Job Description

Job Title: GroupChief ExecutiveOfficer (CEO)

Responsible to: Board of Trustees

Age UK Camden has a group structure, and the CEO also supports the boards of the two subsidiary charities (Opening Doors London (ODL) and Personalisation Support in Camden (PSIC)). The CEO is also a member of the Ageing Better in Camden strategic partnership board

Responsible for: Overall leadership and management of the organisation, staff and volunteers

Salary Scale:£60 to £65,000 pa

Hours:Full time – 35 hours per week[1]

Location: Based at the Age UK Camden offices in Tavistock Square, but travel around the borough and sometimes beyond required

Main purpose of the job

1To work with the Trustees of Age UK Camden to ensure that the charity achieves its objectives to promote the rights, and support the interests of older people from all sections of the community in the London Borough of Camden as efficiently and effectively as possible, and complies with its statutory and legal obligations.

Additionally to support the Trustees of the ODL and PSIC subsidiaries to meet their objects, delivery plans, and compliance obligations.

2To take a lead in setting a clear direction for the future, and to manage and lead staff and volunteers of Age UK Camden so that high quality services are provided.

3To maximise resources, through planning and implementation of effective fundraising and income generation strategies, and the efficient and prudent management of the organisation’s resources.

4To ensure that Age UK Camden manages its external relationships in a way that promotes the welfare of older people in Camden and enhances the image of the organisation.

5To enable Age UK Camden to achieve its commitments to equality of opportunity in employment of people, providing good quality services and advocating on behalf of older people.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

6Working with the Board of Trustees

a)To support the Board of Trustees in their role and responsibilities and to ensure that they operate in accordance with the Articles of Association, Code of Conduct, general good practice and any legal requirements relating to the management of Age UK Camden.

b)To act as the Company Secretary of the Age UK Camden Group

c)To ensure that the Trustees receive relevant and appropriate advice, information and recommendations on service activity and development; financial management; human resources issues; development of and changes to internal policies and procedures; external issues and their impact upon the organisation and older people plus any other areas that may require Trustee input or approval.

7Service Development, Fundraising, Planning and Delivery

a)To ensure that Age UK Camden services are planned, developed and delivered in line with local need, have clear outcomes, are resourced appropriately, include user involvement and are reviewed/monitored and reported on, on a regular basis.

b)To manage the strategic planning process, developing strategic, business and implementation plans and ensuring that the monitoring and reporting process is effectively implemented.

c)To ensure that service development is in accordance with the aims, objects, values and beliefs of the organisation.

d)To direct fundraising efforts including: bids to trusts, lottery distribution boards; tenders to the NHS & Local Government; donations and legacies. Age UK Camden currently has a freelance bid writer and a part-time community fundraising officer, though the CEO steers the work and might also write some bids.

e)To consider and develop social enterprise and ‘paid for’ service opportunities.

8Staff and Volunteer Management

a)To ensure that Age UK Camden has an organisational structure and a management style that fits its aims and objectives; that promotes co-operation, a supportive environment, opportunities for development and learning and secures commitment across the organisation.

b)To ensure that appropriate policies and practices are in place enabling Age UK Camden to meet its social and legal obligations towards staff and volunteers.

c)To lead the Senior Management Team and to model effective team leadership throughout the organisation.

d)To support and supervise members of the senior management team, enabling staff to develop in their roles.

e)To ensure good practice in the recruitment, induction, training, support and supervision of volunteers. This is achieved through Age UK Camden having professional volunteer management staff and appropriate policies which trustees and the CEO sign off.

9External Relations and Partnerships

a)To ensure that Age UK Camden is effectively represented at relevant meetings, events, conferences, management groups etc., and those issues that impact upon older people and the needs of older people are raised appropriately.

b)To encourage and facilitate the involvement of older people both in relation to the work of Age UK Camden itself and services generally, and to build partnerships and work with other organisations within the borough and elsewhere to achieve these ends.

c)To develop and implement partnership working with other organisations to achieve organisational objectives.

d)To be responsible for the organisation’s contact with the media. This is supported by a Communications Officer post, but the CEO plays a key role in representation and strategy.

e)To ensure that the organisation participates in the Age England Association at a regional and national level.

f)To ensure that Age UK Camden acts as a resource and effective source of information for older people, their relatives and carers.

10Financial and resource management

a)To secure and manage income from a wide variety of sources, ensuring that funding conditions and requirements are met.

b)To work with the Finance Director and other staff to prepare, manage and review budgets; produce financial reports and ensure that the annual audit is completed.

c)Ensure that financial management across the organisation is in line with the organisation’s Financial Guidelines, legal requirements and general good practice.

d)To be responsible for overseeing the management of premises and equipment. This is mostly undertaken operationally by local staff.

e)To ensure that the decisions of the Board are implemented and that the organisation complies with relevant charity, company, employment, fiscal and other legal requirements.

f)To ensure the organisation has sound and reliable administrative, human resource management and development, financial, health and safety and other systems in place, that these are actively implemented and regularly reviewed.


a)The post holder is required to implement Age UK Camden’s Diversity/Equal Opportunities policy and ensure that equal opportunities principles are incorporated into the planning, delivery and monitoring of services and projects.

b)Under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated guidance it is the duty of all staff while at work to take adequate care for the health and safety of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their actions or omissions.

c)To carry out other such duties in relation to the objectives of AgeUK Camden as may reasonably be required from time to time and as required by the Board.

d)This job description reflects the requirements of the post at the time of writing. The needs and circumstances may change over time. The job description may need to be reviewed in the light of internal or external changes that may occur.

[1]The nature of this role means that additional hours may be required periodically, including the but not limited to working during evenings, weekends, and/or public holidays.