Hidden LakePOA of McDowellCounty

Meeting Minutes –February 13, 2016

Location, Date & Time: Marty Martin’s home; February 13, 2016 at 11:00 am

Board Members Present:Marty Martin, Ken Watts, Cindy McLeod, Pat Grandelli by phone

Board Members Absent:none

Property Owners Present:Roger Warren (treasurer), Denise Martin

Quorum Met?yes

Meeting was called to order by Marty Martin at 11:00 AM.

Motion: Minutes for the January 9th board meeting were sent to each of the board members prior to the meeting for review and any corrections. Marty made a motion to approve the minutes. Cindy seconded the motion. The motion passed. The minutes will be sent to be published on the Hidden Lake POA website.

Treasurer’s Report:

Motion: Roger Warren sent out January financials prior to the board meeting to each board member to review. Roger answered questions on January finances. Marty made a motion to accept the financials. Pat seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Motion: Roger sent out the Revised 2015 Balance Sheet reflecting the transfer of surplus from General Fund to Capital Reserve Funds prior to the board meeting. Marty made a motion to accept the Revised 2015 Balance Sheet. Pat seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Motion: Roger Warren passed out the Proposed 2016 Operating Budget Sheet. Marty made a motion to accept the Proposed 2016 Operating Budget. Ken seconded the motion. The motion passed

-In accordance of bylaws, the board set the date for the meeting to consider ratification of the Budget to be Saturday, March 12th at 11:00 at Marty Martin’s home prior to the board meeting. In accordance with the bylaws, Roger will send out the notification to all owners of the meeting with the summary of the budget.

-Roger informed the board that he had to reapply for exemption for property taxes for common areas.

President’s Report:

-Marty informed the board that he had received Sandi Maki’s resignation from the board effective immediately.

Motion: Marty made a motion that Cindy McLeod be nominated as office of Secretary. Ken seconded the motion. The motion passed. Cindy McLeod will also be the board liaison for the pool committee.

-The annual POA meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, June 18th

at 1:00 pm at the Social Hall at DysartsvilleBaptistChurch pending availability of the Social Hall. Roger to schedule meeting.

-Reviewed the information Theresa Carr sent about membership with McDowell Chamber of Commerce. The yearly fee is $175 (HL qualifies for the non-profit organizations rate) which allows brochures in both Marion and Old Fort visitor centers.

Motion: Ken made a motion for HiddenLake to apply for membership with McDowell Chamber of Commerce in which allows us to put brochures about HiddenLake at the 2 visitor centers. Pat seconded the motion. The motion passed.

-Cindy McLeod will work with Koreen Marx on creating the brochure.

-Marty will take care of the application for membership.

Treasurer’s Summary General Fund Financial Report:


Jan, 2016Jan, 2016

ExpensesPool -$27 -$27

Electricity $182 $182 Roadside Maintenance -$1,333 -$1,333 Administrative 0 0 Insurance 0 0 Committees 0 0 Gate Maintenance $200 $200 ______All Other______0______0

______Total Expenses______-$978______-$978

Income___Dues and Late Fees______$3______$3

Total Income$48,450______$48,450

Net Income (Expense)______$49,431______$49, 431

Roads & Parks Committee:

(Warren Zibelin, chair; board liaison Ken Watts)

-Ken reported that he has started the process at looking into the timer on the gate but has gotten no response.

- The sign stating “No Outlet” has been put up atPanorama Rd.

-1st phase of the cleaning out of the culvert’s (Jon’s Forest, Mentink and Shoal Creek Roads) has been completed. Ken will get the estimated cost for the 2nd phase.

-Ken has informational signs advertising HiddenLake. Three signs will be placed along road sides near the community.

-Ken will check on the cost of putting gravel down on certain roads.

-Ken is continuing to work on the building of the 2 community information boards (at entrance and at the pool).

-The board discussed the putting up of a wooden, swinging sign that hangs below the main HiddenLake sign at the entrance to inform potential buyers of a phone number to contact. The board will have a burn phone that interested people can call. Board members and others will answer the phone for a certain period of time. Ken will work on getting a sign and a phone.

Motion: Marty made a motion to have a sign hanging below the main entrance sign made with a phone number for information. Ken seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Motion: Ken presented the gate maintenance proposal contract with Advanced Entry Systems to cover 3 gates for the year. Ken made a made a motion to accept the contract. Cindy seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Pool Committee:

(Suzanne Reiersen, chair; board liaison Cindy McLeod)

-Cindy McLeod will contact Suzie to go over the list from the November board meeting of items that the pool committee needs to address.

-The board discussed expanding the walkway at the top of the stairs into a deck area with picnic tables and benches. This will create a designated food/beverage area at the pool plus give greater seating area. Marty and Ken will investigate.

Architectural Review (ARC) Committee:

(Roger Warren, chair; board liaison Pat Grandelli)

Nothing to report.

Welcoming Committee:

(Theresa Carr, chair; board liaison Cindy McLeod)

Nothing to report.

Communications Committee:

(David Farris, chair; board liaison Pat Grandelli)

-Pat informed that the website has been updated in regard to the officers and board members.

-Pat is working with Ron on cleaning up the website.

Motion: Marty made a motion for the board liaison to the communications committee (Pat Grandelli) to have access to website and passwords. Ken seconded the motion. The motion passed.

HLCC Committee:

(Max McLeod, chair; board liaison, Marty Martin)

-Marty reported that the HLCC met on January 30th and Max McLeod was elected chairperson. The committee had a brainstorming session.

-Max is obtaining quotes for clearing the existing driveway on lot 19 for additional parking (with a railing for safety) for the pool/park.

-The HLCC committee sent out an email to owners asking for suggestions of ideas of how to use lot 19 and keep everyone up to date on what is going on.

Old Business:

-Sandra and Roger Warren are hosting a Get Acquainted Event on Thursday, February 18th at 7:00 pm at their home. Dave Farris will present an introduction and answer any questions on the website Next Door Neighbor.

-Cindy McLeod will contact Terre Colabella about the sign up sheet from last year’s annual meeting about participation with the Neighborhood Watch Program. In process of starting this program up for HiddenLake.

-Marty continues to work on getting quotes and suggestions about security cameras at the main entrance, back gate, and the pool.

-The board reviewed the items to be addressed under topics of Pool, Vehicles, and Common Areas for Rules and Regulations. The board will review the next set of items under the topics of Noise, Vandalism, and Behavior at our next meeting.

New Business:

Date and Time for next board meeting:

Next board meeting will be Saturday, March 12th, at 11:00 am at Marty Martin’s home.

Since here was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy McLeod
