The Case for ChristSermon Outline Six

Reaching Your Verdict

Introduction: Lee Strobel concluded that “an avalanche of evidence” compelled him to make a personal decision about the question, “Who is Jesus Christ”? On November 8, 1981 Lee Strobel, the atheist, became a child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ. Evidence exists to support that Jesus was a real person living, dying and rising from the dead in real human history. J. P. Moreland, PhD, professor of theology at Talbot Theological Seminary, commented to Lee, “Nobody knowingly and willingly dies for a lie.” Along with the startling historical events of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, history is littered with indirect evidence that supports the reality of those events. Yet, knowing all the evidence, direct and indirect, is not enough. The evidence requires a verdict. Let’s consider four streams of indirect evidence.

Stream 1−Followers of Jesus were willing to suffer and evendie for their beliefs aboutthe person of Jesus Christ, the reason for his death, and the staggering reality of his resurrection.

1.Stephen, a convert to Jesus, was the first martyr. Acts 7:54-60

2.Many Christians were arrested and sentenced to death. Acts 9:1-2

3.Paul, a Jewish Pharisee, converted to Christ and was persecuted.

2 Corinthians 4:7-12

4.The historian Josephus tells us that James, the half-brother of Jesus who

doubted Jesus during his lifetime, was put to death as a leader of the church. What convinced James of Jesus’ divinity? The risen Jesus appeared to him (1 Cor 15:7).

We don’t have clear documentation for how all the disciples died, but we have seven ancient sources that they lived lives of suffering and deprivation because of their proclamation Jesus was the Son of God. (Sources: Acts, Clement of Rome, Polycarp, Ignatius, Dionysius of Corinth, Tertullian and Origen.)

Stream 2−Those skeptical, even hostile, to Christianity were converted.

1.The religious of leaders of the Jews in Jesus’ time were very hostile to

Jesus and his followers. Yet, some did believe in Jesus. John 19:38-40

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were members of the Sanhedrin.

2.Many Jewish priests were converted. Acts 6:7

Sermon Outline Six

3.Saul of Taurus, a vehement opponent of Christ and Christianity, was converted and became a major leader for the Christian faith. Acts 9:1-16

Stream 3−The creation and rapid expansion of the church.

1.Three thousand were converted in one day. Acts 2:41

2.Within twenty years, the message of Christianity reached Caesar’s palace.

By the beginning of the third century, Christians were living in all the major cities that ring the Mediterranean Sea.

3.The Roman Empire ceased to be, yet the Christian church is still growing in the world. The country where churches are being planted the fastest is China!

Stream 4−History records the ongoing encounter of people with the risen Christ.

Millions have trusted Jesus Christ and are in relationship with him. Here’s a few:

1.Emperor Constantine of Rome

2.Sundar Singh, an Indian Sikh, hated Christianity and Christian missionaries, but on December 19, 1903, Jesus Christ appeared to him in a vision in the night and he was converted. He became a renowned missionary to his people.

3.C. S. Lewis (Oxford scholar and author)

4.Charles Colson (advisor to President Nixon)

5. Lee Strobel (journalist, author, The Case for Christ)