Golden Age - The Real Deal on DBQs

Global History and Geography Name: ______

E. Napp Date: ______

Writing a DBQ is easy if you learn to see some simple clues!

Clue #1: The first page of any DBQ has the words: Historical Context written on it. Following the historical context is one or perhaps several sentences.

Historical Context is just a fancy way of saying: The Big Idea!

In other words, the historical context is the big idea of the DBQ. It will also be the big idea of the essay you will eventually write.

So, let’s try it: What’s the big idea of the following DBQ?

Historical Context:

A golden age is a time of peace, prosperity, and great achievements. Golden Ages have occurred in diverse civilizations across various time periods. Golden Ages have changed world history.

The big idea of this DBQ is (in your own words, please): ______

Clue #2: After we understand what the essay’s big idea is, we need to find the word: TASK. The task will tell us what we have to include in our essay.

If you know where you are going, you have a better chance of getting there.

P.S. The box underneath the word task will list the essay’s directions. So, let’s practice.

So, what do you have to do? ______

Clue #3: Now, calmly open the DBQ booklet. Relax! You know what you’re looking for and you know where you’re going. It’s just a matter of time before you get there.

Now, read and analyze each document carefully. Answer each document using the document. Please answer in your own words.

And let’s begin!

Document 1

The Parthenon in Greece

1a. Identify one distinguishing characteristic of this building in Greece.


1b. How have the features of this building influenced other cultures?


Document 2

This excerpt is from the textbook World History: Connections to Today (Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor,Esler, Anthony Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999).

Common Principles of Roman Law:

·  People of the same status are equal before the law.

·  An accused person is innocent until proven guilty.

·  The accused should be allowed to face his or her accuser and defend against the charge.

·  Guilt must be established “clearer than daylight” through evidence.

2. Identify two rights guaranteed to citizens by these laws.


Document 3

This excerpt, about Han China’s technology advancements, is from the World History: Connections to Today (Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor,Esler, Anthony Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999)

In its time, Han China was the most technologically advanced civilization in the world. Cai Lun, an official of the Han Court, invented a method for making durable paper out of wood pulp. His basic method is still used to manufacture paper today. The Chinese also pioneered advanced methods of shipbuilding and invented the rudder to steer.

3. Identify two achievements that occurred under the Han Dynasty.


Document 4

This excerpt, about Gupta India’s medical achievements, is from the textbook World History: Connections to Today (Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor, Esler, Anthony. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999).

By Gupta times, Indian physicians had pioneered the use of herbs and other remedies to treat illness. Surgeons were skilled in setting bones and in simple plastic surgery to repair facial injuries. Doctors also began vaccinating people against smallpox about 1,000 years before this practice was used in Europe.

4a. Identify two advancements made by Gupta physicians in the treatment of wounds and illness. [2]


4b. Which Gupta medical practice was not transmitted to Europe for almost 1,000years? [1]


Document 5

Wheelbarrow /
The ladle, which was carved from lodestone, swivels on the polished bronze base so that the handle always points to the south.

Paper Making
Wet pulp was dried on screens to make paper. /
5. Give one example of how the Chinese used technology to improve their quality of life.


Clue #4: Now, that you understand the big idea of the essay, know what your essay must include, and have read every document, it’s time to quickly outline your essay.

Outline the Essay before Writing!

Remember to Divide and Label the Box!

Final Clues: Write the essay and remember these final clues:

Clue #5: You must include one more than half of the DBQ’s documents in your essay. If there are six documents, you must include four.

Clue #6: You must acknowledge when you have referred to a document in your essay. This can be done by writing the document number in parentheses after your summation sentence of the document.

Clue #7: You must include outside information in your essay. You must include, at least, one bit of information that will help to explain your essay’s big idea that is not in the documents.




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