Chapter 4

Subatomic particles: Protons (+), neutrons (0), electrons (-)

Atomic mass = Protons + neutrons

Ionic charge = protons – electrons

Atomic number = # of protons

Types of radiation: alpha (4/2 He) stopped by paper/cloth

Beta (0/-1 e) stopped by sheet of metal

Gamma (0/0) stopped by 1-foot of concrete

Dalton’s Atomic Theory:

All atoms of the same element are the same (isotopes disprove)

Atoms cannot be created or destroyed (nuclear radiation disproves)

Molecules rearrange in whole number ratios in a chemical reaction

All matter is made of atoms

Atoms combine in whole numbers to form compounds

Rutherford gold foil experiment (proved the existence of a positive nucleus)

Chapter 5

Bohr – ring model of the atom (quantum energy levels for electrons)

Quantum – amount of energy gained or lost by an electron in an atom (a discrete packet of energy)

Photon – a packet of light emitted from an electron losing energy

Photoelectric effect – discovered by Einstein (Nobel Prize!) – describes how energizing an element causes it to light up.

Atomic emission spectrum – different elements present different wavelengths of light due to different arrangement of electrons

deBroglie – wave equation

Schrodinger – wave-particle duality

Heisenberg – uncertainty principle

Quantum-mechanical model of the atom – electrons not only exist on specific energy levels but also in vague clouds of probability

Electron Configurations:

1s^2, 2s^2, 2p^6…etc… [electron rain]]lji-

Orbital diagrams (that thing with the boxes and arrows)

Aufbau Principle

Pauli’s Exclusion Principle

Hund’s Rule

Chapter 6- Periodic Table

Period – energy level

Group – valence electrons

Valence electrons – outermost electrons (partake in reaction)

s-, p-, d-, f- blocks

Mendeleev – organized modern periodic table by mass

Newlands – Octet rule

Moseley – corrected periodic table by organizing by atomic number

Representative elements – s, p blocks

Transition metals – d,f blocks

Inner transition metals – f block

Alkali metals – Group 1

Alkaline earth metals – Group 2

Halogens – Group 7

Noble gases – Group 8

Periodic Table Trends:

Atomic radius – increases to bottom left corner

Electronegativity – increases to top right corner

Ionization energy – increases to top right corner

Ionic Radius – gaining electrons increases size, losing electrons decreases size

Chapter 8 – Ionic Compounds

Ions result from gain/loss of electrons

Cation – positive ion

Anion – negative ion

Opposite charges attract, like charges repel

Ionic Bond results from electrostatic attraction between ions.

Lattice energy – ionic bond strength, related to electronegativity trend

Crystal Lattice – structure of ionic solids

Electrolyte – ionic compound dissolved in water is a conductive substance

Metallic bonds

Sea of electrons/ delocalized electrons

Alloy- mix of metals with other elements to create new physical


Differences between ionic v. metallic solids


Hard, brittle, high melting point

Metallic solids:

Soft, flexible (malleable, ductile), low melting points, conductive

Differences due to differing electron arrangements: ionic is highly rigid structure versus metallic is very loose.

Chapter 9 – Covalent Bonds

Covalent bond: when electrons are shared between two atoms

Lewis structures: extension of electron dot structure. (the lines and dots)

1)  ID number of valence electrons/ number of bonds that can be formed

2)  Most bonded atoms go in middle, less bonded on outside

3)  Draw bonds from outside and work inwards

4)  Dots = Group # – bonds formed

Naming covalent molecules:

Use numerical prefixes (mono-, di-, tri-, etc…

Less electronegative element named first

No use of “mono-“ for first element named (Ex: carbon dioxide, NOT monocarbon dioxide)

Sigma bonds are the first/single bond between two elements

Pi bonds: the additional bonds after sigma bond (Ex: a triple bond has one sigma & 2 pi bonds)

Strength of covalent bonds depends on how close the elements are to each other. The closer they are, the stronger the bond. Double & triple bonds are closer/stronger than single bonds.

Single< double< triple (Bond Strength)

Naming Acids:

Binary Acids (H-X): hydro-element-ic acid

Ex. Hydrochloric acid

Oxyacids (HXO): ends in –ite then –ous acid (H2SO3: sulfurous acid)

-ate then –ic acid (H2SO4: sulfuric acid)

VSEPR Models: pg. 260

Number of lone pair electrons + bonded elements counts up to VSEPR hybrid type.

Ex: NH3 : sp3

Polarity: results from one element attracting electrons more strongly in a molecule than others.

More electronegative elements attract electrons more strongly.

Ex. H2O: Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen so the oxygen side has more electrons and is slightly more negative than the hydrogens.

Properties of Covalent Compounds:

Can exist in any state at room temperature, depends on structure of the molecule.

Covalent Network Solid: strongest type of covalent bonding: Where atoms are bonded atop, below, and to the sides. Makes strongest substances on the planet. Ex. Diamond v. graphite/pencils

Chapter 10 – Chemical Reactions

All chem. Reactions are comprised of 2 parts, reactants and products

Reactant: stuff you start out with (before reaction)

Product: stuff you finish with (after reaction)

Skeleton equation: basic layout of compounds in the reaction

Balanced equation: number ratios of compounds stated (coefficients)

*Pro-tip* balance oxygen last

In combustion reactions water needs to have an even coefficient.

Types of Chem Reactions:

Synthesis : A + B à AB

Decomposition: AB à A + B

Single Replacement: AX + B à A + BX

Double Replacement: AX + BY à AY + BX

Combustion: A + O2 à AO + energy

Precipitate: solid produced during a chemical reaction.

Phase labels: (s) solid

(l) liquid

(g) gas

(aq) aqueous: dissolved in water

Ionic equations: (complete & net)

1) ID the precipitate formed

2) Break apart the compounds into their ions

3) ID the spectator ions (ions that do NOT produce precipitate)

4) Cross out spectator ions

5) Rewrite equation without spectator ions

Chapter 11

Mole: number of atoms found in 12 grams of Carbon

Avogadro’s number: 6.02 x 10^23 particles

Molar mass: mass amount for 1 mole of a compound.

Ex. Water = H2O = 1+1+16= 18 grams/mole

Converting between particles à molesà grams

1 mole = 6.02x10^23 particles

1 mole = molar mass in grams

·  Going towards moles then divide

·  Going towards molar mass or # of particle then you multiply

Percent Composition:

__Mass of element______x 100 = % comp.

Total mass of compound

Do for each element in compound

Empirical Formula:

1)  divide each element from atomic mass

2)  compare which has lowest result

3)  divide all results with the lowest result

4)  write down the ratio

Molecular formula:

1)Molar mass given = n

Empirical formula mass

2) multiply ratio numbers by n

hydrate: compound that binds to water

Chapter 12 - Stoichiometry

Understand how to convert particles or grams to moles

Going from Moles A to Moles B uses the balanced equation (coefficients used)

Limiting Reactant: reactant amount that produces less product (remember hotdogs v. buns)

% yield: ____actual____ x 100 = % yield


Chapter 13.1 & - 14 Gas

3 states of matter differ by energy amount

Least - Solids< liquids< gas – most energy

Kinetic Molecular Theory:

Particles are small relative to distances between particles

Particles do not stick to each other (elastic collisions)

Particles experience an average velocity

Temperature: average kinetic energy of particles

Pressure: Results from particles bouncing off walls of container

Units: Pressure : atm, mmHg, torr, kPa

Volume: Liters

Temperature : Celsius, Kelvins

K = C + 273

STP: (Standard Temperature Pressure) : 0 Celsius or 273 Kelvin

1 atm = 760 mmHg = 101.3 kPa

@ STP 1 mole gas = 22.4 L

Gas Laws:

Boyle’s Law: P1V1=P2V2

Charles’ Law: V1/T1= V2/T2

Lussac’s Law: P1/T1=P2/T2

Combined Gas law: P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2

Ideal Gas Law: PV=nRT