The National Association of Catholic Chaplains

Monday, October 31, 2011

Read this issue online:

(Items marked with a * are new or updated items)


1.  Executive Director’s Reflection *

2.  Vision readers will no longer need a member code to access it *

3.  NACC Outstanding Colleague Award Recipient Chosen *

4.  NACC announces 2012 National Conference Plenary Speakers *

5.  Certification Interviewers Needed Spring 2012 *

6.  Watch for the November-December Vision! *

7.  Plan to attend the NACC 2012 National Conference

8.  Have you accessed the September-October Vision on NACC website yet?

9.  You can now order 2012 World Day of the Sick prayer cards!

10.  Deaths of NACC Members *

11.  Would you like to join a call with prison/correctional ministry chaplains? *

12.  Are you a non-member receiving NACC Now? *

13.  Have you moved recently and not told us?


14.  Opportunity to Comment on NQF Voluntary Consensus Standards: Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care *

15.  Professional Spiritual and Pastoral Care: A Practical Clergy and Chaplain's Handbook *

16.  Position for the USCCB Sub-Committee Posted *

17.  What did you do for Pastoral Care Week 2011? *

18.  Information about Celiac Disease *

19.  Did you see the recent article on Catholic health care in NCR? *

20.  2011 NACC audio conferences

21.  New details set for fall NACC local/regional events *

22.  The SCC 2011 Salary Survey is available!

23.  Spiritual Care Champions Webinar Series

24.  ACPE Webinar Series

25.  APC Webinars

26.  HealthCare Chaplaincy Webinars

27.  Online education offerings from DIA Learning *

28.  Are you planning to give any presentations on chaplaincy?

29.  Order your video promoting the chaplaincy profession

30.  Accessing the chaplaincy profession video on YouTube

31.  Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

32.  Recent job postings *

33.  Positions wanted

1. Executive Director’s Reflection *

50 years ago, in September 1961, Dag Hammarskjöld died in a tragic plane crash. Up until the time of his death, the Swedish diplomat had served as the second Secretary-General of the United Nations. He was the only person who posthumously was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and the only U.N. Secretary-General to die in office. Markings was published in 1964. During my college years in the late-60’s, I was deeply taken by the intimate reflections on his interior life and struggles. His simple observation, “To be humble is not to make comparisons.” caught my attention and heart early on and has remained an inner barometer in my moments of self-absorbed anxiousness about how I am doing. It calls me to appreciation and awe for people and events as they are, when I am tempted to “benchmark” events, remarks, etc. that end up leading me down a path of too much introspection. I recently returned to Markings to mark the 50th anniversary of his death, and was struck again by the contemplative context of that quote on humility… (read more)

2. Vision readers will no longer need a member code for access *

We are pleased to inform you that the NACC Board decided to remove requiring the “member” code to access Vision, as well as its past issues. Over the past weeks we sought feedback on Vision from our members since it has been one year since we began publishing it on-line. Two important points from the member feedback influenced the Board decision: 1. being able to access Vision without a member password would help readers to refer to it more often than they do; and 2. the majority of those who responded to the poll supported making Vision more accessible to a broader audience beyond members and Vision subscribers as a contribution of NACC to the profession. So starting with the November-December 2011 Vision issue available later this week, you will not need your member number to access Vision. Please access and enjoy this excellent resource!

3. NACC Outstanding Colleague Award Recipient Chosen *

NACC proudly announces the Outstanding Colleague Award to be presented at the 2012 National Conference: Rev. Gerard T. Broccolo, STD, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago for more than 45 years. During the first half of his career, he quickly rose to national prominence in the areas of spirituality, ministry formation and liturgy. Since 1991, he has worked extensively in Catholic health care, particularly with Catholic Health Initiatives from which he retired in 2006, earning a national reputation for expertise in the integration of spirituality into the workplace and into the delivery of person-centered care.

4. NACC announces 2012 National Conference Plenary Speakers *

The 2012 National Conference Planning Task Force is pleased to announce our speakers for the 2012 National Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 19-22, 2012. The task force has worked very hard to bring national speakers to our conversation about our theme: Reconciling Journey: A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance. Dates and times will be forthcoming!

C. Vanessa White, D.Min.

Assistant Professor of Spirituality

Director of the Augustus Tolton Pastoral Ministry Program

Catholic Theological Union

Jean deBlois, CSJ, Ph.D.

Professor of Systematic Theology

Director of the Master of Arts in Health Care Mission Program

Aquinas Institute of Theology

Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich, S.T.D.

Bishop of Spokane, Washington

John Dear, SJ, M.Div.

Priest, pastor, peacemaker, organizer, retreat leader, author/editor

Click here for more information, including speaker bios.

5. Certification Interviewers Needed Spring 2012 *

We are excited about the number of applications received for spring 2012 Certification Interviews! Interviews will be held April 21 and 22, 2012. Current locations for the interviews include: Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Silver Spring, Maryland; St. Louis, Missouri; and Orange, California. Because we have over 55 applicants, we may be expanding and adding some additional sites. If you are interested in serving, please reserve the dates (April 21-22, 2012) and please email Susanne Chawszczewski, Ph.D. at of your interest in helping. Thank you!

6. Watch for the November-December Vision! *

The November-December Vision is dedicated to the long-term care spiritual care ministry. Watch for a special email alert later this week so you can read this packed issue!

7. Plan to attend the NACC 2012 National Conference

Please remember and mark your calendar with the dates of our NACC 2012 National Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 19-22, 2012. The theme for the conference will be Reconciling Journey: A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance. Go to for critical conference questions.

8. Have you accessed the September-October Vision on NACC website?

The September-October issue of Vision is now accessible on the NACC website. This issue is dedicated to Palliative Care. Enjoy the issue, and pass on interesting articles to colleagues and friends. Go to Continued thanks to Laurie Hansen-Cardona and the Editorial Advisory Panel for their excellent work!

9. You can now order 2012 World Day of the Sick prayer cards!

To better serve those interested in our NACC 2012 World Day of the Sick cards, we are asking for orders by November 30, 2011, so we have a better count. Please do not send your payment with the order as you will be invoiced when the prayer cards are sent. You can go to for the order form or to preview the cards (click on the images to enlarge). For questions, please contact Cindy Bridges ().

10. Deaths of NACC members *

We were informed last week of the death of our NACC member, Sr. Margaret Anne Faber, OP. We were blessed with her ministry. May she enjoy the fullness of God’s peace. Please see:

We were also just informed of the death of one of our newest members. Marilyn Schipp, the newly appointed director of the Trenton, NJ diocesan Office of Pastoral Care, died August 29. Marilyn had ministered in the Diocese of Trenton since 2003 as coordinator of Consolation Ministries in the diocesan Office of Family Life/Respect Life. She joined us as an Associate member on August 5. Read more here:

11. Would you like to join a call with prison/correctional ministry chaplains? *

The NACC will host the second 60-minute conference/network call for NACC Prison/Correctional Ministry Chaplains on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Central time. Please contact Cindy Bridges at if you would like to participate in the conference call.

12. Are you a non-member receiving NACC Now? *

Are you one of the more than 1,000 non-members who has subscribed to NACC Now? We are delighted you find this a valuable tool to advance the ministry of spiritual care and chaplaincy. Have you considered becoming an NACC Member? Join the more than 2500 members who advance the ministry of spiritual care, and support one another’s ministry! Receive additional members’ benefits! Visit the NACC website for more membership information. Join today!

13. Have you moved recently and not told us?

When you have moved personal residences or places of employment, or have a new email address or telephone number, please don’t forget to contact Mary Pawicz (), our membership support staff person at the NACC office, to let her know! We don’t want you to miss our communications to you!


14. Opportunity to Comment on NQF Voluntary Consensus Standards: Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care *

Tina Picchi, BCC, Executive Director of the Supportive Care Coalition, alerted us to the draft document, National Voluntary Consensus Standards: Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care: A Consensus Report, that is posted on the National Quality Forum (NQF) website: The public commenting period is from October 17, 2011, 09:00 AM (ET) – November 8, 2011, 06:00 PM (ET). Please consider reading and commenting on Measure 1647 during this open comment period. Do you consider the following quality measure sufficient? Measure 1647: Percent of hospice patients with documentation in the clinical record of a discussion of spiritual/religious concerns or documentation that the patient/caregiver did not want to discuss.

15. Professional Spiritual and Pastoral Care: A Practical Clergy and Chaplain's Handbook. *

Our professional colleague, Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts, MBA, BCJC, took his “sabbatical” time to create/edit a new book for our field: Professional Spiritual and Pastoral Care: A Practical Clergy and Chaplain's Handbook. Rabbi Stephen writes:

This is the first general comprehensive resource for spiritual and pastoral care. This new book offers the latest theological perspectives and tools, along with basic theory and skills from the best pastoral and spiritual care texts, research and concepts. The contributors to this resource are experts in their fields and include eight current or past presidents of the major chaplaincy organizations.

This resource is specifically intended for professionals like ourselves who work in acute care hospitals, behavioral health facilities, rehabilitation centers and long-term care facilities.

The book is laid out in four distinct sections. The second section: “The Process of Spiritual and Pastoral Care” includes chapters on the general theory behind spiritual/pastoral care; caring reflective listening; aiding life review; chaplaining around end of life; conducting spiritual assessments; creating and implementing a pastoral plan; ethics. The fourth section in particular was designed with professional chaplains in mind. This section is entitled: “The Infrastructure of Spiritual and Pastoral Care” and includes chapters on how to begin strategic planning, standards of care for all professional chaplains, quality assurance, designing sacred spaces, cultural competencies.

David Lichter (Executive Director - NACC) wrote of this book: "Professional Spiritual & Pastoral Care – A Practical Clergy & Chaplain’s Handbook is a significant and invaluable gift to the profession of chaplaincy. Not only are the contributors colleagues well recognized for their professional experience and expertise – you want to know what they write, but their individual articles offer consistently high-quality information and refer to a rich array of resources to support their content. The topics covered make this a prized resource for the CPE student and the 25 year anniversary chaplain. For a professional field that continues to develop, and is challenged to develop rapidly, having in one place such a core collection of articles answers a real need. Thank you, Rabbi Stephen, your consultants from our associations, and all the authors! We are deeply grateful to you!"

Now through November 15 you can order this resource directly from publisher, SkyLight Paths, at a 35% discount. All of these “first day” editions will also be inscribed by me. To place an order either go to their website ( or call toll free (800) 962-4544. The discount code to use is: CHAPLAIN35.

Finally, it is rare that we publicly get to say "thank you" to someone who has changed our life for the better. Your retired NACC colleague, Sister Theresa Brophy opened up my spirit (neshamah) to chaplaincy during my first summer unit of CPE and then further during a residency program I participated under her. It was through her mentoring that I fell in love with chaplaincy and decided to become a professional chaplain. I am honored to dedicate this book to her and all she has done for so many of us.

Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts, MBA, BCJC, Email: , Editor: Professional Spiritual and Pastoral Care: A Practical Clergy and Chaplain's Handbook

16. Position for the USCCB Sub-Committee for Certification Posted *

In past NACC Now’s, we have alerted members to the creation of a new Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service within the USCCB Secretariat of Catholic Education that will oversee the approval of professional standards for certification, such as NACC’s standards. The USCCB has posted the position, Assistant Director for Certification of Ecclesial Ministry and Service, that will staff that sub-committee. If interested, please go to:

17. What did you do for Pastoral Care Week 2011? *

Would you be willing to share with colleagues what you did during last week’s Pastoral Care Week? We will create a special place on our NACC Website to share practices, documents, videos, etc., with one another. Our NACC member and newly-elected NACC Board member, Jim Castello, who assisted Catholic Health East (CHE), shared the letter from Judith M. Persichilli, President and Chief Executive Officer of CHE to CHE (, as well as link to the YouTube page for the spiritual care video. Please share yours by sending them to Cindy Bridges ().