/ Regimental Headquarters RAVC
TheFormer ArmyStaffCollege, SlimRoad, CAMBERLEY,
Surrey GU154NP
Telephone:(01276)412749 Military Network: 94261 - 2749
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See Distribution / Reference: / RHQ/29/5/1
Date: / 20 May 2016



On friday 22 APRIL 2016

Lt Gen Sir JR Everard KCB CBE
Col DA Macdonald QHVS
Col NC Smith
Lt Col S Foreman
Lt Col M Morrison
Lt Col C Ham MBE
Lt Col C Whittle
Maj M Thompson MBE
WO1 (CRSM) S Roberts
WO1 (RSM) A Dodds
Lt Col A DuBaree / Col Comdt
Hon Col Comdt
CO 1 MWD Regt
Chairman RAVC Assoc
Senior RAVC Res
Senior RAVC LE Offr
Corps RSM
Regimental Secretary / Chairman
Miss S Cranwell-Child
Mr R McIntosh / Bookkeeper
Researcher/Author RAVC History
1. The Chairman opened the meeting by thanking everyone present for their attendance. A special welcome was extended to Lt Col Whittle and WO1 (RSM) Dodds who were attending the Council meeting for the first time.
2. The Chairman also announced the appointment of WO1 S Roberts as the
new RAVC Corps RSM.
3. Prior to the meeting starting, the Council celebrated the Knighthood of their Colonel Commandant, Lt Gen Sir James Rupert Everard KCB CBE who received this honour in Her Majesty The Queen New Year Honours for 2016.
4. The minutes of the RAVC Corps Council meeting of 6 Nov 15 had been
circulated and were accepted as a true record, and a copy of which was duly signed by the chairman.
Proposer: Col DA Macdonald
Seconder: Col NC Smith
5. There were no matters arising.
6. Investment update.
a.  An update from the Investment Manager covering the period Dec 15
to Mar 16 was made available. During the last quarter, the Welfare and Benevolent Fund had fallen in value and was showing a negative performance against benchmark, whilst Central Fund had shown an increase in value and was out performing the benchmark over the same period.
b.  A number of investment changes had been made in the Welfare and
Benevolent Fund during the last quarter period to provide further diversification with a view of enhancing the overall future performance.
c.  A full copy of the quarterly period report was made available for the
Trustees to read.
7. Financial State. In the absence of the Bookkeeper, the Regt Sec presented the balances as at 20 Apr 16. The financial state for both Welfare and Benevolence and Central Funds continued to be in a healthy state. The Corps funds have seen an increase circa £138k since 2012. The financial state was agreed by all.
Proposer: Lt Col M Morrison Seconder: WO1 (RSM) S Roberts
Chiron Calling
8. The Autumn edition of Chiron Calling was due to be published in the following fortnight and the Regt Sec reiterate his thanks to COs DAC and 1 MWD Regt, as well as their respective Adjts and RSMs for the continued support in producing the articles for Chiron Calling. The front cover was showing a picture of Capt Caroline Bullard show jumping at Olympia in Dec 15 and also a photo of Lt Col Melissa Bowerman in Antarctica.
9. A ‘Page Turning’ version of the magazine could also be accessed through the RAVC Association website. The deadline for articles for the Autumn 2016 edition is 29 Jul 16.
Tree Dedication - RAVC Memorial at the NMA
10. There was a Tree Dedication service taking place at the RAVC memorial at the NMA on Fri 27 May 16 to commemorate the members of the Corps who had sacrificed their lives in the call of duty. These were Cpl Criddle, LCpl Tasker and LCpl Rowe who were KIA in NI and Afghanistan.
11. Revd Roy Burley, the officiating Chaplain to the DAC would be taking the service which would start at 1130 hrs. This would be followed by a light lunch in a marquée close to the visitors Centre.
Chattels for the Messes at North Luffenham
12. The Regt Sec had delivered 16 pieces of silver to 1 MWD Regt destined for the Offrs’ and Sgts’ Messes at North Luffenham. There were also six framed replica Dickin Medals together with their respective citations on order for 1 MWD Regt.
Days Pay Scheme
13. The monthly revenue from the DPS was around £2.7k and for the first time, there were 100% RAVC regular serving members subscribing to the DPS. This could not have been achieved without the help of the RSM DAC and the RSM of 1 MWD Regt.
14. Provisions were being made for the RAVC Reservists to join the DPS during the current financial year.
AVC Mosaic Floor – Fitzwygram House
15. WO1 Blackmore and the Regt Sec visited Fitzwygram House in Aldershot with a view to claiming the mosaic AVC badge that was inset on the floor, in the entrance of this building. Owing to the historical interest in the building, the developers, Grainger Plc had agreed to preserve the mosaic AVC badge in the entrance floor.
16. Fitzwygram House had been designated a Grade II listed building by English Heritage for the following principal reasons:
* It is a rare survivor, illustrative of the development of veterinary science, research and training in the late C19 and early C20, a parallel in a military context to the growth of the Royal Veterinary College, very little of the original fabric of which survives.
* It has special historic interest as the home of the Army Veterinary School; this is illustrated by its highly functional and thoughtful design.
* All elements of the building survive intact, including plan form and decorative detail.
Whilst Fitzwygram House was being converted into four luxury apartments, we had been advised by the developer that the AVC badge would be preserved and would form part of the history about the redevelopment of Aldershot Garrison.
17. In the absence of Mr Rob McIntosh, the Regt Sec explained that much progress had been made with a series of interviews and information gathering from serving and ex-serving members of the Corps over the last six months and that Mr McIntosh was planning to start writing in the next few weeks.
18. There were still a number of testimonies to be taken from key serving and retired members of the Corps and this would be conducted concurrently during the writing phase. It was hoped that a draft covering the period from 1961 would be ready by the end of the year.
ITEM 7 – Updates
19. DAC. CO DAC gave the following update on his unit:
a.  The Defence Animal Centre had successfully delivered all mandated
outputs for TY15/16, whilst supporting a broad range of events for RAVC veterans and for the Melton Borough and Leicestershire community. Most at the unit had attended adventure training during the year and there had been plenty of sporting success.
b.  The way business was done at the Defence Animal Centre was being
reviewed as part of the ARTD Training and Development Programme. This would seek to deliver efficiencies within the unit over the next few years. It may lead to the outsourcing of some activities and the further rationalisation of the unit’s structure. This could also see a reduction in the number of RAVC personnel employed on the site. The DAC project would go through Initial Gate in Jul 16, with Main Gate anticipated to be late 2017.
c.  A number of infrastructure reviews were underway, which could
impact on the estate footprint at Melton Mowbray.
d.  Changes to the nature of the DAC, the strengthening 1MWD Regt
presence in North Luffenham and changes to the CVO (A) staff component could influence the future shape and direction of the RAVC.
e.  In order that it can support and not compete with HM The Queen’s
official birthday celebrations in Melton Town Centre on the week-end of 11-12 Jun, DAC had decided to cancel its Open Day 2016. Instead, the DAC would be part of the 7 Brigade Open Day in Kendrew Barracks on 21 May. Separately, the unit would open up and lay on some activities for veterans and their families during the Corps Reunion week-end in September to enhance the experience on that occasion for those attending.
20. 1 MWD Regt RAVC. CO 1 MWD Regt gave the following update on his Regiment:
a.  Operations and Training. There were a number of soldiers from
the Regiment who were engaged on various Operations, including some MACP tasking. There were also several training activities taking place both in the UK and abroad.
b.  Manning. The Regiment was enduring a period of manning
shortage with Veterinary Officers, Troop Commanders and Veterinary Technicians, and there were a number of RAMC (LE) officers who had been posted in to fill in some gaps.
c.  Reserves. CO 1 MWD Regt thanked Lt Col Whittle for her help with
the setting up of RAVC Reserve recruiting nationally. It was also intended to raise a third Reserve Squadron from within existing liability to create a better Reserve career structure. The CO had also proposed for RAVC reservists to train with their local Reserve units on the General Training Syllabus, but would attend Special to Arms training at North Luffenham on set weekends.
d.  Cadets. There was a Cadet detachment from the Lancashire,
Northamptonshire and Rutland ACF that was based at North Luffenham and the CO 1 MWD Regt had approached OC this detachment to offer an affiliation with the Regiment and the RAVC. The Council would be updated on this matter at their next meeting.
21. RAVC Association. The Chairman of the RAVC Association briefed the Council on the following:
a.  Association Members Recruiting. The Melton Branch had
launched a recruiting campaign locally to encourage serving and ex-serving members of the RAVC living in the Melton Mowbray area to join the Branch. This campaign would include advertisements in the local papers and Radio.
b.  RAVC Morning Service at the RH Chelsea. As there had been a
lack of officers attending this key event in the past, the Chairman RAVC Association requested that RAVC units promoted attendance at this year’s RAVC Morning Service which would be on Sunday 3 July 2016.
22. 1 MWD Regt had approached Ms Claire Balding as a potential candidate as the Regiment’s Hon Col, but she was unable to accept this request owing to other commitments. The Regiment was approaching a new candidate for this appointment.
23 The Chairman thanked everyone for their contribution to the meeting. The next RAVC Council meeting will be held from 1030 hrs on Fri 4 Nov 16, at the Army Headquarters in Andover. / Regt Sec
Regt Sec
Regt Sec
Regt Sec
Regt Sec
Regt Sec
CO 1MWD Regt

Original signed


Lt Col



1. Investment Report


All Cttee Members

Copy to:

SGD – ACDS Med Op Cap

1 MWD Regt – Adjt, RSM

DAC - Adjt

HQ AMD – SO3 Vet Trg & Eqpt

RAVC Assn Cttee


Fund Manager
