St. Helen Catholic School Board Meeting

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Open Meeting: by Heather James– 8:48am – Opening Prayer by Heather James – Hail Mary Prayer

  1. Attendance: Father Jim Courville, Ann Strouhal, Joey Krafft, Janet Kilroy, Dr. Phyliss Coleman, Heather James, Kay Ann Kernek, Marie McCorkle. Teacher rep: Ellen Silvas. Visitors: Andrea Baumann, Shannon Dohrwardt, Seminarian, David Hust.
  1. Approval of February Minutes (after revisions announced): 1st Joey Krafft,

2nd Kay Ann Kernek – All “I”

  1. Reviewed Accounting Reports for February
  1. Principal’s Report

a)Thank you to Fr. Jim, Fr.Hieu, and Seminarian David for all of their support.

b)Staff illness/prayer

i)Julianna Snyder may have surgery today – continued prayers for her and family. She was in good spirits yesterday.

ii)Memorial service for Julianna’s husband, Phil, will be after Julianna recovers

iii)Coach Harris – during his absence:

(1)PE – Ms. Ross will teach art to K-5

(2)Mondragon will teach Jr. High music

iv)Mrs. Garcia’s husband is home and is receiving assistance during the day

v)Mrs. Drone’s father is doing poorly – she will likely travel to Dallas

vi)Ms. Mendiola has had complications, but may return in two weeks

vii)Mrs. Swanson – father has stage 4 cancer

c)SHCS will be meeting with Fr. Jim to discuss our contribution to the capital campaign.

d)Announcements will be made on Holy Thursday about four staff members that will be leaving SHCS for the 2016/17 school year.

e)Enrollment for 2016 – approximately 380.

f)Dr. Vogel submitted a grant request on behalf of SHCS - $3,000 grant received for graphing calculators.

g)At the April board meeting, JH teachers, Baumann and Coleman will discuss changes to instructional time.

  1. Pastor’s Report

a)Pray for Julianna Snyder – husband passed away and Julianna is scheduled for surgery on Friday.

b)Jack Harris scheduled for surgery on Monday – 5 hour surgery for spinal repair.

c)Luncheon to be held on Friday at 11:30 in rectory to discuss capital campaign – will last 45 min to 1 hour.

d)Parking lot repairs are being addressed.

e)Church has 200+ First Communion/Penance participants.

f)Construction will begin in May, depending on finances.

  1. President’s report

a)Steps for Students net $11,571.23 – funds support Camp Kappe, Marketing & Athletics.

b)April meeting – start at 8:30 a.m. (will send email reminder). Short presentation regarding instructional time for next year.

c)Discussed new board member Candidate Form.

d)Oscar Rivas has been nominated for parent position – he will complete Candidate Form for our review. Will vote at April meeting.

  1. Committee updates

a)HSA: Shannon Dohrwardt

i)Butter Braid fundraiser – net $2,700

ii)Scentsy fundraiser begins after Spring Break

iii)Need (2) chairmen for magazine sales for 2016/17

iv)RayanneDarensbourg will be HSA President next year – VP position is open

b)Athletic Committee per Dr. Coleman in absence of Ashae Kubicek

i)Spring soccer possibility for 2017

ii)SHCS will no longer compete against St. Pius due to poor sportsmanship

c)Advancement Committee per Dr. Coleman in absence of Raquel Wood

i)Letterhead is being printed for St. Helen Fund

ii)Volunteer breakfast to include/honor all who have contributed to Fund, plus volunteers and parishioners

iii)Looking at marketing material for next year = 20 year anniversary with Mass celebrated by Cardinal

  1. New Business:

a)Catholic Daughters – discussed with Ann Strouhal

(i)JCDA meeting on Sunday in Deer Park – will see activities, successes, etc.

(ii)When chapter begins at SH, we can have a special mass

Meeting Adjourned: - 9:38am

Action Items:

Heather James – Send Candidate Form electronically to board members.

2015/2016 RemainingBoard Meeting Dates & Location:

April 21st, 2016 (Silvas Center) 8:30 a.m. start

May 26th, 2016 (Silvas Center)