution:

90 – 100A

80 – < 90B

70 – < 80C

60 – < 70D

< 60F

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Late Work Policy:

Makeup examinations will be given only under extenuating circumstances (major illness, death in the family, etc.). Students desiring a Makeup examination or quiz must make arrangements with the professor. A Makeup examination must be scheduled before the next scheduled examination. If a student fails to take a Makeup examination before the next scheduled examination, that student will receive a zero for the examination missed. Late assignments are not accepted (homework, quizzes, in-class activities).

Academic Decorum:

Supportive actions include:

Attend all classes from beginning to end. Be on time.

Come to class prepared. (ex. Reading text, assignments completed, etc.)

Take all exams at the scheduled times.

Be attentive and responsive in class.

Respect the course instructor and fellow students (opinions and ideas).

Contribute to the class by making topic-specific comments.

Be diligent in your homework and learning. This class requires participation. The sooner you attempt your homework/assignments/ask questions, the more likely you are to succeed.

If needed, seek help by arranging a meeting with me, or I can put you in touch with someone who can better assist you.

Examples of disruptive behaviors to avoid include:

Talking, sleeping, or otherwise distracting members of the class.

Using electronic devices for personal use.

Exhibiting argumentative or attention-seeking behavior.

Failing to show respect or act with civility.


This syllabus is subject to change during the semester. Changes will be announced in class

and reflected on the materials available at

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