Electronic versions available at Page 1 of 2
Operation Name: / Date:

►Complete Section A of this form if your company:

  • Growsapples or pears that are exported or used in products that are exported to the EU or Korea from the US.
  • Processes products containing apple or pear ingredients that are exported to the EU or Korea from the US.

►Complete Section B of this form if your company:

  • Exports, or sells organic products that will be exported to Canada.
  • Raises non-ruminant livestock, or processes livestock products from non-ruminant livestock, that will be exported to Canada.

Oregon Tilth is able to verify products to international organic standards and Trade Arrangements for your exporting needs. If you are selling organic products into international markets, it is very important that you understand the organic regulations of the importing country and have the appropriate certification or verification in place prior to sale or shipment. Contact OTCO or visit our website for additional information.
  1. US-EU andUS-Korea EQUIVALENCY - For clients with NOP Products processed and shipped from the US to an EU Member State or to Korea

Note: If your operation is located outside of the US and exporting to the EU, or your ingredients are further processed and shipped to the EU from outside of the US, you will need to complete the EU supplement for either Crop or Handlingavailable on the Oregon Tilth Website.

Your company will only need US-EU or US-Korea Equivalency verification if you grow or process apples or pears in the US, or if organic apples and pears are an ingredient in a product to be shipped to the EU or Korea. If this is the case, please complete the following.

1)Please list all NOP certified products containing apples or pears for which you are requesting EU and Korea equivalency verification in the table below or on your Master Products List.

Product Name / Product Formulation Sheet / Label
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file

2)Please confirm that antibiotics have not been used in production for three years prior to harvest of apples and/or pears that are destined for the EU or Korea:


3)If you are a Handler, that utilizes organic apple and/or pears as an ingredient, please attach documents of verification from your suppliers that antibiotics were not used in production for three years prior to harvest of the apples or pears.

Attached or submitted separately Not applicable, not a handler

B.US-CANADA EQUIVALENCY – For clients outside of Canada

Complete the following questions if your company sends organic products directly to Canada, if you sell to others who will be shipping your products to Canada or using your products as an ingredient in a finished product being shipped to Canada.

1)Should OTCO review all products for Canada Equivalency? Yes

No, items to review listed below No, items to review are on my Master Products List.

If you did not mark yes to #1 above and only are requesting certain products to be reviewed for Canada Equivalency then please indicate which products OTCO should evaluate for Canada Equivalency in the table below or on your Master Products List if you are handler.

Product Name / Product Formulation Sheet / Label
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file
Attached On file / Attached On file

2)Please attach documentation that verifies all organic ingredients were produced in compliance with the US-Canada Equivalency Arrangement.

Attached or submitted separately N/A: products, or ingredients in products are not on the high-risk crop list.

3)Does the documentation accompanying the product during export include the mandatory statement: “Certified in compliance with the terms of the US-Canada Organic Equivalency Arrangement”?

Yes No N/A, I do not ship products directly to Canada

2525 SE 3rd Street, Corvallis, OR 97333, 503-378-0690 | 1-877-378-0690 |

IM-International Markets rev. 11/23/15