English Language Arts Grade 6


Mrs. Lizzie Turley, Mr. Kevin Ewing, Mrs. Rhonda Mayes,

Mrs. Ayana Fuentes, Ms. Kristy Watterson, Mrs. Mindy Scalzi, Mrs. Christine Parker

Thurman White Academy School Hours:

8:44 am – 2:55 pm

Early Bird 7:45 am – 2:55 pm

Purpose - English Language Arts 6 is a one-year, two period course that provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the Nevada Academic Content Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. The course is separated into two, independent periods: English (fiction) and Reading (non-fiction). Both courses will be taught in collaboration with a focus on writing and grammar throughout. This course is designed to build knowledge and critical-thinking skills through close reading of texts; writing to support claims, to clarify ideas, and/or to develop ideas; and a range of collaborative discussions. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology and digital media are integral parts of this course. This course fulfills the sixth-grade English requirement and the sixth-grade reading requirement for promotion.

Goals -

1.  To read and study a wide variety of text (e.g., informational, fiction and non-fiction, expository) independently and proficiently.

2.  To respond, and/or explain, in writing or speaking with a focus on how an author conveys the theme or central idea of a text through structure and details, how an author develops point of view in text, and how an author develops an argument.

3.  To demonstrate a command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

4.  To generate and support ideas by conducting short research projects and gathering relevant information from multiple print and digital sources to use when writing or speaking.

5.  To combine information from multiple sources to support analysis of literary and informational text to produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

6.  To explore the elements of text, selected from a range of sixth-grade literary and informational text exemplars, to understand how authors use structure, word choice, details, and elaboration to convey the theme, central idea, or purpose of a text.

7.  To learn the purposes and characteristics of the major genres of text (e.g., prose, poetry, drama, literary non-fiction).

8.  To apply the general strategies of organization, and revision to produce writing (e.g., argument, expository, narration) appropriate to task, purpose, and audience whether over time or under a tight deadline.

Text - Scholastic Code X, Glencoe Literature, The Reader’s Choice , Write Source 2000, quarterly novels and other related readings to be determined.

Class Novels: Students will be reading a variety of novels throughout the year. Novels will be assigned to each student for classroom and home use. If a novel is lost or returned damaged, a fee will be assessed.

Necessary Supplies for ELA Block 6 – In addition to the Thurman White Sixth Grade requested supplies, teachers may request additional supplies for each student.

Classroom Expectations - All students are expected to attend class every day unless ill, injured, or having completed and submitted a CCSD Pre-Arranged Absence Form. Students are to attend to all lessons, adhering to all components of daily lessons, to the best of individual ability. Students are to complete any work outside of classroom time as directed by the teacher. Students are to behave in a manner appropriate for the classroom environment, allowing for maximum benefit for all students. Students are to have all necessary supplies in class, every day.

Behavioral Expectations - Students are to be on time to class, every day. At the sound of the tardy bell, students are to be inside the classroom, and engaged in writing in student planners, and completing any prescribed warm up activities. Students are to maintain their personal space and possessions, respecting the personal space and possessions of peers as well as those of the teacher. Students are to behave in a manner that allows for maximum learning. Students are to adhere to all behavioral procedures as outlined in the Thurman White student planner.

Grading - 90%-100%=A 80%-89%=B 70%-79%=C 60%-69%=D 0%-59%=F

Grade Classifications - Test/Quizzes=40% Classwork=40% Homework/Projects=20%

Semester Weights - Qtr. 1= 42.5% Qtr. 3 = 42.5%

Qtr. 2 = 42.5% Qtr. 4 = 42.5%

Semester 1 exams = 15% Semester 2 exams = 15%

Citizenship - Citizenship grades will be based on adherence to all CCSD and Thurman White behavioral standards. Good citizenship is a common sense, universal expectation. Students will be rewarded for positive behaviors and held accountable for negative behaviors. Reading the Thurman White student planner is strongly suggested.

Late Work Policy - Students are to make every effort to complete all of their work on time. There may be times, however, when students are not able to complete their work on time. For these times, the school-wide late work policy will apply as on page 7 of the student planner:

One day late – One letter grade will be dropped. Example: If a student earns a B on an assignment, and the assignment is one day late, the student will receive a C for the assignment.

Two days late – Two letter grades will be dropped. Example: If a student earns an A on an assignment, and the assignment is two days late, the student will receive a C for the assignment.

Assignments turned in more than two days late, up to one week late, will be reduced by 50% of the grade earned.

Students will have one week, from the original due date, to turn in any late work. Assignments turned in more than one week late will not be accepted for credit.

We are looking forward to learning about your child and creating a positive learning environment for his/her personal success!

TWMS ELA 6 Block Teachers

Mr. Kevin Ewing

Mrs. Ayana Fuentes

Mrs. Mindy Scalzi

Mrs. Christine Parker

Mrs. Rhonda Mayes

Ms. Lizzie Turley

Ms. Kristy Watterson


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My child and I have read and understand the course expectations.





ELA PERIODS: ______& ______




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These texts will keep you up to date with classroom details and classroom news.



DATE: ______

Thurman White Academy of the Performing Arts

Challenger Behavior Expectations, “Accept the Challenge”

Classroom / Cafeteria / School Campus
(Quad, Hallways, etc.) / Bathroom / Assemblies / P.E. & Locker rooms / Drills
(Fire drill, Shelter-in-Place, Lockdown, etc.)
Respect / ·  Address adults w/ appropriate titles. (Mr., Ms., Mrs., and Coach)
·  Follow ALL rules when a sub is present
·  Be open to others’ ideas/opinions
·  Use appropriate language, tone, volume, and body language / ·  Raise hand to get out of your seat
·  Use appropriate language, tone, and volume / ·  Be considerate of others and other classes
·  Keep hands and feet to yourself. No PDA.
·  Use appropriate language, tone, and volume
·  Respond to adults appropriately / ·  Help keep bathrooms clean / ·  Actively listen to the performance/speaker
·  Clap at appropriate times / ·  Stay in your own area and respect other peoples’ spaces, property, and privacy
·  Display a positive attitude and good sportsmanship / ·  Take it seriously
·  Keep calm and quiet
·  Treat every situation as a true emergency
Responsibility / ·  Come prepared to class with materials
·  Complete and turn in ALL assignments on time
·  Follow ALL classroom rules / ·  Clean up your own trash
·  Come prepared for lunch (money, lunch from home, Free/reduced lunch active application)
·  Be considerate of others’ personal space and property
·  Don’t solicit money from others / ·  Use lockers before/after school and during lunch ONLY
·  Use correct enter and exit hallway doors / ·  Use the restroom during passing periods and lunch
·  Flush toilets and wash hands
·  Use the restroom during class time only in an emergency
·  Do your business and hurry back to class / ·  Enter and exit in an orderly fashion following teacher directions / ·  Enter and exit in an orderly fashion
·  Dress quickly and sit down on the bench to await instructions
·  Use appropriate language, tone, and volume
·  Follow the school-wide electronic device policies / ·  Follow the school-wide electronic device policies Follow all procedures without being reminded
Reliability / ·  Be an active participant
·  Give your best effort with a positive attitude
·  Be on time ready to learn / ·  Invite others to join you
·  Be a role model
·  Do the right thing ALL the time / ·  Walk quickly to class, don’t run
·  Don’t stop and mingle or socialize
·  Take pride in your school campus / ·  Report any issues to an adult / ·  Sit with your class until dismissed
·  Follow the school-wide electronic device policies / ·  Be to your next class on time
·  Participate in ALL activities / ·  Follow adult directions
·  Enter and exit in an orderly fashion
Intervention 1: Reteach with direct verbal warning with documentation / Intervention 2: Private student conference with documentation, student verbal reflection, and parent contact (phone or note home) / Intervention 3: Written behavior reflection sheet and phone call home / Intervention 4: Referral to the counseling office for student conference with documentation and parent phone call home

*Challengers will take responsibility for their own learning, actions and the consequences that result without arguing.