(Applications due March 15, 2014. Please limit to 4 pages or less)

Session Title:

The Other Nutritional ”-Omics”: Epigenomics, Metagenomics and Metabolomics

Session Chair(s) Contact Information

Session Chair
Name / Ashley Vargas
Organization / National Cancer Institute/Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program
Email /
Phone Number / 248-909-2648
Session Co-Chair (if applicable)
Phone Number

Organizer of Proposal (if not Session Chair)

Organizer of Proposal
Phone Number

Should the organizer be copied on all planning emails?

ÿ  Yes

ÿ  No

General Description of Session: Summarize the overall theme and specific topics to be reviewed. Reference new and/or emerging research that will be discussed, particularly research topics found in the ASN Research Priorities (see below). Explain how this session will be unique and useful to attendees. (No more than 350 words, please.)

This session will review the newer “-omics” approaches (e.g. epigenomics, metabolomics and metagenomics), how they are advancing nutritional sciences and what cutting-edge projects are currently ongoing in each area. Specifically each speaker will provide an overview of the technologies and applications of each “-omics”, what challenges are associated with each approach, what areas hold great promise to further the field of nutrition, and what the future is expected to look like for each field. Examples of content will include the following: How these “-omics” are being used as diagnostic markers for explaining differential response to diet and food; The role of maternal diet in fetal growth and development via modification of the epigenome; The potential to modify the gut flora using diet to modify risk of nutrition-related disease; Novel uses for each of these “-omics” approaches that has and will results in advanced to nutrition research.

Please provide at least three learning objectives for this session:

At the end of this sessions, attendees will be able to:
1. / Understand epigenomics, metabolomics and metagenomics on a fundamental level
2. / Understand current application and limitations of these “-omics” for human nutrition and health
3. / Understand what cutting-edge research is currently being done using these technique to advance nutritional science

Please select the ASN Research Priorities that this session relates to the most. Check all that apply. Select none if not applicable.

X Variability in Responses to Diet and Food
X The Impact of Nutrition on Healthy Growth, Development and Reproduction
X The Role of Nutrition in Health Maintenance
X The Role of Nutrition in Medical Management
ÿ  Nutrition-Related Behaviors
ÿ  Food Supply/ Environment

X Tools to Advance Nutrition Research

Presentation Titles and Proposed Speakers

Speaker 1
Presentation Title / Epigenomics
Length of Presentation (min) / 30
Name / Karen Lillycrop/ Kartik Shankar/Robert Waterland/Michelle Forman
Institution / University of South Hampton/USDA/Baylor College of Medicine/University of Texas-Austin
Confirmed? (Yes/No) / No
Speaker 2
Presentation Title / Metagenomics
Length of Presentation (min) / 30
Name / Peter Turnbaugh/Curtis Huttenhower/Byran White/Rex Gaskins/Rashmi Sinja
Institution / Harvard University/Harvard University/U of Illinois/U of Illinois/NCI
Confirmed? (Yes/No) / No
Speaker 3
Presentation Title / Metabolomics
Length of Presentation (min) / 30
Name / Jeremy Nicholson/Marc-Emmanuel Dumas/Oliver Fiehn/Susan Sumner
Institution / Imperial College London/Imperial College London/UC Davis/RTI International
Confirmed? (Yes/No) / No
Speaker 4
Presentation Title
Length of Presentation (min)
Confirmed? (Yes/No)

Do you wish to have this considered as part of the Education Track? The Education Track is reserved for interactive, smaller group sessions (less than 200) that are focused on an educational or professional development topic.

ÿ  Yes

x No

Which ASN member groups (councils, RIS groups) and participating societies will be most interested in this session? [Please list the groups.]

ASN Member Groups (Please mark all that apply)

X Medical Nutrition Council (MNC)

ÿ  Global Nutrition Council (GNC)

X Nutritional Sciences Council (NSC)

X Aging and Chronic Disease RIS


ÿ  Community and Public Health RIS

X Diet & Cancer RIS

X Dietary Bioactive Components RIS

X Energy & Macronutrient Metabolism RIS

ÿ  Experimental Animal Nutrition RIS

ÿ  Lactation RIS

X Nutrient-Gene Interactions RIS

ÿ  Nutrition Education RIS

X Nutrition Translation RIS

X Nutritional Epidemiology RIS

X Nutritional Immunology RIS

X Obesity RIS

X Vitamins and Minerals RIS

Participating Societies:


ÿ  Physiology (APS)

ÿ  Pharmacology (ASPET)

ÿ  Pathology (ASIP)

ÿ  Anatomy (AAA)

ÿ  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

Session organizers are expected to assist with obtaining funding to cover expenses related to the presentation of accepted sessions. Do you have funding to support this activity?

ÿ  Yes [Please indicate the company(ies) and amount(s).]

X No (See below, Budget Notes)

Indicate which, if any, ASN RIS, Councils or Committees are endorsing this session:

Describe any potential conflicts of interest of symposia organizers. N/A

Budget Notes:

Funding will be sought by ASN to pay advance-purchase travel for speakers who are not members of the Society. Travel reimbursement is not provided to ASN members. A travel stipend and/or honorarium of up to $500 may be provided to ASN member speakers, based on funding. International airfares are typically limited to $2,500. Symposia may include up to 4 speakers, of which no more than one should be from outside of the US. Special requests (e.g., 5 speakers, more than one international speaker) will be considered on a case by case basis.

If you have any questions about the status of your session proposal,

Please, contact Moira Guenther at or 301-634-7077.

Thank You for Your Submission.