Salisbury House Surgery Patient Participation Group

Notes of Meeting held on Monday 11TH April 2016

Present: Monica Howlett -Chair of Meeting

Tina Ralph

Peter Albertella

Rhiannan Leaman

Sally Szuky (for Practice Manager)

Apologies:Sue Main, Sadie Hartwig.

SHS =Salisbury House Surgery

PPG =Patient Participation Group

LBPPGN =Leighton Buzzard Patient Participation Group Network

BCCG=Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group

These are notes rather than verbatim of the meeting.

  1. Welcome and departure
  • Sue Alger has resigned from group due to ongoing health issues.
  • MH has not heard from Deborah.
  1. Notes from 18th January–agreed accuracy
  1. Matters Arising

Representative for Network PPG In view of network reliance on computer/email communication Tina withdrawing from proposed membership. Additional member still required –to await outcome of next network meeting.

Health Watch report: Health watch report finally published and it is very favorable. Two key areas are; encouraging lift usage for those patients who would benefit.

Promoting PPGto raise awareness.

Full report available in the surgery, on the Healthwatch website and on the surgery website.

At this point the group was also informed of the recent Care Quality Commission visit.

This hugely important inspection of the surgery was carried out on 23rd February 2016.

The surgery was given an overall rating of GOOD. This was acknowledged as a wonderful achievement and congratulations were extended to all the staff at the surgery. Copies of the report are available on the CQC website, the surgery website and will be displayed within the surgery.

  1. LBPPGNetwork Report
  • Additional PPG member required –see above
  • PPG Booklet –Tina mentioned how well the Bassett Road ‘yellow booklet’had been received. ACTION - MH to ask at network re further support required for this.
  • MH informed the group that the LB network group looking at voluntary patient transport to hospital had met for a second time. The group still needs additional members.

Also people who would be interested in supporting this scheme either doing

administrative work or volunteering as a driver are asked to express their interest.

A meeting has been arranged for people to hear more about this proposed scheme.

Once posters are finalised MH will circulate with a request that this meeting be as

widely advertised as is possible by poster and word of mouth. All encouraged to


Meeting date to be 22nd June at Pages Park Pavilion, Billington Road

  • MH informed the group that there were two major Bedfordshire contracts currently due for recommissioning. The Out of Hours GP service along with the 111 access service plus the Community Services contract. Information on these is available on the Bedfordshire CCG website. Monica encouraged everyone to sign up to be a public member.

5. GP input

•No Doctor in attendance. ACTION - MH to communicate with Practice Manager as this is an ongoing issue which should be resolved now that recruitment complete.

6. Practice Manager Input

  • Sally represented Zadie for this meeting.
  • Reception staff still to be recruited. General acknowledgement of hard work being put in by Lesley and her team to cover for staff shortages.
  • Some discussion about shortage of appointments on website SS informed this is under constant review.

This extended into discussion about the PPG raising the profile of On Line usage. SS felt that the current uptake was better than the PPG anticipated (PPG thought only about 15%) PPG willing to have ‘training sessions’ etc but still unsure until on line appointment availability improves. Action: SS to look at figures for uptake and how appointments are released for on line usage.

  • Some discussion on how to advertise the excellent results from the CQC visit and the Healthwatch report. Suggestions include posters in surgery and notice on website Action: SS to discuss with ZH and MH to enquire re A3 laminator.
  • To await Zadie return. MH asked Zadie about possibility of using the PPG more proactively e.g. seeking patient opinions from PPG prior to a practice changes rather than informing them of changeafter event. Action: ZH to consider

7. Any Other Business

  • Face:Face commitments. Monica had no further feedback from members since last meeting. Action: Members to notify Monica when they would be available to do an initial session with her. Aim is to have a regular 2/3 sessions every month as this is a valuable way to pick up on patient feedback.
  • Recruitment and virtual membership. There was some discussion about recruitment and publicising the group. Suggestions include targeting the Saturday clinic. Setting up a Facebook page. Consider changing the name to something with a ‘friendlier’ tone eg. Friends of SHS. Action RL to look into other PPG usage of Facebook.
  • The Newsletter was again discussed. MH advised maintaining this is difficult with such few members and time constraints but agreed to send existing template to RH to see if simplified version might be easier to produce on a regular basis.

The meeting ended with MH and SS showing everyone present the SystemOne site on line demonstrating the layout and content of the Patient Record and the Patient Summery Record.

Everyone was reminded that in the near future the facility to share a summary of each patients record with other health professionals who are delivering care will become possible. All Patients can choose what information of theirs transfers from their Patient Record into their Patient Summery Record and it will only be their Patient Summery Record that other health professionals can view/need to view and will be given access to.

Only you, the patient, and your GP have and will continue to have access to your Patient Record.

Next Meeting –Monday 23rd May 2016

6pm –8pm SH Surgery Meeting Room.