More than I am
Head Girl & Head Boy ReportThis week has been Anti-Bullying week in school. Our school council did a fabulous Worship on Thursday.
Mr Boveniser came and told us a great story in Worship on Thursday and we enjoyed singing with him. We think we all now know how to be anti-bullying experts.
Best Wishes
Anya & Ali
Stars of the Week:Bulou Biautubukoso, Finley Wells, Kieran Gardner, Bradley Payne, Grace Hartness, Lysander Tansley, Ewan Lees and Freya Mason.Well done everyone!
Happy Birthday to:Riley Kidd, Oscar Hall, Declan Padgeon, Lysander Tansley, Evie Thelwell-Gillett, Ryan Brown and Leighton Thompson!
Attendance: Congratulations to Year5 - 98.8% attendancethis week. Well done!
Individual Photographs
The children will be bringing home their photograph proofs today. They will need to be returned back to school no later than Friday 2nd December. This will mean that we can get them back to you before Christmas so they can be used for Christmas gifts etc.
2016 sees the the FIRST Kirkham Christmas Lights Switch-on Event! Fri 2nd of December.
This is a free event for all the family starting at 6pm at Town End, Kirkham. Traditional carols and blessing of the crib with local primary school children singing and Rev Rick from St Michael's Church is followed by a torchlight walk up the hill of Poulton Street to Market Square.
At Market Square, live acts on stage will perform for your entertainment, including Children's School Choir and Fylde Coast Youth Theatre Company. The lucky winner of the children's Christmas Light competition (a Y6 pupil from our school) will then press the button to switch on the town's Christmas lights at 7.30pm, followed by more live performances.
There will be food stalls selling and serving subsidised hot turkey barms,chilli and rice and hotdogs plus a stall outsidethe Queens ARMS(licenced to sell mulled wine), hot chocolate and other beverages.
Local shops will be open for browsing and buying – It’s definitely a family event for everyone to enjoy and start off the Christmas Spirit.
Poulton Street will be closed from 6pm whilst the event is on and diversions will be advised.
Anti Bullying Week 2016
This week we have been celebrating Friendship Week in school. Special lessons have been delivered regarding what is and isn’t bullying. The children are really knowledgeable when discussing this. Please can you help them to put this knowledge into practice at home regarding being a good friend to everyone; using kind words and actions and using their ’Power for Good’ Thank you.
Winter is upon us!!! – The weather seems to have got a lot colder and wetter in the last few days. Please can you make sure that your child has a coat in school every day and winter footwear; black shoes for both girls and boys. Please can girls wear modest hair bands to school. We are intending on introducing a new blue, clip-on, school tie with each house having their own colour on the stripe. This will be introduced after the Christmas holidays. More information will follow.
Diary Dates
Tues 29th Nov / Indoor Athletics Y5/6Weds 30th Nov / Year 5 World War Two Visit to Museum of Lancashire
Friday 2nd Dec / Family Event in Kirkham. Switching on the Christmas Lights – 6pm – see above.
Weds 7th Dec / Singing Carols to Thistleton Lodge Care Home
Thurs 8th Dec
Thurs 8th Dec / 9:00- 10:00 Music Concert in Church. All year groups
Carol Singing to Milbanke
Tues 13th Dec / Year 5 Christmas Production with Year 4 choir 2.00pm and 5.30pm
Yr 3/4 Sports Hall Athletics at Carr Hill 12:30 – 3:30 pm
Thurs 15th Dec / FS and KS1 Christmas Production2.00pm and 5.30pm
Friday 16th Dec / Christmas Lunch in school.
Tues 20th Dec / 4:00pm Carol Service in Church
Weds 21st Dec / Stars of the Term in church
Christmas parties in school.
School closes 1:30pm
With best wishes,
Mrs Astbury