Rubric to Gauge PLC Collaboration

1.0 Norms
Indicator / Not Yet / Progressing / Proficient / Advanced
PLC has developed norms and follows them as a guiding force throughout the meeting.
/ PLC does not yet have a clearly defined set of norms.
/ The PLC has developed norms and is in the beginning stages of using them.
/ The PLC has established norms, with involvement of all members, and is using them to guide the work.
/ The PLC functions as a team and everyone is committed to the norms as a guiding force.

2.0 Agenda Preparation
Indicator / Not Yet / Progressing / Proficient / Advanced
PLC collaboratively develops agendas and adheres to the established agenda for conducting the meeting.
/ PLC meeting is not well planned and organized around agenda items.
/ PLC has developed an agenda but it is not always followed and items are not always completed.
/ PLC has an agenda and works to complete the agenda items in the allotted time. / The PLC works the agenda with precision and items are completed within the allotted time.
3.0 Participation and Goal Setting
Indicator / Not Yet / Progressing / Proficient / Advanced
PLC members actively participate throughout the meeting and work as a cohesive team to establish and accomplish goals. / Participation of PLC members is sporadic with some members not contributing while others may dominate which hinders the development and accomplishment of goals.
/ Participation of PLC members is more evenly distributed and openness in meetings is beginning to be practiced as the PLC begins to formulate goals. / Participation of PLC members is evidenced in meetings and goal setting is accomplished. / Participation of PLC members is not only evidenced, but the team is cohesive and interdependent in the attainment of established goals.

4.0 Producing Tangible Artifacts Collaboratively Based on PLC Goals
Indicator / Not Yet / Progressing / Proficient / Advanced
Tangible artifacts are collaboratively produced and used by the PLC team based upon established goals.
/ PLC meets and is cooperative, but fails to produce agreed upon artifacts.
/ PLC meets and shares ideas with some artifacts commonly produced. / PLC meets and is in the beginning stages of collaboratively producing common artifacts. / PLC meets and collaborates as a team to produce common artifacts to accomplish agreed upon goals that all members use.

5.0 Measurement, Analysis, and Response Based Upon Common Assessment Data
Indicator / Not Yet / Progressing / Proficient / Advanced
PLC uses common assessments to collect data, analyze data, and respond accordingly to the data to improved student performance.
/ The PLC does not yet collect data from common assessments. / The PLC has some comparative data from common assessments, but is not systematic in its approach to data analysis. / The PLC uses comparative data from common assessments to analyze curriculum delivery but has collaboratively determined what the Tier 1 responses are. / The PLC uses comparative data to identify strengths and weaknesses and appropriately responds by collaboratively designing Tier 1 responses.

6.0 Process Management
Indicator / Not Yet / Progressing / Proficient / Advanced
The PLC process is being applied in a continuous improvement approach (Plan-Do-Study-Act or PDSA) to improve the key elements of the teaching and learning process resulting in improved student performance.
/ There is a lack of understanding of how to use the PLC process in a continuous improvement approach to assess and improve the work of the PLC. / A continuous improvement approach is occasionally applied to improve some, but not all, aspects of the PLC process. / The PLC systematically uses the PLC process, but has not yet formalized the use of quality tools in the PDSA improvement process. / The PLC process has been effectively integrated into the PDSA process and includes the use of quality tools and data analysis to improve all key elements of the teaching and learning process resulting in improved student performance.

Birdville Independent School District