TADS SP –Appraiser Navigation Guide

Teacher Appraisal & Development System

Student Performance

Appraiser Navigation Guide


1.Logging into the Student Performance Tool

2.Completing the Measures Worksheet

2.1.General guidelines for assigning measures to courses

2.2.Navigate to your teacher’s Measures Worksheet

3.Reviewing and Approving the Goals Worksheet

3.1.Verify that the Goals Worksheet has been completed correctly

4.Reviewing and Submitting the Results Worksheet and the Teacher’s Performance Level Rating

4.1.Excluding students based on attendance concerns.

4.2.Review scores and submit the Results Worksheet

4.3.Review scores and submit the Results Worksheet

5.Pre-K Supplement

5.1.Measures Work Sheet

5.2.Goals Work Sheet

5.3.Results Work Sheet

5.4.Performance Level

1.Logging into the Student Performance Tool

1.1.Once you are connected to the HISD network, you can access the tool by clicking on the following link: This link is also located under HISD Applications Links on the Employee Portal main page.

1.2.After clicking the link in step one you should arrive at the appraisal tools landing page shown below.

1.3.Once here, Click on “Log into Student Performance Tool” to navigate to the login page of the SP tool.

1.4.On the Student Performance tool landing page, click on the Login button.

1.5.On the Student Performance tool login page, enter your network User ID and Password and then click “Login” to access the tool.

1.6.After logging into the Student Performance Tool, you will be presented with the Principal, Appraiser or Teacher landing page depending on your role(s). General information about the landing pages is below.

1.6.1.Page Information Pane

The page information pane contains information about the profile that you are reviewing. Upon entry to the Student Performance Tool, your name, ID number and position should appear in this box; and, after selecting an appraiser or teacher in the navigation area, the page information will update to display information about the person that you have selected.

1.6.2.Messages Pane

Important messages regarding the Student Performance process such as upcoming deadlines will appear in this area.

1.6.3.Navigation Pane

The navigation pane is the primary resource for navigating through the various worksheets that will be created and maintained in this tool. This area also serves as a means to navigate between appraisers and/or teachers. In the case that the user is a principal as well as an appraiser, the principal’s name will be displayed twice in this area to reflect the two responsibilities. Clicking on a name in this pane will reveal any subordinates or existing worksheets. Clicking on the name of the worksheet will take you to that worksheet.

1.6.4.Progress Bar The progress bar fills to reflect where teachers are in the overall Student Performance evaluation process. For teachers, progress bars appear gray for courses that are assigned Value-Added or Comparative Growth courses indicating that these courses are not handled through this tool.


The workspace is the center area of the screen. It’s where all of the work is completed within the Student Performance Tool (i.e. assigning measures, assigning starting points and goals, reviewing completed goals worksheets, and assigning Student Performance ratings).

1.6.6.Button Bar

This area is located at the bottom of the screen and contains all of the buttons that are required to drive the appraisal process toward completion and print the contents of various worksheets.

1.6.7.User Information Area

Information about the user is displayed in this area at the top of the screen. Additionally, this section tells the user whether they are looking at a principal, appraiser, or teacher dashboard.

1.6.8.Logout & Extra Resources Area

The logout button is located in this portion of the screen, and you will also find helpful resources like the appraisal calendar and help guide here.

2.Completing the Measures Worksheet

Please note: The district has identified the measure types that may be assigned to courses. In some cases, a course will have a required measure. If a teacher’s course has a district-required measure, it will be in red and will be included in the teacher’s Student Performance rating.

2.1. General guidelines for assigning measures to courses

2.1.1. All teachers must have at least two measures assigned (two measures on two different courses or two measures on one course).

2.1.2. If a teacher only has Value-Added measures assigned, a students’ progress measure must be assigned to at least one of the teacher’s courses.

2.2. Navigate to your teacher’s Measures Worksheet

2.2.1. Find your Measures Worksheet below the teachers name in the navigation pane located in the lower left hand side of your screen.

2.2.2. Click on Measure Worksheet.

2.2.3.You’ll be presented with the work sheet that will look similar to the following Red Font represents required for Value Added and Comparative Growth, these will always be checked and cannot be disabled. Purple Font represents Required for Pre-approved and District Wide, these will be recommended and checked by default but can be unchecked. Blue Font represent normal measures, these will be unchecked by default and can be checked.

NOTE: When checking the editable measures (Purple and Blue) you can only check TWO of these per teacher’s worksheet. Valid combinations

  • 2 Purple
  • 2 Blue
  • 1 Purple , 1 Blue

2.2.4.Once you have reviewed measure assignments and/or assigned measures to courses, click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.

3.Reviewing and Approving the Goals Worksheet

3.1. Verify that the Goals Worksheet has been completed correctly

3.1.1. Verify that an assessment or work product has been identified.

3.1.2. If the teacher has selected an Appraiser- Approved assessment or work product, verify that you approve its use.
By approving the Goals Worksheet, you are indicating that you have approved the assessment/work product identified on the Goals Worksheet.

Verify that starting point categories have been assigned to all students

3.1.4. Verify that at least one type of evidence is present for each student.
This is the type of evidence used to determine a student’s starting point category.

3.1.5. Click on the Goals button and verify that goals (target scores) have been set for each starting point category and they are ambitious and attainable.

3.1.6.Once you have verified the above, click the Response button at the bottom of the screen. If you approve the Goals Worksheet, select Approve.
If you would like the teacher to make adjustments to the Goals Worksheet, select Changes are needed before this Goals Worksheet can be approved and enter a comment regarding the changes needed.

3.1.7. Click Submit. An email notification will be sent to the teacher notifying him/her of your approval or requested changes.

4.Reviewing and Submitting the Results Worksheet and theTeacher’s Performance Level Rating


Unlike the Goals Worksheet,theResultsWorksheetisvisible toappraisersassoonasit is created.

Youmayexcludestudentsfromateacher’s StudentPerformanceratingforattendancereasons, even ifthetoolshows theymettheattendancethresholdprovided theteacher provides evidenceshowingthatthestudent didnotinfactmeetthe attendancethreshold.

The teachers rating will be calculated automatically based on the rubric.

4.1. Excluding students based on attendance concerns.

4.1.1. If a teacher has entered a comment about a student’s attendance, a bubble icon will be present in the Met Attendance column for the student.

4.1.2. Click on the student’s name to view the comment.

4.1.3. If youneedtoexcludeastudent froma teacher’s StudentPerformanceratingbecause of attendanceconcerns, uncheckthe Include boxtothe leftof thestudent’snameand click on Save.

4.2. Review scores and submit the Results Worksheet

4.2.1. Student scores are visible in the Scores column. You are able to see scores even before the teacher submits the worksheet for final review. the teacher submits the Results Worksheet, you will receive an automated email and a Workflow Status message with the date the form was submitted.

4.2.2. If a teacher has added a comment regarding a student’s results, a bubble icon will appear next to the student’s name in the Name column. Click on the student’s name to view the comment.

4.2.3. If a student’s score didn’t meet the progress goal, but based on evidence provided by the teacher you believe the student made ambitious and feasible progress, change the No to a Yes in the Made Ambitious & Feasible Progress column and click Save. student will be counted as having met the progress goal.

4.2.4. When you have completed your review of the Results Worksheet and made necessary adjustments, click the Submit button. will send a notification to the teacher that you have completed this step and will activate the Ratings button.

4.3.Review scores and submit the Results Worksheet

Once you have submitted a Results Worksheet, click the Rating button to initiate the rating process.

4.3.2. A performance level rating dialogue box will appear and show you the information that you need to determine the performance rating. on View rubric (just above the comments section) to view the to the Student Performance rubric.

4.3.3. Once you have selected a rating using the dropdown box and entered any comments you want to share with the teacher, click Save.
After clicking Save you will be shown the same performance worksheet that the teacher will see.

5.Pre-K Supplement

5.1.Measures Work Sheet

5.1.1. The only change for the measures worksheet is that the PRE-K classes will be denoted in green and preselected and cannot be unselected.

5.1.2. The remainder of the measures sheet process stays the same.

5.1.3. Note if you also teach Kindergarten you will still select two other measures.

5.2.Goals Work Sheet

5.2.1.The teacher will still acknowledge the measures like the standard process and goal work sheets will be created.

5.2.2. The goals worksheets process has not changed. Starting points are set by the teacher and the Goal section will be prepopulated for the CPALLS assessment.

5.2.3. NOTE: for the Language arts course the GOAL that is being set is for Vocabulary, the teacher will be asked on the result worksheet if the child can Identify 20 UC & 20 LC Letters.

5.3.Results Work Sheet

5.3.1.Language & Arts The result worksheet process is similar to the normal result worksheet. The teacher will enter the vocabulary score in the score column for each student and check off each student that can Identify 20 UC & 20 LC letters using the column with the same header. You will have the opportunity to mark the student as include or not using the check box.

5.3.2.Math- Counting Sets result worksheet process is similar to the normal result worksheet. The teacher will enter the score for each student and submit the results to the appraiser. will have the opportunity to mark the students as included or not as well as met Ambitious and Feasible Progress.

5.4.Performance Level

5.4.1. Performance level will be auto assigned based on the rubric.

5.4.2. Sample Result Screen for Math – Counting Sets

5.4.3. Sample Result Screen for Language & Arts

TADS Student Performance Tool – Appraiser Navigation Guide Page 1 of 16

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