Member’s name:



You must:

  • Attend the club’s Induction Programme and follow the advice and guidance given by the Club;
  • Inform the Club in writing to the Membership Secretary () of any reason whyyoumay be at risk due to any relevant illness or injury;this be shared with relevant coaches;
  • Operate within your competence level(recognising your growing level of knowledge and understanding);
  • Raise witha coach or Club Officer any aspects of safety youare concerned or unsure about;
  • Take personal responsibility for your safety and the safety of others affected by your activities;
  • Educate yourself about Club policies and rules and where to find them;
  • Be aware of the risks involved in your activities, and assess them mentally before starting an activity;
  • Wear appropriate clothing for all activities and conditions;
  • Report incidents to the Club Rowing Safety Adviser by emailas soon as possible and without fail within 24 hours, these will be reported to British Rowing, almost always anonymously; and
  • Shut boat bay and other doors and lock up behind you, particularly if you are one of the last to leave.

Assist, where appropriate, with the Club responsibilities which include:

  • Recording personal information about anew rower including emergency contact and parental or guardian consent for juniors;
  • Recording any reason that they may be at risk due to current or previous illness or injury;
  • Ensuring that suitablerisk assessments are completed for all activities, whether written or an oral or mental exercise, in line with what is appropriate and required by guidance;
  • Providing an appropriate Induction Programme for all new members;
  • Explainingrelevantsafety procedures to allrowers;
  • Supporting the principle that safety is everyone’s responsibility;
  • Providingguidanceon any health or injury issues that affect a member’s safety when participating in Club activities, particularly when using Club equipment and/or refer them to their medical professional as appropriate;
  • Reporting all incidents, whether water-based or land-based, relating to the Club Rowing Safety Adviser for further reporting anonymously on the British Rowing Incident Reporting System (note this is the responsibility of everyone involved; members, coaches and observers);
  • Adequately managing activities of all rowers and exercise a higher level of care for those persons who present a higher risk;
  • Encouraging new rowersto ask about anything they are unsure of; and
  • Operating within RowSafe and British Rowing guidelines and regulations.


Land Training

Your responsibilities are to:

  • Follow rules on the use of all Club facilitiesand equipment including:
  • Checking the condition of equipment before use and report any defects to the head coach, copied to the CRSA by email,
  • Cleaning equipment after use.
  • Warm up appropriately for the activity.
  • Use the Club training equipment appropriately and as advised by the Head/Squad coaches in line with RowSafe guidance

Assist, where appropriate, with the Club’s responsibilities, which include:

  • Providing appropriate induction sessions for beginners and experienced new members;
  • Promoting safe use of the Club and its equipment;
  • Monitoringthe facility and the equipment for safety in use;
  • Training users to use the equipment and rowing machines correctly;
  • Providing appropriate training and advice on how to train using Club equipment as specified in RowSafe with respect to risk assessments, persons at higher risk, incident reports, intensity, resistance and work loads.
  • Maintaining rowing machines in safe working order and quarantine damaged rowing machines;
  • Providing materials for cleaning and disinfecting equipment and the rowing machines.
  • Ensuring that sufficient space is provided between rowing machines.
  • Providing appropriate notices and instruction on safer use of gym equipment (including clothing, storage and rowing machine monitor set up) and potential health issues.
  • Implementing the British Rowing guidelines for the use of rowing machines by juniors with reference to the BR,“How much and how often?”

Water training

Your responsibilities are to:

  • Follow the rules of safe rowing on the Tideway, including:
  • Obeying the Tideway Code; and
  • Complying with the Thames RC steering levels;
  • Risk assess your outing before leaving shore – if in doubt, don’t go out;
  • Confirm in writing that you are able to swim 400m in light clothing or wear a lifejacket at all times. If in any doubt, it is your responsibility to test this from time to time as appropriate. The Club reserves the right to test this at the member’s cost if required;
  • Be able to do an emergency stop in the approved method onthe Thames RC website and also cited by British Rowing;
  • Check over your boat and make safety checks, including bow ball integrity and attachment, hatch covers, and your heel restraints (note this should be the responsibility of the whole crew);
  • Make sure your boat is properly lit (lights should be white, flashing on the bow, constant on the stern, and should be visible from 180o):always carry a spare light and a means of attachment. If there is any restricted visibility (i.e. lights are required) and you have no spare, refuse to go out;
  • Not go downriver of Wandsworth Bridge without a pre-approved risk assessment submitted to the CRSA sufficiently in advance for the CRSA to provide input if needed prior to approval;
  • Not go upriver of Kew Rail Bridge or below Putney Bridge in the dark; and
  • Not leave damage unreported.

Coxes and steers’ responsibilities are to:

  • Only go out in conditions you are certified for, with appropriate supervision;
  • Log all outings in and out in the Register at the front of Bay 1.
  • Carry basic tools, including a rigger jigger.

Assist, where appropriate, with the Club’s responsibilities, which include:

  • Providing appropriate induction sessions for beginners and experienced new members;
  • Training users to row in such a way as to reduce the risk of injury to an acceptable level;
  • Ensuring members row at appropriate intensity and overall workload;
  • Maintainingboats and blades in safe working order.
  • Providing materials for cleaning the boats and blades.
  • Providing appropriate notices and instruction on safer use of Club equipment and minimising risk of health issues.
  • Providing appropriate training and advice on how to row as specified in RowSafe with respect to risk assessments, persons at higher risk and incident reporting.

I acknowledge the rowing is a sport with inherent risk. I agree to abide by the responsibilities listed above.

I have read and understood the requirements of the use of the gym and land training and will abide by these terms and attend all required Induction Programmes. I confirm that I have declared any relevant health issues to the Club.

I have read and understood the requirements of the use of boats and water training and will abide by these terms and attend all required Induction Programmes.

I certify that I am capable of swimming 400m in light clothing.YESNO

(If “No”, a lifejacket or buoyancy aid must be worn at all times on the water)

