The Fourth Session of Board of Representatives

of the International Consortium on Landslides

Date: 9:00-17:00 on 12 October (Wednesday) 2005

Venue: Room 201, KeckCenter of the NationalAcademy of Sciences

Access information to the KeckCenter:

1. KeckCenter of the National Academies of Science

Address: 500 5th St NW,WashingtonD.C.20001, USA

Tel: +1-202-334-2000

2. Red Roof Inn Downtown

Address: 500H Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C., 20001 USA

Tel: +1-202-289-5959


USGS: +1-703-648-6937

Hiroshi Fukuoka: Mobile phone in USA (under purchase)

Paula Gori: Cell phone 1-571-331-4855

Kyoji Sassa: +81-90-8758-1405 (can work in USA)

The First General Assembly

of the International Consortium on Landslides

13-14 October 2005

KeckCenter of the National Academies of Science,WashingtonD.C., USA
Room 100


International Consortium on Landslides

U.S. Geological Survey

National Research Council of the National Academies of Science

Organizing Committee:

Honorary Chairman:

Patrick LEAHY (Acting Director of U.S. Geological Survey)


Kyoji SASSA and Peter LYTTLE


Hiroshi FUKUOKA and Paula GORI



FawuWANG (Japan), Gonghui WANG (Japan)


U.S. Geological Survey

Landslide Hazards Program

Phone +1-703-648-6943, Facsimile: +1-703-648-6937




Research Centre on Landslides

Disaster Prevention Research Institute


Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan

Phone: +81-774-38-4110, Facsimile: +81-774-325597, +81-774-38-4300



Programme of the First General Assembly of ICL

13 October 2005(Thursday)

(: Presenter)


Session 1: International Programme on Landslides (projects supported by ICL)

Chairpersons: Hiroshi Fukuokaand Paula Gori

9:00-9:15Landslide investigation in Machu Picchu World Heritage, Cusco, Peru (C101-1)

K. Sassa (Japan), H. Fukuoka, G. Wang, F.W. Wang,

E. Benavente, D. Ugarte, F.V. Astete

9:15-9:30Preliminary remarks on monitoring, geomorphological evolution and slope stability of Inca citadel of Machupicchu (C101-1)

P. Canuti (Italy), C. Margottini, R. Mucho, N. Casagli, G. Delmonaco,

A. Ferretti, G. Lollino, C. Puglisi, D. Tarchi

9:30-9:45Geomorphological investigations at Machu Picchu (C101-1)

V. Vilímek (Czech), J. Zvelebil, J. Klimeš, J. Vlčko, F.V. Astete

9:45-10:00The application of ground penetrating radar (GPR) at Machu Picchu, Peru (C101-1)

R. Mucho (Peru), V.C. Carlotto, W.P. Pari, M. J. Oviedo,

M.D. Jhonathan, M. Best, P. Bobrowsky

10:00-10:15Assessing the capabilities of VHR satellite data for debris flow mapping in the Machu Picchu area (C101-1)

N. Casagli (Italy), R. Fanti, M. Nocentini, G. Righini

10:15-10:30Coffee Break

10:30-10:45Emergency intervention for the geo-mechanical conservation of the niches of Bamiyan Buddhas (Northern Afghanistan) (C101-3)

C. Margottini (Italy), V. Colombini, C. Crippa, G. Tonoli

10:45-11:00Investigating rock-slope failures in the Tien Shan: State-of-the-art and perspectives of international cooperation (M111)

A.L. Strom (Russia), O. Korup, K. Abdrakhmatov, H. Havenith

11:00-11:15Multi-temporal and quantitative geomorphological analysis on the large landslide of Craco Village (M118)

G. Delmonaco (Italy), L. Falconi, G. Leoni,

C. Margottini, C. Puglisi, D. Spizzichino

11:15-11:30Tools for rock fall risk integrated management in sandstone landscapeofBohemian Switzerland National Park, Czech Republic (M121)

J. Zvelebil (Czech), Z. Vařilová, M. Paluš

11:30-11:45Capacity enhancement for landslide impact mitigation in Central America

O. Kjekstad (Norway), F. Nadim

11:45-13:00 LUNCH

13:00- 14:30

Welcome Ceremony for General Assembly

Chairperson: Peter Lyttle

Anthony De Souza (NAS/NRC): Welcome to the NationalAcademy of Sciences

Patrick Leahy (USGS):USGSRole and Activities for Disaster Reduction

Kyoji Sassa: Review of the first term of the International Consortium on Landslides

Mrs. Christine Alfsen-Norodom(UNESCO New York Office)

Wolfgang Eder: Explanation of Letter of Intent between ICL and international organizations

Kyoji Sassa:TokyoRound Table Discussion towards a dynamic global network of IPL

14:30-14:45 Coffee Break

14:45- 17:00 Panel Discussion

Innovative Projects for Landslide Hazard Loss Reduction through CapacityBuilding and Communication

Chairpersons:Kyoji Sassa and Wolfgang Eder

Panelists (only 10 minutes each to allow for discussion):

David Feary (National Research Council)

Partnerships for Reducing Landslide Risk

James Schwab (American Planning Association)

Landslides and Planning

Oddvar Kjekstad (InternationalCenter for Geohazards, Norway)

Landslide Disaster Hotspots in the World

Pedro Restrepo (NOAA/National Weather Service)

Joint NOAA/USGS Debris Flow Warning System

Paolo Canuti (University of Firenza, Italy)

Machu Picchu World Heritage Site at Risk

Claudio Margottini (Italian Agency for New Technology, Energy and Environment)

Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites at Bamiyan and Afghanistan

Alexander Strom (Institute of the Geospheres Dynamics, Russia

Landslide Summer School in Kyrgyzstan

Nicola Casagli (University of Firenza, Italy)

Global Landslide Monitoring in Cooperation with IGOS

Walter Ammann (Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research)

Snow and Avalanche Research for ISDR

Kieth Turner (ColoradoSchool of Mines, USA)

First North American Landslide Conference—Landslides and Society


Presentation of ICL Awards--Paolo Canuti (ICL AwardCommittee, Assistant Coordinator)

Varnes Medal

ICL Special Award of Appreciation

17:30-19:00 Reception (at KeckCenter—reception area outside of Room 100)

All participants are invited free of charge.

19:45 Dinner at Chinatown Garden Restaurant

618 H. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. (easy walk from Red Roof Inn and KeckCenter)

Telephone: 202-637-8860

Note: The participation fee is $ 25 USD for dinner. Those who wish to join are requested to register to the secretariat on 12 October or before/during the lunch time on 13 October. Drink (beer and wine) will be invited by ICL.

14 October (Friday)


Session 1: International Programme on Landslides (Continued)

Chairpersons: Oddvar Kjekstadand Nicola Casagli

9:00-9:15Landslide risk assessment and disaster management in the Imperial Resort Palace of Lishan, Xian, China (C101-4)

H. Fukuoka (Japan), K. Sassa, G. Wang,

F.W. Wang, Y. Wang, Y.J. Tian

9:15-9:30The mechanism of liquefaction in clayey soils (M124)

V.I. Osipov (Russia), I.B. Gratchev, K. Sassa

9:30-9:45On early detection and warning against rainfall-induced landslides (M129)

I. Towhata (Japan), T. Uchimura, C. Gallage

9:45-10:00Report of the Joint NOAA-USGS Task Force on Debris FlowWarning Systems

P. Restrepo (USA), S. Cannon

10:00-10:15 Coffee Break

Open Symposium

“Landslide Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management”

(Room 100)


Session 2: Landslide Risk Analysis

Chairpersons: WalterAmmann and Alexander Strom

10:15-10:30Geological and geomorphologic relationship of the sub-active landslidesof Cusco Valley, Peru

R. Carreño (Peru)

10:30-10:45Observation of shear zone development in ring-shear apparatus with a transparent shear box

H. Fukuoka (Japan), K. Sassa, G. Wang, R. Sasaki

10:45-11:00Seismic behavior of saturated sandy soils: case study for the May 2003 Tsukidate landslide in Japan

G. Wang (Japan / China), K. Sassa, H. Fukuoka

11:00-11:15Chemical weathering and the occurrence of large-scale landslides in the HimeRiver Basin, Central Japan

N. Watanabe (Japan), N. Yonekura, W. Sagara,

O.E. Cheibany, H. Marui, G. Furuya

11:15-11:30Characteristics of the recent landslides in the Mid Niigata region-comparison between the landslides by the heavy rainfall on July 13, 2004, and by the intensive earthquakes on October 23, 2004-

H. Yamagishi (Japan), L. Ayalew, K. Kato

11:30-11:45Integration of remote sensing techniques for landslide hazard mapping at basin and local scale

P. Canuti, N. Casagli

11:45-12:45 LUNCH


Chairpersons: LynnHighland and Vit Velimik

12:45-13:00‘ROM’ scale for forecasting erosion induced landslide risk on hilly terrain

Z.A. Roslan (Malaysia), H.A. Zulkifli

13:00-13:15 Geotechnical field observations of landslides in fine-grained permafrost soils in the Mackenzie Valley, Canada

B. Wang (Canada), S. Nichol,X. Su

13:15-13:30Slope-structure stability modeling for the rock hewn church of Bet Aba Libanos in Lalibela (Ethiopia): preliminary results

G. Delmonaco (Italy), C. Margottini, D. Spizzichino

13:30-13:45Assessing the 3-D slope stability of large landslides

M.E. Reid (USA), D.L. Brien

13:45-14:00Collection of data on historical landslides in Nicaragua

G. Devoli (Norway)

14:00-14:15Modeling rainfall conditions for shallow landsliding in Seattle, Washington

J.W. Godt (USA), R.L. Baum, W.Z. Savage, W.H. Schulz


Poster Session

(Presenters are ready to explain in front of their posters)

Formation conditions and risk evaluation of debris flow in TianchiLake area of ChangbaiMountains natural protection area,China (C101-5)

B.L. Cao (China), X.Y. Zheng, H. Wang

Aerial prediction of earthquake and rain induced rapid and long-traveling flow phenomena (APERITIF) (M101)

K. Sassa (Japan), H. Fukuoka, H. Ochiai, F.W. Wang, G. Wang

Mechanism of landslide causing the December 2002 tsunami at Stromboli volcano (Italy)

D. Boldini (Italy), F.W. Wang,K. Sassa, P. Tommasi

Landslide hazard mapping and evaluation of the Comayagua region, Honduras

R. Carreño (Peru), S. Kalafatovich

Preservation from rockfall of the engraved wall in the Fugoppe cave, Hokkaido, Japan

T. Yasuda (Japan),H. Yamagishi, H. Kobayashi

The Muralla Pircada-an ancient Andean debris flow retention dam, Northern Peru

W. E. Brooks (USA)


Session 3: Sustainable Disaster Management

Chairpersons: Claudio Margottini and Zieaoddin Shoaei

15:00-15:15Early Warning of Shallow Landslides for Seattle, Washington, USA -Analysisof December 2004 and January 2005 Storms"

R.L. Baum (USA), J.W. Godt, A.F. Chleborad

15:15-15:30Early warning and prevention of Geo-hazards in China

L.J. Zhang (China), W. Shan

15:30-15:45Displacement monitoring and physical exploration on the Shuping landslide reactivated by impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China

F. W. Wang (Japan /China), G. Wang, K. Sassa,

A. Takeuchi, K. Araiba, Y.M. Zhang, X.M. Peng

15:45-16:00Interpretation of the mechanism of motion and suggestion ofremedial measures using GPS continuous monitoring data

Z. Shoaei (Iran), G. Shoaei, S. R. Emamjomeh

16:00-16:15On the use of ground-based SAR interferometry for slope failure early warning: the Cortenova rock slide (Italy)

D. Tarchi (Italy), G. Antonello, N. Casagli,P. Farina,

J. Fortuny-Guasch, L. Guerri, D. Leva

16:15-16:30The role of debris flows in long-term denudation and landscape evolution in the central Appalachians

L. Scott Eaton (USA)

16:30-16:45The Muralla Pircada-an ancient Andean debris flow retention dam, Northern Peru

W. E. Brooks (USA)

16:45-16:55Recent Landslides in southern California

LynnHighland (USA)

16:55-17:00 Concluding Comments

Field Trip to the Reactivated Landslides

June 2005 Laguna landslide and January 2005 La Conchita Landslide

in California, USA

14 October (Friday)

Departure from WashingtonDC after the General Assembly to Las Vegas

(UA 631 20:00 Washington /National (DCA) –21:03 Chicago/O’Hare (ORD)

UA1563 22:10 Chicago/O’Hare (ORD) –23:59Las Vegas )

15 October (Saturday)

One day trip to visit the Grand Canyon

16 October (Sunday)

Departure from Las Vegas to LosAngeles

(UA1401 12:06Las Vegas–13:12Los Angeles)

17 October (Monday)

Field trip to the La Conchita landslide

18 October (Tuesday)

Field trip to the Laguna landslide

Go back to LosAngelesAirportat the late afternoon (about 15:00) and close the field trip.

Photo of ICL Foundation Meeting in Kyoto, 21 January 2002

Photo of the thematic session 3.8 of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe, 18-22 January 2005