From: karenhudes
Subject: Global Governance
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 17:22:26 -0400

This is to forward the information that I have previously provided to the New York Missions to the UN, as well as background information on the US Constitutional crisis. Wolfgang Struck is the authorized signatory on the Global Debt Facility established by Ferdinand Marcos.
State capture by this unscrupulous "network of control", identified by three mathematicians in this study:

has been sufficiently disclosed and it is no longer viable. The US Military is no longer backing this "network of control", despite membership of treasonous high ranking military officers in the Knights of Malta.
I have been following an accurate power transition model
[ ]
which has been predicting that the network of control would be subject to the rule of law ever since Elaine Colville, another World Bank Whistleblower, and I got our disclosures of corruption in the international financial system up on the website of the UK Parliament House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee. See page 186 of the report on Complaints: Do They Make a Difference? "Today's dire circumstances call for immediate and forceful intervention in the hope that timestill remains." and Elaine Colville's complaint on page 178 "It devolves on Parliament to sort out this egregious state of affairs."

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

From: karenhudes
To: Wolfgang Struck
Subject: Installment No. 2
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 01:00:43 -0400

I had just typed a paragraph explaining how difficult it proved to purchase a connecting ticket from Washington to the correct airport at the correct time, and so I took a late bus and got to the right airport by land transport. This is a long-winded answer to your question about how it feels to be here. Maybe we will not continue to be lucky, but just maybe we will. Izumi can translate for you the fortune from the Asakusa Shrine with which the Shinto gods favored me during the Sanja Festival.
We are standing on the shoulders of giants. Some of the giants may have been facing in the wrong direction, but the fact remains that they have given us Paragraph 6 of this agreement and it now applies. They have also given us Article V of the US Constitution, and it now applies as well, as US citizens are reminding their legal professionals in the dialogue in the American Bar Association Journal following my intervention at paragraph 58 in the comments section

As for the Jewish Bankers. They are standing there in their birthday suits. Even Judaism is standing there in its birthday suit, with Akenaten as Abraham. The Jewish Bankers are no longer able to hide behind the nation of Israel or the religion of Judaism.
Where are we? Most happily, the political science experts have given us this power transition model to explain

The Philippine legal system does not overrule international securities law. The 188 Ministers of Finance are obligated to bring the financial statements of the World Bank into compliance, and that means replacing Allied Barton, the World Bank's security guards, and permitting me to continue to implement
It up to us to apply the above ingredients in the correct order before permanent gold backwardation sets in. Fortunately, the power transition model is giving us 90-95% odds of success.

From: karenhudes
To: Wolfgang Struck
Subject: RE: An accurate power transition model predicts this outcome with 95% likelihood
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 00:18:56 -0400

Dear Wolfgang,
It feels great being on this side of the world, especially knowing that I only made it here because the Japanese government ignored the Cabal and Japanese immigration authorities admitted me without a return ticket in defiance of the Cabal. This is after Hawaii Airlines, owned by the Cabal, illegally tried to refuse giving me the boarding card for the airline ticket I had purchased, and after the Cabal hacked into my computer and prevented me from purchasing a ticket in the Hawaiian departure lounge, and the Hawaii Airlines clerk refused to purchase me a refundable ticket out of Japan. T
I will have to send you this in installments; there is a gremlin in my computer that erases the text as fast as I write it.

Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 12:03:45 +0800
Subject: Re: An accurate power transition model predicts this outcome with 95% likelihood
From: Wolfgang Struck
To: karenhudes

Dear Karen in Tokyo,

How does it feel this side of the world? Make yourself comfortable and let's get started. Before anything else, I have to re-emphasize my glass-clear point of view: I am not representing what you gallantly phrase "The world's gold which Ferdinand Marcos sequestered in the Global Debt Facility is coming out of hiding" and/or"The Bretton Woods institutional framework, set up by Ferdinand Marcos to oversee the world’s wealth, is very much in existence and governs the transition to sound currencies."

I believe we are worlds apart in this fundamental aspect. Ferdinand Marcos did not set up the Bretton Woods institutional framework (in 1944 when he was 27 years old and not even a featherweight in politics) to oversee the world’s wealth. The Jewish bankers who financed both sides in the war, as they always do, did that to set the tone for the take-over of what would be left in ruins after the war. For me, the Bretton Woods institutions are the enemy. They keep everything in hiding. They block your “coming out of hiding.” They block your “transition of sound currencies”.

Secondly, Ferdinand Marcos, the man I represent as you yourself have so well manifested has not sequestered the world’s gold. He secured it in special trust deposits around the world and recorded that with BIS, FED, US Treasury, IMF, and United Nations.

If we cannot get it or touch it, then it is because of the ill-fated PCGG, the Presidential Commission of Good Government (what a lie!!!) of Corazon C. Aquino, the CIA appointed successor in Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines, that sequestered unlawfully, and put a freeze order successfully on, everything they could get from Marcos under the pretense of “ill-gotten”. Ill-gotten is everything that Filipinos can see with their own eyes, touch with their own hands, or believe with their sets of understanding which is rather limited. They do not believe the big amounts we are throwing around. Marcos could not have stolen so much, even counting what he may have found from Yamashita treasure which is officially denied by the Philippine government. Denied but ordered to surrender 75% to government by lucky finders of treasure gold. That's sign of double standard but who cares. Nobody will tell or shout when they find gold. They see Marcos as one of their own because he is a Filipino.

Thirdly, go back to your letter that you wrote to the lawyer of Vilma Bautista where you said it so well but maybe you did not see the deeper implications of what you stated there in our fight against the Philippine government that wants it all, not only the three paintings, no everything, and I have a very long list ending with every square inch of this country owned by Marcos whom I represent. They might be looking at us trying to find out where we go into substance. Then they will hit with the full force of the law and they are very good at that. They can do as they like. Nobody stops them.

Please be advised accordingly,


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 4:18 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:

Thank you for submitting your comment:
Japan's new constitution will come into effect in a new monetary system that replaces that Ponzi scheme known as fractional reserve fiat currencies with gold coins minted in the world's currencies. The world's gold which Ferdinand Marcos sequestered in the Global Debt Facility is coming out of hiding. For an explanation in the American Bar Association Journal on how this is coming to pass see (my last two comments are reproduced here:
Karen Hudes
May 20, 2014 4:18 PM CDT
@143 “Nixon Ends Bretton Woods International Monetary System” is untrue. The Bretton Woods institutional framework, set up by Ferdinand Marcos to oversee the world’s wealth, is very much in existence and governs the transition to sound currencies. The process of ending state capture by the Banking Cartel in the United States is governed by Article V of the Constitution. Surely you understand that your views are germane only insofar as you can convince the rest of the world’s citizens, who are mostly convened, finally. See my latest email to the US Senate and UK Parliament: Now that the Russians and Chinese have established a fourth credit rating agency, the Universal Credit Rating Group, we are done beating around the bush.
For background, you may be interested in an email which I sent two years ago to Prof. Sanford Levinson:
—————Forwarded message—————
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: America’s 51 Constitutions and the Crisis of Governance
Dear Prof. Levinson,
Thank you for encouraging me to contact you following my question at Brookings today. Unfortunately the question was not an academic one. I am forwarding an email to a couple of friends from the American Bar Association’s International Law Section. The ABA is part of the International Legal Assistance Consortium (consisting of associations of 3 million lawyers and judges.) ILAC’s Executive Director has been following this problem for five years. There is also a network of lawyers who represent whistleblowers, and I have been keeping these lawyers informed. The umbrella organization of the accounting profession, the International Federation of Accountants, headquartered in New York, is also informed.
I have attempted to involve social scientists as well, primarily sociologists and political scientists, through the International Institute of Sociology. I presented a paper at a panel of the 40th World Conference of Sociology in Delhi on February 19, 2012. I have been guided by an accurate political science analysis in 2004 which is predicting a currency war unless we succeed in regulating the international capital markets. The political scientist who developed this analytic tool is Jacek Kugler, former President of the International Studies Association and the Peace Science Society.
I have tried to involve the US Congress, the 50 attorneys general, the National Association of Attorneys General, the Aerospace Industries Association, and another trade association representing US exporters called the Coalition for Employment through Exports, the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions, the three bond rating agencies, and the International Organization of Securities Commissions in this regulatory issue. The operative legal document is:
I am very grateful for your book on the crisis of governance and would be grateful for your future involvement.
Law Offices of Karen Hudes
witnessing injustice
May 20, 2014 8:21 PM CDT
@144, KH: Sorry, I disagree, but this misinterpretation shows how Sovereign Citizens go off track. None of your points are supported by facts. It’s wishful thinking......
Karen Hudes
May 20, 2014 9:17 PM CDT
@58 132 and145 The discussion on the genesis of Article V of the Constitution shows how fatuous the statement that “It is not credible to believe the end of the banking cartel will come through Article V” is.
There are two meetings each year of the 188 member countries’ Ministers of Finance and Development; at their last meeting the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund determined to replace the fractional reserve fiat currencies with gold coins minted from the Global Debt Facility set up by Ferdinand Marcos at the same time that he established the Bretton Woods institutions. Although Marcos’ heroic activities on behalf of humanity were necessarily cloaked in secrecy, until the 50 year statute of limitation period had run, relevant documentation has been made available to this forum.
Witnessing Injustice’s cites to Wikipedia detracts from their argument, in view of this statement
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Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 19:38:43 +0000
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My comment on "Japan's New Conversation on Its Constitution" @Forbes: - 21 May

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07:37 PM - 21 May 14