Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar

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Office Address: Room 4220

School of Education

University of Michigan

610 East University

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

Phone: (734) 647-0622

Fax: (734) 936-1606


EDUCATION: Ph.D., Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May, 1982.

M.S., Department of Special Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May, 1974.

B.S., Department of Special Education, Fitchburg State College, Massachusetts, May, 1972. (Graduated summa cum laude)

CERTIFICATES: Massachusetts Special Class Teacher, Educable Mentally Handicapped, Trainable Mentally Handicapped (Type 56)

Illinois Special K-12: Learning Disabilities, Social/Emotional Disorders, Educable Mentally Handicapped (Type 10)

Illinois Administrative K-12: General Supervisory, General Administrative (Type 75)


1993-present Professor, University of Michigan, Educational Studies

Prepare teachers, teacher educators, and researchers to work in the areas of language and literacy learning and children who struggle with academic tasks. Conduct research on literacy learning in the context of inquiry-based science instruction, instructional interventions to support struggling readers' comprehension of complex text.

2008-2012 Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

1994 - present Jean and Charles Walgreen Jr., Professor of Reading and Literacy

1998 - 2002 Associate Dean of Graduate Affairs

1989-1993 Associate Professor, University of Michigan, Educational Studies.

1987-1989 Associate Professor, Michigan State University

1983-1987 Assistant Professor, Michigan State University,

1982-1983 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1981-1982 Research Assistant, Center for the Study of Reading.

1979-1981 Teaching Assistant, Department of Special Education, University of Illinois

1977-1979 Program Supervisor, Sangamon Area Special Education District, Springfield, Illinois.

Developed, implemented and evaluated programs for children with learning problems, behavior disorders, and mental handicaps. Provided assistance to and supervised 40 teachers serving approximately 800 students (K-12). Consulted with general educators, parents, and administrators. Co-authored 94-142 grant proposals. Recruited and recommended employees.

1974-1976 Teacher, Athens School District, Athens, Illinois, assessed and taught students (K-7) with learning and behavior problems.

GRANTS (from 1990)

Anderson, A., and Palincsar, A. S. (August, 1989-1994). Teaching for Conceptual Understanding and Self-Regulation through collaborative problem solving. The National Science Foundation ($612,000).

Palincsar, A. S., Englert, C. S., Raphael, T. E., and Gavelek, J. (1989-1994). Transforming the Learning Disabled into Self-Regulated Learners: The Construction, Implementation, and Validation of a sustainable Early Literacy Curriculum. The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services ($572,000).

Palincsar, A. and Magnusson, S. (1993-1994). Problem Driven Inquiry in the Elementary School. The National Center for Science Teaching and Learning ($60,452).

Magnusson, S. and Palincsar, A. S. (1995-1996). Constituting learning communities of teachers as a model of professional development to enhance guided inquiry science teaching. Eisenhower Higher Education Professional Development Grant ($84,110)

Palincsar, A. S. and Magnusson, S. J. (1996-1998). Three Activity Settings Supporting Communities of Practice among Teachers. Spencer/MacArthur Foundations.

Palincsar, A. S. and Magnusson, S. (1997-2000). Investigating and teaching reading to learn to promote scientific literacy in guided inquiry science instruction.

James S. McDonnell Foundation ($443,755)

Palincsar, A. S. and Magnusson, S. (1997-1998). Developing inquiry-based science teaching practice: First-hand investigations. Eisenhower Higher Education Professional Development Grant ($116,000)

Palincsar, A.S. and Magnusson, S. J. (1997-2002). Students with disabilities in Guided Inquiry Science supporting Multiple Literacies. USDOE ($615,458)

Palincsar, A. S., Magnusson, S. J., O’Connor, C. (1999-2000). Spencer School Reform Planning Grant. Spencer Foundation ($50,000)

Palincsar, A. S. and Magnusson, S. J. (1999-2000). Preparing elementary school teachers to use text during guided inquiry science instruction. Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Award ($90,000)

Palincsar, A. S. and Magnusson, S. J. (2000-2002). The Development of Innovative Texts to Support Guided Inquiry Science. National Science Foundation ($399,785)

Palincsar, A. S. and Magnusson, S. J. (2002-2005). The influence of first and second hand investigations on learning opportunities and outcomes in inquiry-based science in the elementary school. The National Science Foundation ($856,446).

Dalton, B. and Palincsar, A. S. (2002-2005). Reading to learn: Investigating general and domain specific prompts in a technology rich environment with diverse readers learning from informational text. Institute of Education Sciences

Palincsar, A. S., Spiro, R. J., Magnusson, S. J. (2003-2005). Scaling expert knowledge and practice for teaching elementary school students. The National Science Foundation ($998,708).

Palincsar, A. S., and Magnusson, S. J. (2004-2006). Supporting literacy coaches to teach middle school subject matter teachers to help their students learn subject matter from informational texts. The Carnegie Corporation of New York. ($405,900)

Kucan, L. and Palincsar, A. S. (2008-2011). The Iterative Design of Modules to Support Reading Comprehension Instruction. Institute of Education Sciences ($529, 564).

Schleppegrell, M. and Palincsar, A. S. (2010-2013). Supporting Teachers’ Engagement in Exploring Language and Meaning in Text with English Language Learners. Institute of Education Sciences ($1,396,598).

Davis, E., Palincsar, A. S. & Smith, S. (2010-2013). Elementary Educative Curricula for Teachers of Science. National Science Foundation.


Teacher-Scholar Award, Michigan State University, 1986

Early Contribution Award, American Psychological Association, 1988

Raymond B. Cattell Early Career Award for Programmatic Research, American Educational Research Association, 1991

Fellow, International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, 1992-

Senior Fellow in the Society of Fellows at the University of Michigan, 1993-1996

Spencer Foundation Mentor, 1994-1996

University of Michigan, Rackham Graduate School Faculty Award, 1994

University of Michigan, Career Development Award, 1994

University of Illinois, Distinguished Alumni Award, 1999

University of Canterbury Fellow, 2003

Elected to National Academy of Education, 2005

Recipient, Oscar Causey Award for Outstanding Contributions to Reading Research, National Reading Conference, 2005

Named Arthur F. Thurnau Professor

Named an American Educational Research Association Fellow, 2009



Brown, A. L. and Palincsar, A. S. (1982). Inducing strategic learning from texts by means of informed, self-control training. Topics in Learning and Learning disabilities, 2 (1), 1-17.

Palincsar, A. S. and Brown, A. L. (1984). Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities. Cognition and Instruction, 1 (2), 117-175.

Palincsar, A. S. (1986). The role of dialogue in providing scaffolded instruction. Educational Psychologist, 21 (1 & 2), 73-98.

Palincsar, A. S. (1986). Metacognitive strategy instruction. Exceptional Children, 53 (2), 118-124.

Palincsar, A. S. and Brown, A. L. (1986). Interactive teaching to promote independent learning from text. The Reading Teacher, 39 (8), 771-777.

Paris, S. G., Wixson, K. and Palincsar, A. S. (1986). Instructional approaches that promote improved comprehension. In E. Z. Rothkopf (Ed.) Review of Research in Education Vol. 13 (pp. 91-128). Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association.

Palincsar, A. S. and Brown, D. S. (1987). Enhancing instructional time through attention to metacognition. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 20 (2), 66-75.

Palincsar, A. S. (Jan., 1987). Reciprocal teaching: Can student discussions boost comprehension? Instructor, 56-60.

Palincsar, A. S., Brown, A. L. and Martin, S. (1987). Peer interaction in reading comprehension instruction. Educational Psychologist, 22 (3 & 4), 231-253.

Reeves, R., Palincsar, A. S. and Brown, A. L. (1987). Everyday and academic thinking: Implications for learning and problem solving. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 19 (2), 123-134.

Gavelek, J. R. and Palincsar, A. S. (1988). Contextualism as an alternative worldview of learning disabilities: A response to Swanson's "Toward a metatheory of learning disabilities." Journal of Learning Disabilities, 21 (5), 278-281.

Palincsar, A. S. and Brown, A. L. (1988). Teaching and practicing thinking skills to promote comprehension in the context of group problem solving. Remedial and Special Education, 9 (1), 53-59.

Palincsar, A. S., and Ransom, K. (1988). From the mystery spot to the thoughtful spot: The instruction of metacognitive strategies. The Reading Teacher, 41 (8) 784-789.

Palincsar, A. S., Ransom, K., and Derber, S. (1988). Collaborative research and development of reciprocal teaching. Educational Leadership, 46 (4), 37-40.

Palincsar, A. S., Stevens, D. D. and Gavelek, J. R. (1989). Collaborating with teachers in the interest of student collaboration. International Journal of Research in Education, 13, 41-53.

Palincsar, A. S. (1989). Less charted waters: A response to Seeley-Brown, Collins, and Duguid's "Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning." Educational Researcher, 18 (4), 5-7.

Palincsar, A. S. and Winn, J., Editors (1990). Alternative Models of Assessment Informed by Alternative Conceptions of Achievement and Reasoning. International Journal of Educational Research, 14 (5).

Palincsar, A.S. (1990). Providing the context for intentional learning. Remedial and Special Education, 11 (6), 36-40.

Blumenfeld, P. C., Soloway, E., Marx, R., Krajcik, J., Guzdial, M. and Palincsar, A. (1991). Motivating project-based learning. Educational Psychologist, 26 (3 & 4), 369-398.

Palincsar, A.S., David, Y., Winn, J., and Stevens, D. (1991). Examining the contexts of strategy instruction. Remedial and Special Education, 12 (3), 43-53.

Englert, C.S. and Palincsar, A.S. (1991). Reconsidering instructional research in literacy from a sociocultural perspective. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 6 (4), 225-230.

Palincsar, A.S. and Klenk, L. (1992). Fostering literacy learning in supportive contexts. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 25 (4) 211-225, 229.

Palincsar, A. S., Klenk, L., Anderman, E., Parecki, A., and Wilson, A. (1992). Exploring zones of proximal development for literacy acquisition with young children identified as learning disabled. Exceptionality Education Canada, 1 (3), 105-125.

Palincsar, A.S., Anderson, C.A., and David, Y.M. (1993). Pursuing scientific literacy in the middle grades through collaborative problem solving. Elementary School Journal , 93 (5), 643-658.

Palincsar, A.S. and Klenk, L. (1993). Broader Visions Encompassing Literacy, Learners, and Contexts. Remedial and Special Education, 14 (4), 19-25.

Palincsar, A.S. and McPhail, J. (1993). A critique of the metaphor of distillation in "Toward a Knowledge Base for School Learning." Review of Educational Research, 63 (3), 327-334.

Palincsar, A.S., Editor (1994). Bringing a sociocultural perspective to literacy research in special education. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 16 (4 and 5).

Magnusson, S. and Palincsar, A.S. (1995). Learning environments as a site of science education reform: An illustration using interdisciplinary guided inquiry. Theory into Practice, 34, (1) 43-50.

Palincsar, A. S., Parecki, A., and McPhail, J. (1995). Friendship and literacy through literature. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 28 (8), 503-511.

Palincsar, A. S. and Perry. N. (1995). Developmental, cognitive, and sociocultural perspectives on assessing and instructing reading. School Psychology Review, 24 (3), 331-345.

Palincsar, A. S. (1996). Language minority students: Instructional issues in school cultures and classroom social systems. The Elementary School Journal, 96 (3), 221-227.

Anderson, C. W., Holland, J. D., and Palincsar, A. S. (1997). Social and canonical approaches to research and reform in science education. The Elementary School Journal, 97 (4), 357-381.

Palincsar, A. S. (1997). Introduction. Review of Educational Research, 67 (4), 373-375.

Palincsar, A. S. (1998). Social constructivist perspectives on teaching and learning. Annual Review of Psychology, (49), 345-375.

Palincsar, A. S. (1998). Keeping the metaphor of scaffolding fresh. A response to C.A. Stone's, The metaphor of scaffolding: Its utility for the field of learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31 (4), 370-374.

Palincsar, A. S., Magnusson, S. J., Marano, N., Ford, D., and Brown, N. (1998). Designing a community of practice: Principles and practices of the GIsML community. Teaching and Teacher Education, 14 (1), 5 - 19.

McPhail, J. C. and Palincsar, A. S. (1998). The search for understanding of learning disabilities: A response to Kavale and Forness. Learning Disability Quarterly, 21 (4), 297-306.

Herrenkohl, L., Palincsar, A. S., DeWater, and Kawasaki, K. (1999). Developing scientific communities in classrooms: A sociocognitive approach. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 8 (3&4), 451-494.

Palincsar, A. S. (1999). Applying a sociocultural lens to the work of a transition community. Discourse Processes, 27 (2), 161-171.

Palincsar, A. S., Collins, K. M., Marano, N. L., and Magnusson, S. J. (2000). Investigating the engagement and learning of students with learning disabilities in guided inquiry science teaching. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools, 31, 240-251.

Palincsar, A. S., Magnusson, S. J., Collins, K. M., and Cutter, J. (2001). Promoting deep understanding of science in students with disabilities in inclusion classrooms. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 24 (1), 15-32.

Kurth, L. A.,, Anderson, C. A., and Palincsar, A. S. (2002). The case of Carla: Dilemmas of helping all students to understand science. Science Education, 86, 287-313.

Palincsar, A. S. and Herrenkohl, L. (2002). Designing Collaborative Learning Contexts. Theory into Practice, 41 (1), 26-32.

Cutter, J., Palincsar, A. S. and Magnusson, S. J. (2002). Supporting inclusion through case-based vignette conversations. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 17 (3), 186-200.

Hapgood, S., Magnusson, S. J., and Palincsar, A. S. (2004). Teacher, text, and experience mediating children's learning of scientific inquiry. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13 (4), 455-506.

Palincsar, A. S. and Duke, N. C. (2004). The Role of Text and Text/Reader Interactions in Young Children’s Reading Development and Achievement. Elementary School Journal, 105 (2), 183-198.

Palincsar, A.S. (2005). Working theory into and out of design experiments. Learning disabilities Research and Practice, 20 (4), 218-220.

Hapgood, S. and Palincsar, A. S. (2006). Where literacy and science intersect. Educational Leadership, 64 (4), 56-61.

McPhail, J. and Palincsar, A. S. (2006). Minds and more: Extending the scholarship of Graham Nuthall. Teaching and Teacher Education. 22 (5), 538-547.

Palincsar, A. S. (2007).Collaborative Learning in Postsecondary and Professional Settings. Educational Psychology Review, 19 (1), 85-89.

Palincsar, A. S. (2007). The role of research, theory, and representation in the transformation of instructional research. National Reading Conference Yearbook, vol. 67, 41-52.

Kucan, L., Palincsar, A. S., Khasnabis, D., and Chang, C. (2009). The Video Viewing Task: A Source of Information for Assessing and Addressing Teacher Understanding of Text-Based Discussion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25, 415-423.

Palincsar, A. S. (spring, 2009). Preparing the generous reader. Better: Evidence Based Research, 1 (1), 8-9.

Palincsar, A. S. and Schutz, K. (2011). Reconnecting strategy instruction with its theoretical roots. Theory into Practice, 50 (2),

Kucan, L., Hapgood, S. and Palincsar, A. S. (2011). Teachers’ Specialized Knowledge for Supporting Student Comprehension in Text-Based Discussions. Elementary School Journal. 112 (12), pp.61-82.

Kucan, L. and Palincsar, A. S. (2011). Text-based discussion: The case of reading. Teacher’s College Record, 111, 2055-2100.