Năm học 2013- 2014
Môn: Tiếng Anh 6
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.

1. A. windowB. flowC. how D. show

2. A. hungryB. thirstyC. finallyD. recycle

3. A. chestB. lunchC. benchD. toothache

4. A. playsB. says C. days D. stays

5. A. stationB. intersectionC. questionD. invitation

II. Choose the best answer from the four choices (A or B,C,D) to complete each of the following sentences.

1. Would you like…………………?.

A. a fruitB. some fruitsC. some fruitD.fruits

2. While you’re out, could you please buy a couple of______?

A. soapsB. soapC. bar of soapsD. bars of soaps

3. Children are ______of seeing the dentist.

A. afraidB. interestedC. worriedD. keen

4. Do you want……………..out with me?.

A. goB. goingC. to go D. goes

5. Lan speaks English…………………than me.

A. gooderB. bestC. betterD. well

6. We should …………….English every day..

A. learnB. learningC. to learnD. learns

7. You and Mary ……………..students.

A. is B. are C. was D. our

8/ Lan: Let’s go to the movies this evening.

Ba : Yes …………….

a. Good ideab. I amc. we ared. Thanks

9/ There are …… erasers in the box.

a. an b. a c. somed. any

10/ The boys ……….. in the river at the moment.

a. swimb. are swimc. swimsd. are swimming

III. Read the passage then find and correct the wrong word in each line


We’re having any very hard winter.
Today it makes cold and there’s a lot of
windy. You expect bad climate in the
winter. You feel coldy when you go out.
Even so I really would love winter weather. / 1…………………….

IV. Give the correct form of the words in CAPITAL to complete the sentences.

1. To the left of the house, there is a……………garden.BEAUTY

2. Is Tam Dao a…………………town?.MOUNTAIN

3. Her……………..are in the living room. CHILD

4. Would you like to go……………….with me this afternoon? FISH

5. What is the…………….of this temple. OLD

V. Choose the correct word in the box to complete each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.

A. sport / B. I / C. movies / D. school / E. to
F. homework / G. country / H. weekend / I. twice / J. do

(1)………….am very lucky. I go to a wonderful (2)…………………I enjoy it very much. I don’t have much (3)………………so I have plenty of time to (4)……………interesting things. I do a lot of (5)…………………I go to an exercise class, go (6)……………dance classes, and I swim (7)…………..a week. I love going to the (8)………………with my friends. Sometimes we have parties. On the (9)…………, we often go on cycle rides into the fresh air of the ( 10)…………………

VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct option marked A,B,C or D to answer the questions.

John Smith is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has a lot of jobs. He is a policeman, a fireman, a school bus driver, a postman, a taxi driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Susan, have a shop and a small hotel.

John lives and works on the island of Gingham in the west of Scotland. Only one hundred and twenty people live there but in summer this number will be doubled because of tourists who come by boat every day.

Every day John gets up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00, he drives the island’s children to school. At 9.00, he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island’s only pub. Then he helps Susan in the shop.

He says, “Susan likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we do not like watching television. In the evenings, Susan makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10.00, we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isn’t very exciting, but we like it”.

1. John Smith is a very busy man because______.

A. he lives and works on the islandB. he is 60 years old

C. he has thirteen jobsD. he is a policeman and a taxi driver.

2. In summer, about ______people and tourists are on the island of Gingham.

A. 120B. 60C. 150D. 240

3. He usually takes the island’s children to school by ______.

A. busB. taxiC. boatD. ambulance

4. What does John do in the evenings?~ ______.

A. He makes supperB. He does the accounts

C. He goes to bed earlyD. He watches television

5. They don’t watch television in the evenings because ______.

A. They have a glass of wineB. They have lots of things to do

C. They are always tired in the eveningD. They don’t like it

VII. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word.

I have a very close friend. Her name is Nga. She is twelve years (1) …….…. She is in grade six. She (2) ……… speak English. She has English (3) …….. Tuesday and Friday. She can also (4) ……… the piano. In her room, (5) ……… is a piano and some books. Every day she gets up at six. She (6) …….… breakfast at six thirty and goes to school at a (7) …… to seven. She has her (8) ……… from seven o’clock to eleven thirty. Then she (9) ………… back home and has lunch at twelve o’clock. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon now and Nga is in her room. She (10) …….. playing the piano.

VIII. Write the sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original one.

  1. Can I help you ?

 What

2. He is a fast runner.

 He

3. What is your mother’s job?

-> What does______..?

4. A car is more expensive than a bike.

 A bike

5. Do you want to drink some tea?

 Would you like______

IX. Write a passage (80-100 words) to describe your house.

------THE END------

Năm học 2013- 2014
Môn: Tiếng Anh 6


Tổng điểm : 100



III.(10)1.any →a2.makes→is3.climate→weather4.coldy→cold

5.would love→ love




1.B / 3.F / 5.A / 7. I / 9.H
2.D / 4.J / 6.E / 8.C / 10. G


VII.(10)1. old2. can3. on4. Play 5. there

6. has7. quarter8. classes9. comes10. is

VIII.(10)1. What can I do for you?

2. He runs fast.

3. Whatdoes your mother do?.

4. A bike is cheaper than a car.

5. Would you like some tea? / to drink some tea?

IX.(20) Write a passage (80-100 words) to describe your house

. The candidate’s paragraph should include the following points:

- (2) Organization: Introduction- body- ending- linking words…

- (6) Content: should be clear, logical and creative with explanations…

- (2) Language skills: should be free of grammatical and spelling errors…

Giám khảo chú ý:

- Đáp án+ Hướng dẫn chấm này chỉ là một trong những cách giải. Thí sinh có thể giải theo cách khác, giám khảo căn cứ vào bài làm cụ thể của thí sinh để cho điểm.

- Tổng điểm toàn bài: 100 điểm- Sau đó quy ra thang điểm 10

------THE END------