
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Read with your child and practice “good” reading behaviors.
Math page 59 and 60
Wear green on Thursday
D Day
*Federal cards go home / Read with your child and practice “good” reading behaviors.
Write the words one, two,three
Draw at 2 things that starts with A.
Wear green on Thursday
E Day / Read with your child and practice “good” reading behaviors.
Write the words four and five,green
Draw twothings that start with J.
Wear green on Thursday
F Day / Read with your child and practice “good” reading behaviors. (Write the word triangle at least 2x)
Math page 65/66
Wear greenToday
G Day
*Fall Picture Day
*Interims go home. Grading is explained below and on my website under Other Class info / No homework!
A Day


-Federal cards go home on Monday. Please fill out and send back as soon as possible. This is one of the ways the school gets its funding.

-Fall picture day is Thursday. Please send them in the clothes you want their picture in. Students will not have time to change clothes.

-Community Helper Day- we are looking for a few parents to present to the classes if your job is one of a community helper (doctor, nurse, fireman, policeman, etc). Please let me know if you are interested.

-All About Me bag information will start going home today if your child has it this week. They will have until the end of the week to bring in the items and will present on Monday.

Interim report criteria: Math- O (on grade level): can identify 2 shapes, 4 numbers, and count to 10 by ones; A (above grade level)-can identify all flat shapes, regonizes all numbers to 30, and can count to 100 by 1’s. B (below grade level)- can’t identify 2 shapes, 4 numbers, and or count to 10 by 1’s. Writing- O- can hold a writing tool and attempt to copy; A- can write at least two sentences independently; B – cannot hold a writing tool to attempt to copy. Word study- O- can read at least 2 words; can read at least 40 words; B-can’t read at least two words. Reading- O- Passed an RB book (reading behaviors) and a PC book (print concept book); A- passed a RB, PC, B, C, and D book. To pass an RB book, students must demonstrate an understanding of the difference between a letter and word, and can follow along with their finger as the text is read to them. To pass a PC book, students must be able to finish a repetitive book that has been modeled- i.e… “Brown Bear, brown bear, what do you see? I see a red bird looking at me.” Red Bird, Red Bird what do you see?...”

Words for the week:square, green,review one through five, an, in

Concepts of the week:squares, the letter Jj and Aa, the color green, Johnny Appleseed, apples,trees,5 senses, ways to make five, figuring out missing numbers when counting 1-5,Spain

Global trait for September: Inquirer

Enrichment Schedule: A- Computers, B- Guidance, C- Art/Music, D- none, E- PE (be sure to have gym shoes), F-none, and G- Chinese/Media (library)

Behavior-Remember if behaviors require a student to clip down, there will be a consequence. These usually happen at recess time(walking the playground before playing, playing independently for a few minutes, or loss of a privilege or reward) Please sign or initial under each day to ensure behavior and homework were seen. Thank you!