Faculty of Medicine


Postgraduate Studies

Diploma in Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Surgery

درجةالدبلوم فى طب وجراحة العين

Program Code: OO900

Program Guide and


Candidate Curriculum vitae

[Name] :
[telephone no] :
[mobile no] :
[mailing address] :
[email address] :
[postcode] : / Please attach your recent photo
photo here.
[your present job title]
[start date]
[previous job title]
[start and end date]
[previous job title]
[start and end date]
[start and end date]
[school or college]
[any other training that will be useful in your job]

Filled by post graduate authorities

Date of Registration
First semester
Second semester
Third semester
Fourth semester


I – Welcome / 6
II - Mission Statement / 6
III – Academic advisor and affiliated departments and Hospitals / 7
IV – Program specifications / 7
1 - Basic Information / 7
i- Program Title / 7
ii- Department offering the program(s) / 7
iii- Department responsible for the course / 7
iv - Course code / 7
v- No of hours/units / 7
vi-Authorization date of course specification / 7
2 - Professional Information / 7
i- Course Aims: / 8
ii- Intended Learning Outcomes from the Course / 10
3 – Structure of the course / 11
i – Modules / 12
ii – Educational instruction
iii – Lectures/ topics
4- Student Assessment Methods
5- List of References
6 – Elective Courses
V - General information
1 – Monitoring of training and submission of training course
2 – Miscellaneous Information
3 – Action on completion of clinical training
4 – Reference
VI – Your log book / 63
1 – Introduction
2- Supervisors, Trainers and/or Educators
3 - Tables for training records
4 – Log book preview
VII - Head of department approval for the exam entry
VII – Evaluation forms


The Department of Ophthalmology welcomes you to the Diploma in Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Surgery. As a department we are committed to medical student education and continuously strive to improve your educational experience.

This handbook presents information guide and logbook activity of theDiploma in Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Surgery department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.


The mission of the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University is

•The preparation of a competent graduate, who is able to compete on both national and regional levels, capable of life long learning, training and tutoring, while adhering to the codes of practice of medical health services and ethics.

•The college as well, seeks continuous development of programs and courses. It also enhances expansion of applied scientific research and health programs for community services and environmental development.

The mission of this degree is to produce superior clinical, surgical and academic ophthalmologists who are trained in all areas of modern clinical and surgical skills.

III-Senior Supervisor and Affiliated Departments and Hospitals

Senior Supervisor






Affiliated Departments and Hospitals

  • Ophthalmology department, Faculty of Medicine, AinShamsUniversity
  • Ophthalmology department,Ain Shams University Specialized hospital
  • National Institute for eye diseases and surgery (Roud Al Farag)المعهدالقومىللعيونبروضالفرج
  • Research Institute of Ophthalmology.معهد بحوث أمراض العيون
  • Ministry of health teaching hospitals المعاهد والمستشفيات التعليميةالتابعة لوزارة الصحة
  • Armed forces and police eye hospitals
  • MagrabiEyeHospital

IV-Program Specifications

1-Basic Information

1. Program title: Diplomain Ophthalmology & Ophthalmic Surgery

2. Program type: Single Double Multiple

3. Faculty: AinShamsUniversity – Faculty of medicine

4. Department: Ophthalmology Department

5. Assistant co-coordinator

Write the name ………………………………………………

6. Co-coordinator

Write the name………………………………………………

7. Last date of program approval:

2 - Professional Information

1. Program aims:

  1. Knowledge. Development of a broad fund of basic science and clinical knowledge through lecture, reading, and interactive conference and review sessions.
  2. Develop a personal program of self-study and professional growth with guidance from the teaching staff.
  3. Participation fully in the educational activities such as the regularly scheduled conferences, which cover the following subspecialty areas: retina, glaucoma, cornea, oculoplastics, neuro-ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology, uveitis, low vision, and ophthalmic pathology.
  4. Participate in safe, effective, and compassionate patient care under supervision, commensurate with his/her level of advancement and responsibility.
  5. Participate in institutional programs and activities involving the medical staff, and adhere to established practices, procedures, and policies of the other institutions participating in activities and rotations assigned as part of the specific training program.
  6. Conform to Hospital bylaws, policies, procedures, and regulations and applicable federal and state laws.
  7. Supervised direct patient care experience which allows the resident to:
  1. Ophthalmologic examination skills,
  2. Formulate and workup differential diagnoses,
  3. Manage clinical problems of increasing complexity,
  4. Develop and exercise clinical and ethical decision making abilities,
  5. Develop patient communication techniques, and
  6. Work effectively as a member of the medical care team.
  1. Development of skills procedures and surgical experience including:
  1. Modern cataract and anterior segment techniques including strabismus and oculoplastic techniques,
  2. Anterior and posterior segment laser surgery,
  3. Exposure to all areas of subspecialty surgery, and
  4. Completion of the minimum numbers for operative experience.
  1. Development of teaching skills by assuming responsibility for teaching and supervising other junior house officers and medical students.
  1. Intended learning outcomes (ILOs):

1- Knowledge and understanding (K):

By the end of this program the candidate will be able to know the basic and updated knowledge of:

a1.Recognize ophthalmic basic science (anatomy of the eye and nervous system, physiology of the eye, pathology of the eye, ophthalmic applied optics)

a2.Recognize clinical diagnosis of diseases affecting the eye and the adenexa.

a3.Investigate tools necessary for the diagnosis of ophthalmic diseases.

a4.Identify surgical skills for basic ophthalmic procedures.

a5.Recognize medical and surgical emergencies and critical care in ophthalmology.

a6.List neurologic and ophthalmology related disorders.

2- Intellectual skills (IS):

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

b.1.Specify medical dilemmas and complexities and how to solve them.

b.2.Make conclusions and be able to conduct scientific discussion.

b.3.Select from different choices based on multiple determining factors as social, scientific, economic etc...

b.4.Prioritize and tailor the different guidelines to individual situations.

3-Professional and practical skills (PS):

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

c.1.Take a focused medical history with proper analysis and conclusions.

c.2.Examine properly and systematically the eye and the adenexa with an exact follow of the standard rules and interpret signs individually.

c.3.Integrate data from the history and the examination done.

c.4.Ask for the proper investigations to be done for a given medical problem.

c.5.Put a diagnosis and differential diagnosis of different cases.

c.6.Write a treatment prescription for a given medical problem within a multidisciplinary management plan if needed.

c.7.Identify patients needing hospitalization, and those needing surgical intervention.

c.8.Identifying patients in need for higher specialization.

c.9.Master the different emergency and routine procedures necessary in the general ophthalmic specialty.

c.10.Interpret general ophthalmic investigative forms and use their findings in diagnosis and therapy.

4-General and transferable skills (GS):

By the end of this program the candidate will be able to:

d.1.Gain communication skills with workers, nurses, juniors, professors, peers, patients and their care givers.

d.2.Master computer skills in research, data base filing and preparation of presentation.

d.3.Use computer efficiently in solving medical problems.

d.4.Work in team.

d.5.Acquire managerial skills.

3-Academic standards: (Benchmarks)

Academic reference standards guided by Programs preparing Royal College of surgeon of Edinburgh Ophthalmology (FRCS ophthalmology)

4-Curriculum structure and contents:

4a.Program duration: minimum of 2 years on four semesters

4b.Program structure:

المقررات الدراسية / الكود / الساعات المعتمدة
متطلبات الكلية / دورة أساسيات البحث العلمي
الجزء الأول / تشريح / OO9001 / 1.5
فسيولوجى / OO9002 / 1.5
بصريات / OO9003 / 1.5
الباطنة العامه / OO9004 / 0.5
الأمراض العصبية / OO9005 / 0.5
الجراحة العامة / OO9006 / 0.5
الجزء الثاني / طب العين / OO9007 / 6
جراحة العين / OO9008 / 6
باثولوجيا العين / OO9009 / 5
المقرراتالاختيارية / يختار الطالب واحد من بين: / 1
الاحصاء الطب / E9009
مكافحة العدوى / E6059
كراسة الأنشطة / 6
المجموع / 30

5-Program courses:

5.1- Program: Diplomain Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Surgery (OO600) :

a. Compulsory = 23 CH

Course Title OO600 / Code No. / No of hours per semester
OO9001 / 1-Anatomy / 21 / 3
OO6002 / 2-Physiology / 21 / 3
OO9003 / 3-Optics / 21 / 3
OO9009 / 4-Ocular pathology / 45 / 60
OO9007 / 5-Ophthalmic medicine / 45 / 90
OO9008 / 6-Ophthalmic surgery / 45 / 90
OO9004 / 7- Internal medicine / 7 / 1.5
OO9005 / 8-Neurology / 7 / 1.5
OO9006 / 9-General surgery / 7 / 1.5

5.2- Program: Diplomain Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Surgery (OO600)

Elective = 1 CH

Code No. / Course Title / No of hours per semester
E9009 / 1-الاحصاء الطبى / 15
E9059 / 2-مكافحة العدوى / 15

6. Program admission requirements:

المادة (6) : يشترط لقيد الطالب للحصول على درجة الدبلوم:-

1-أن يكون حاصلاً على درجة البكالوريوس في الطب والجراحة من إحدى جامعات جمهورية مصر العربية أو على درجة معادلة

2-أن يكون قد أمضى سنة التدريب (الامتياز)

3-موافقة جهة العمل.

4-تسديد الرسوم ومصاريف التدريب واستهلاك الأجهزة واستيفاء المستندات المطلوبة في الملحق (1)

5- التفرغ للدراسة لمدة فصلين دراسيين قبل دخول امتحان الجزء الثاني0

ملحق (1) : يقدم طالب الإلتحاق لدرجة الماجستير الأوراق التالية :-

1- طلب إلتحاق0 2- شهادة البكالوريوس0 3- شهادة الإمتياز. 4- شهادة الميلاد أومستخرجرسمي. 5- الموقف من التجنيد0 6- موافقة جهة العمل على التسجيل والتفرغ المطلوب0 7- عدد 6 صور فوتوغرافية جديدة0 8- بالنسبة للوافدين يقدم الطالب موافقة السفارة ويحدد جهة تحمل النفقات كما يقدم شهادة صحية0

7. Regulation for progression and program completion

مادة (8): يتم التسجيل للماجستير مرة واحدة في السنة تبدأ من أول يوليو حتى أخر أغسطس على أن تبدأ الدراسة في شهر أكتوبر من كل عام0 ويجوز قبول تسجيل النواب والمعيدين والوافدين في الفترة من أول نوفمبرحتى أخر ديسمبر على ألا يسمح لهم بدخول إمتحان الجزء الأول إلا بعد إنقضاء فترة الدراسة المطلوبة.

مادة (9): توزع الدراسة فى كل عام جامعى على فصلين دراسيين مدة كل منهما خمسة عشر اسبوعاً . يبدا الاول فى أول أكتوبر ويبدا الثانى فى منصف فبراير. مع تنظيم فصل دراسى صيفى مكثف لمدة ستة اسابيع . و يتم التسجيل للفصل الدراسى قبل اسبوعين من بدايته على الاقل بعد إستيفاء الشروط حسب المقررات المسجلة. ولاينبغى أن يزيد العبء الدراسى فى الفصل الواحد عن 6 ساعات معتمدة. ويجوز للطالب تعديل المقررات خلال اسبوعين من بداية الفصل الدراسى (بالحذف او الاضافة). كما يجوز له الانسحاب خلال سته اسابيع من احد المقرارت دون احتسابه راسباً فيه.

المادة (11) : مدة الدراسة للحصول على درجة الدبلوم أو الماجستير هى أربعة وعشرون شهراً (أربعة فصول دراسية) على جزئين يجتاز فيها الطالب برنامجاً تدريبياً متكاملاً طبقا للساعات المعتمدة الموضحة بالباب الرابع ويستوفى خلالها المطلوب منة فى كتيب متابعة الأنشطة ولا يسمح له بدخول الإمتحان قبل إستيفاء ثلاثة أرباع المطلوب منة في كل جزء من البرنامج 0

المادة (12) : مدة الدراسة في الدبلوم والماجستير الجزء الأول فصل دراسي واحد يجتاز بعدها الطالب إمتحاناً ولا يشترط النجاح فيه بالكامل للإنتقال للدراسة في الجزء الثاني. والجزء الثاني يتطلب تفرغ الطالب للتدريب لمدة فصلين دراسيين بأحد المستشفيات أو المراكز المعتمدة من الكلية.

مادة (13) : يقوم الدارس لدرجة الماجستير بتسجيل موضوع الرسالة على شكل بحث نظري أو عملي بعد إستيفاء فصل دراسي واحد على الأقل ويجوز أن يناقش رسالتة بعد ستة شهور من التسجيل على الأقل على أن يكون قد نجح فى مقررات الجزء الأول بالكامل وقبل دخول إمتحان الجزء الثاني ولا يخصص لها درجات 0

مادة (14) : يقوم دارس الماجستير بإستيفاء متطلبات الجامعة قبل تسجيل الرسالة ومتطلبات الكلية قبل دخول إمتحان الجزء الثاني. ومتطلبات الجامعة هي الحصول على شهادة التويفل في اللغة الإنجليزية بمجموع (450 درجة على الأقل) ومتطلبات الكلية هي حضور دورات معتمدة من لجنة الدراسات العليا بالكلية في مجال مناهج البحث العلمى والإحصاء الطبى أو بإجتياز إختبارات خاصة تحددها اللجنة.

مادة (15): يجوز للحاصلين على درجة الدبلوم إستكمال درجة الماجستير بتسجيل رسالة الماجستير خلال أربع سنوات من الحصول على درجة الدبلوم ويحصل على الدرجة بعد إستيفاء متطلبات الجامعة والكلية ومناقشة الرسالة بنجاح.

مادة (16): الساعات المعتمدة لدراسة الدبلوم والماجستير ثلاثون ساعة معتمدة على الأقل يخصص منها ست ساعات لكتيب متابعة الأنشطة وتشمل ست ساعات على الأقل للجزء الأول وثماني عشرة ساعة على الأقل للجزء الثانيويضاف إليها ست ساعات للرسالة فى الماجستير.

مادة (22): مدة القيد لدرجة الماجستير أربع سنوات.

مادة (24): مجموع درجات الامتحان النهائى للماجستير 1200 درجة منها 300 درجة للجزء الأول. ويضاف اليها المعدل الفصلى التراكمى بما يوازى 300 درجة للماجستير.

مادة (25): يعقد إمتحان الدور الأول في أكتوبر ونوفمبر من كل عام ويعقد إمتحان الدور الثاني فى أبريل ومايو من كل عام.

مادة (26): يكون النجاح فى كل مادة من الدبلوم العالى والماجستير بعد الحصول على 60% من الدرجة الكلية لكل لجان المادة مجتمعة ويكون النجاح فى مواد الدكتوراه بعد الحصول على 60% من درجة التحريري والعملي والاكلينيكى والشفوي كل على حدة.

مادة (29): فى حالة إستنفاذ مدة القيد يمكن لطالب الدراسات العليا إعادة التسجيل مرة أخرى ولا يعتد بالنجاح فى الجزء الأول أو الرسالة ويجب إعادتهما.

Assessment Schedule and Weighing of Assessments

Item / Mark / Points / GPA score / حالة الطالب
Student state
During semester / End of semester / Total
First semester (If present) / 100 / 300 / 400
Second semester / 100 / 100
Third semester / 100 / 100
Fourth semester Final exam / Written / 900 / 900
Practical /Clinical
Total / 300 / 1200 / 1500

ملحوظة: تعادل درجات الطالب طبقا للنقاط على الوجه التالي:

1- / 90 % فأكثر / : / 4 / نقاط / A
2- / من85% حتى أقل من 90 % / : / 3.67 / نقاط / A-
3 - / من80% حتى أقل من 85% / : / 3.33 / نقاط / B+
4 - / من75% حتى أقل من 80% / : / 3.00 / نقاط / B
5 - / من70% حتى أقل من 75% / : / 2.67 / نقاط / B-
6 - / من65% حتى أقل من 70% / : / 2.33 / نقاط / C+
7- / من62% حتى أقل من 65% / : / 2.00 / نقاط / C
8 - / من60% حتى أقل من 62% / : / 1.67 / نقاط / C-
9 - / أقل من 60% / : / صفر / F

مجموع درجات الامتحان النهائي الماجستير 1200 درجة منها 300 درجة للجزء الأول. ويضاف إليها المعدل ألفصلي التراكمي بما يوازى 300 درجة للماجستير.

ويتم حساب المعدل الفصلي (GPA) على أساس مجموع حاصل ضرب نقاط كل مقرر مضروباً في عدد ساعاته المعتمدة مقسوماً على الساعات المعتمدة للمقررات التي درسها الطالب في الفصل الدراسي. كما يتم حسابالمعدل التراكمي للطالب (CGPA) على أساس مجموع حاصل ضرب النقاط التي حصل عليها الطالب في كل مقرر مضروباً في عدد ساعاته المعتمدة مقسوماً على مجموع الساعات المعتمدة الكلية.

في حالة الرسوب في مادة أو مجموعة من المقررات في الدبلوم أوالماجستير أو الدكتوراه يتم الإعادة في المادة أو المجموعة فقط. ويتم حساب التقدير الفعلي الذي يحصل عليه في أول إعادة فقط أما إذا تكرر رسوب فيحسب له عند النجاح تقدير 60% فقط (اى1.67 نقاط اى -c).

Courses specifications

Anatomy (OO9001)

University: Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine

1-Course specifications

Program on which the course is given:Diplomain Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Surgery (OO900)

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Ophthalmology.

Department offering the course: Department of Ophthalmology.

Academic year: Diploma – 1st semester

Date of specification approval......

2-Basic Information

Title: Anatomy Code: OO9001

3-Credit Hours: 1.5hrs Lecture: (1.5h/w) Total: 21 hrs

Practical: (0.5h/2w) Total: 3 hrs



5-Professional Information

1- Course Aims:

  1. Acquiring an appropriate anatomical background of eye, nervous system.
  2. Exploring in detail the structure of the eye and nervous system & their relation to other systems.
  3. Developing the basic scientific research skills as well as effective communication and team work attitudes.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

1-Knowledge and understanding (K):

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a1.Describe the normal anatomy, embryologic development, physiology, and biochemistry of the crystalline lens.

a2.Describe the basic structure of the retina and its relationship to the vitreous and choroids.

a3.Describe the anatomy of the cornea& conjunctiva.

a4.Appraise the anatomy of iris &pupil.

a5.Define the anatomy of the vascular system .

a6.Describe the normal anatomy and function of orbital and periocular tissues.

a7.Outline the anatomy of the extraocular muscles and their fascia.

a8.Outline the anatomy of ciliary body & trabecular meshwork.

a9.Appraise the anatomy of the visual pathway in order to localize lesions

2-Intellectual skills (IS):

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b.1.Identify congenital anomalies of the lens.

b.2.Summarize the developmental alterations that lead to structural changes of the cornea.

b.3.Correlate clinical and pathologic findings that differentiate intraocular tumors.

b.4.Review anatomy of other cranial nerves.

b.5.Correlate the physiology and neuro-anatomy of the pupil, cranial nerves, and the visual sensory and ocular motor pathways.

b.6.Interpret the most important anatomic land marks

b.7.Correlate the surgical anatomy of his clinical practice.

b.8.Integrate the anatomy with other basic and clinical sciences.

3-Professional skills (PS):

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c.1.Utilize the indications and interpretations of ancillary testing that need anatomical basis as:

  1. Color fundus photos;
  2. ii. Fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine green (ICG) angiography;
  3. iii. A and B scan Ultrasonography.

c.2.Utilize the radiology, photography, and pathology departments with evaluation of orbital fractures and lesions.

c.3.To be familiar with the interpretations of radiological images: e.g., CT, MRI, etc.

4-General and transferable skills (GS):

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d.1.Maintain honesty and integrity in all interactions with teachers, colleagues and others with whom physicians must interact in their professional lives.

d.2.Recognize the scope and limits of their role as students as well as the necessity to seek and apply collaboration with other workers.

d.3.Use database to collect material needed for research.

d.4.Gather and organize material from various sources (including library, electronic and online resources).

d.5.Understand the importance of continuing professional development.

d.6.Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of ethical approval and patient consent for clinical research.

d.7.Work cooperatively and show respect for other opinions.

d.8.Appraise responsibility towards work.

3- Course content:

Topics / No of hours
L /SDL / C/P
1)Skull & orbit / 2.0 / 1.0
2)Brain & cranial nerves / 2.0 / 1.0
3)Visual pathway / 1.0
4)Embryology of the eye / 2.0
5)The Eyelids / 1.0
6)The lacrimal system / 1.0
7)The conjunctiva / 1.0
8)The cornea, limbus and sclera / 2.0
9)The anterior chamber and angle / 1.0
10)The lens / 1.0
11)The iris ,ciliary body and choroid / 2.0
12)The retina and vitreous / 2.0
13)The optic nerve / 1.0
14)The extra ocular muscles / 2.0 / 1.0
Total / 21hs / 3hs

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning.

4- Student Assessment Methods

4.1 Short essays to assess knowledge

4.2 MCQs to assess knowledge and intellectual skills

4.3 Practical exam to assess professional skills and general skills

4.3 Oral exam to assess intellectual, professional and general skills

Weighing of assessments:

1-Written examination: 48 marks

2-Practical exam24 marks

3-Oral examination: 8 marks

4-Total: 80 marks

5-End semester examination 34marks

5- List of References

5.1Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)

5.2Essential Books (Textbooks)

1-Wolff's Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit

2-Clinical Anatomy of the Eye. Richard S. Snell and Michael Limp.

3-Oyster CW The human eye Sinauer Associates. Sunderland. Massachusetts

5.3Recommended Books

1-The CurrentAmericanAcademy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Course:Section 2 (Fundamentals and Principles of Ophthalmology)

5.4Periodicals, Web Sites, etc




University: Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine

1-Course specifications

Program on which the course is given:Diplomain Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Surgery (OO600)

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Ophthalmology.

Department offering the course: Department of Ophthalmology.

Academic year:Diploma – 1st semester

Date of specification approval: ......

1-Basic Information

Title: physiology Code: OO9002

Credit Hours: 1.5CHLecture: (1.5h/w) Total: 21hrs

Practical: (0.5h/2w) Total: 3 hrs



2-Professional Information

1- Course Aims:

1.Acquiring an appropriate functional background of eye, nervous system.

2. Integrating physiological data & mechanisms with the ongoing basic sciences: anatomy and histology and its clinical applications.

4. Exploring in detail the functions of the eye and nervous system & their relation to other systems.

5. Developing the basic scientific research skills as well as effective communication and team work attitudes.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

1-Knowledge and understanding (K):

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a.1Recognize and describe Eyebrows, Eyelids, and Face: Structure and Function.

a.2Recognize and describe the lens and iris & pupil function.

a.3Recognize molecular basis of The Tear Film and factors affecting it

a.4Understand the basis of aqueous humor: Secretion and Dynamics and its effect on intraocular pressure.

a.5Understand physiologic basis of Ocular Circulation.

a.6Recognize the basics of Metabolism and Photochemistry of the Retina.

a.7Understand physiologic basis of Colour Vision.

a.8Understand physiologic basis of visual adaptation

a.9Understand physiologic basis of Electrical Signals of the Retina and Visual Cortex.

a.10Recognize basis of Visual Function Testing.

a.11Understand the physiology of the Entoptic phenomena and after images.

a.12Understand physiology of Visual pathway Dysfunction.

a.13Understand physiologic basis of binocular vision.

a.14Recognize and describe ocular motility.

2-Intellectual skills (IS):

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b.1.Comment on some clinical parameters such as: ERG, EOG, and VEP.

b.2.Interpret the clinical situations resulting from physiological malfunction

b.3.Interpret the variable methods for testing ocular functions.

b.4.Integrate the physiology of the eye with other basic and clinical sciences.

b.5.Choose the proper ocular therapy

3-Professional skills (PS):

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c.1.Examine the visual acuity , visual field, intra ocular pressure,

c.2.Examine and perform variable tests to detect abnormalties in the extra ocular muscles and amblyopia.

c.3.Interpret the reports of the visual field.

c.4.Record and read an electroretinogram, electrooculogram and visual evoked potential.

c.5.Present physiological scientific data in a graphical form.

4-General and transferable skills (GS):

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d.1.Maintain honesty and integrity in all interactions with teachers, colleagues and others with whom physicians must interact in their professional lives.

d.2.Recognize the scope and limits of their role as students as well as the necessity to seek and apply collaboration with other workers.

d.3.Use database to collect material needed for research.

d.4.Gather and organize material from various sources (including library, electronic and online resources).

d.5.Understand the importance of continuing professional development.

d.6.Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of ethical approval and patient consent for clinical research.

d.7.Work cooperatively and show respect for other opinions.

d.8.Appraise responsibility towards work

3- Course content:

Topics / No of hours
L & SDL / C/P
  1. Lid
/ 1.0
  1. Lacrimal
/ 1.0
  1. Cornea
/ 1.0
  1. Lens
/ 1.0
  1. Pupil
/ 1.0
  1. Aqueous humour
/ 1.0
  1. Intra ocular pressure
/ 1.0
  1. Vitreous
/ 1.0
  1. Retina
/ 1.0
  1. Visual acuity
/ 1.0 / 0.5
  1. Binocular vision
/ 2.0 / 0.5
  1. Color vision
/ 2.0 / 0.5
  1. Dark and light adaptation
/ 2.0 / 0.5
  1. Entoptic phenomenon
/ 1.0 / 0.5
  1. Field of vision
/ 1.0 / 0.5
  1. Electro physiology
/ 2.0
  1. Ocular pharmacology
/ 1.0
Total / 21hs / 3hs

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning

4-Student Assessment Methods

4.1 Short essays to assess knowledge

4.2 MCQs to assess knowledge and intellectual skills

4.3 Practical exam to assess professional skills and general skills

4.3 Oral exam to assess intellectual, professional and general skills

Weighing of assessments:

1)Written examination: 48 marks

2)Practical exam24 marks

3)Oral examination: 8 marks

4)Total: 80 marks

5)End semester examination 33 marks

5-List of References

5.1Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)

5.2Essential Books (Textbooks)

  1. Adler's Physiology of the Eye by Paul L. Kaufman, Albert Alm, Albert Alm.Publisher: Mosby, Incorporated
  2. Adler's Physiology of the Eye: Clinical Application by William M., M.D. Hart.
  3. Oyster CW The human eye Sinauer Associates. Sunderland. Massachusetts.

5.3Recommended Books

  1. The CurrentAmericanAcademy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Course:Section

5.4Periodicals, Web Sites, etc


University: Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine

1-Course specifications

Program on which the course is given:Diplomain Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Surgery (OO600)

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Ophthalmology.

Department offering the course: Department of Ophthalmology.

Academic year: Diploma – 1st semester

Date of specification approval: ......

2-Basic Information

Title: optics Code: OO9003

Credit Hours: 1.5CHLecture: (1.5h/w) Total: 21hrs

Practical: (0.5h/2w) Total: 3 hrs



3-Professional Information

1- Course Aims:

  1. Acquiring an appropriate functional background of eye, nervous system.
  2. Exploring in detail the functions of the eye and nervous system & their relation to other systems.
  3. Developing the basic scientific research skills as well as effective communication and team work attitudes.
  4. Recognize the optical principles of various modalities in refractive correction: spectacles, contact lenses, intraocular lenses, and refractive surgery.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course: