Silent Orchestra October 21, 2001


Silent Orchestra will give a special Halloween performance of their score for the classic silent film, Nosferatu (1922) at 10:00 pm on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at Visions Cinema/ Bistro/ Lounge, 1927 Florida Avenue NWWashingtonDC.

Film: Nosferatu (1922) with live musical score by Silent Orchestra.

When: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 10:00 pm

Where: Visions Cinema/ Bistro/ Lounge, 1927 Florida Avenue NWWashingtonDC.

Admission: $10

More Info: Visions (202) 667-0090

Nosferatu, directed by F.W. Murnau is the earliest surviving screen adaptaion of Bram Stoker's Dracula. It has had a long and interesting life of its own. Almost destroyed by Bram Stoker's widow because of copyright infringement, this film has outlasted many other films of its day. Like any good Vampire it seems that you just can't keep it down. This “must see” local screening will be accompanied by a live musical score by Silent Orchestra.

Carlos Garza and Rich O’Meara formed Silent Orchestra to transport early cinema to a modern audience. They draw from collective experience in rock, jazz, world and classical idioms. With a passion for experimentation and improvisation, they seamlessly combine acoustic and electronic sounds with contemporary and traditional styles. By providing spontaneous and dynamic live performances, and making state of the art synchronized recordings, Silent Orchestra is expanding the art of classic silent film.

A sold out performance of their score for Nosferatu (1922) at the Virginia Film Festival on October 26th, 2000 was a recent success. As described by festival director Richard Herskowitz, this screening with “Silent Orchestra performing its majestic score for Nosferatu” was “among the most memorable in Festival history.” On January 14, 2001 they performed their new scores for Salome (1922) and Camille (1921) to a capacity crowd at the East Wing Auditorium of the National Gallery of Art. On August 4, 2001 they presented the newest Silent Orchestra score for The Golem (1920) to an enthusiastic audience at the D.C. Jewish Community Center.

Nosferatu is available with the Silent Orchestra score on VHS from Kino Video. Nosferatu – Special Edition (Image Entertainment) is the highest selling DVD of a silent film ever released (over 18,000 sold so far). According to Fred Hunter (The Classics on DVD)..."The score is filled with beautiful melodies that perfectly reflect the action. It's innovative and imaginative, and greatly enhances the experience of watching the film without distracting from it. I can honestly say that it was like seeing the film for the first time."



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