My NahualWe will read De me llamoRigobertaMenchu p. 92 Nuevas Vistas RUBRIC

You read about the Nahualin the book I, RigobertaMenchu. Find your Nahual using the links below. Then tell your story - your history, like RigobertaMenchu told her story. You will then compare and contrast your nahual to your Chinese Zodiac sign and your western Zodiac. You will then write a minimum 15 sentences using the preterit, imperfect, past perfect, and present perfect. Then you will write another 15 sentences describing your personality and stating which symbol describes you best and why: Chinese, Western zodiac, or nahual. Finally write 5 sentences using the subjunctive for yourself – hopes, wishes, desires, suggestions for your future, etc.

1. A picture of your nahual, Chinese and weseternzodiac is pasted on a construction paper or pictured electronically.

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2. Explanation of the meaning of your Nahual, western zodiac, and Chinese zodiac in Spanish

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3. MINIMUM 15 sentences about your history - the story of your life (preterite and present perfect)

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4. No spelling or grammar mistakes

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5. Use subjunctive for 5 times to recommend life choices for yourself or doubt your nahual, western zodiac, and or Chinese zodiac and why.

Links: click versignificado to see what your nahual or nawal means


Chinese zodiac -

Western Zodiac -


byMicha F. Lindemans

A nahual, also called nagual, is a spirit being or animistic entity closely associated with a human being. Among some groups, each person has his or her own nahual which acts a double, a shadow, or as a protective spirit. They are often animals such as dogs, jaguars, or opossums, but they can also be natural forces such as lightning or meteors.

If one harms another person's nahual, one may harm the person who belongs to that nahual. During sleep, the nahual can go wondering, something that can be seen in the dream. Nahuals can also be sent out to perform tasks, use it as an adviser, or a person can change his shape to that of the nahual.

The origin of the nahuals lies far back in pre-Hispanic times. Many patron deities of towns have their own nahuals to help them guard their towns, just like their pre-Hispanic forebears. These nahuallies make nocturnal patrols, giving off evil airs to ward off rival nahuallies. In ancient times, each day sign of the divinatory calender had its own personal nahual or deity, which corresponds to the present-day beliefs that each sign of the zodiac has its own nahual. Among the Quiché Maya (K'iche') the day a child is born determines its nahual, but the child is only told when it has reached a responsible age so that they may not blame bad deeds on the nahual.

En la construcción social de la realidadmesoamericana, el nahual o nagual es un elemento del individuo que se considera un vínculo con lo sagrado y que por ello es sagrado el mismo. El concepto se expresa en diferentes lenguas significando algo similar a "interior" o "espíritu"[1] Más comúnmente, entre los grupos indígenas se denomina nahualismo a la práctica o capacidad de algunas personas para transformarse en animales, elementos de la naturaleza o realizar actos de brujería.[2] Etimológicamente significa lo oculto, lo escondido, lo interior.[3] En maya el concepto se expresa bajo la palabra "Chulel" que se entiende precisamente como espíritu,[4] la palabra deriva de la raíz "chul" que significa divino.[ -