Education Committee Minutes

2- Student list of enhancement, work with SU 2014/15 to track progress, comparable process this year. Tracked this year through EDU committee.

Process, 1ce term, action plan back to Student Experience committee.

Last year, focus groups for SWS & NS from previous year

Recommendation coming out, research done in Feb 2015,

Thing that we didn’t know since FEB in first column, 15/16 col: yet to put in place, end of year view from EDU committee it they have improved or not

Confusion with traffic light system, (commentary on progress or commentary on fix?) Until the whole this was fixed, nothing could go green, unusual way if in development. Right way of reporting at the end of the year. (Where and when AT). Rachel Maxwell took notes and took back to people linked to SWS to update plans and update EDU committee, formally monitor once term. Request: Student to lease with named professional services. (ASM) ASM job to monitor SWS, EDU to talk about understanding and dialog.

External examiners - Not understanding EE & reports. Access to reports fine, they are available, opportunity to talk missing with module leader, need a facility of understanding. RW & ASM found all external examiners reports (on NILE) that they were looking for, when can students not find? Lectures role to publish EE report on NILE. A set of standards for what information has to be on NILE, assessments, tutors etc… (ASM)

Information always different, NILE being used different? (JY)

If for teaching, it is fine, if on a module site and information on assessment should be in the same place on each site. Set up so students can have set information in set places (ASM)

Not always in the same place (JY)

If module site not following site guide, should be taken to program leader, audit in July. Last years concerns were addressed in cur SWS (ASM)

Assessment feedback - Instructions to tutors, (1) rare occurrence if not meeting 4 week turn around should be explain why it takes 4 weeks and longer, (goes wrong due to new jobs, severe illness, etc) if deadline not going to be met, info must be upload without breaking data protection the reason and indication when it will come out, monitored at QSEC with RAPs should write if met or not met. Tracked though the year. In place since September in SEC. QAA looked at this very closely, noted anything that misses the deadline is bad but 81% hitting deadline, better than most. Also noted when 3rd year students report on satisfaction, we are in top quartile. Want to improve, but doing well in the sector. Not a quality issue. No disciplinary if ill unless they are not delivering quality of teaching in general.

What happens if no communication (JV).

Question between line manager if first occurrence, else more drastic measure are taken. Monitoring until end of year (ASM)

Waterside – Aware students not happy with interaction and discussion, want student clear with what they like

What can students still have an influence on (JV)

All decisions made, cannot have a voice on waterside (KP, AT, JV, BF)

None of the courses have been redesigned yet; all programs to begin developing 3 year development plan for WS courses

Waterside as a whole entity(AT)

Best to ask president to deal with VC (ASM)

Already going from exec team from SU (JV)

Students upset with how much voice we have (JY)

Person taking the lead in development matter – Jane Bunt?, link to Jane, reinforced view, 3 year plan, year 1 in progress. Any plan has to go through KIRO? And change of approval and students need to be involved in both. Students will have a role in programs at Waterside, not look and feel with ASM, 3-year window. (ASM)

Data protection & hot desks, doesn’t look like it has been taken into account, how can meetings be arranged (AT)

Could not be answered, wrong person, unless teaching and learning questions (ASM)

NILE – skipped, taken to IT committee

WIFI – In progress with head of IT

PAT – New process set up, should know who PAT is. All SSEC reported on if has actioned, SSLC agenda as well. Improved massively this year, review in new year (ASM)

PGR – Review in new year

Module evaluation – system created last year and in place in May. Confusion with last years issues and issues will change. (BIMI dashboard) Compare satisfaction rates across different modules, was asked by students. If new problems with modules, formulate and hand back. Clear when address hopefully (ASM)

Start compiling new list (separate), dealt with by September for current issues. Comments in 2 halves, last year and new emerging.

These are the issues from last year, why dealing with now (KP)

Only heard of them in May, the sooner heard about them, the sooner they can be acted on, 2 thirds already green when report submitted in May. Checking to make sure that problems were acted on. (ASM)

Student portal – IT

Hidden costs – CR training, #CutTheCost, meeting with workplace learning involved, school forums (SW)

New emerging issues, new consumer law, had to go through everything and tried to capture everything, if not let know. On going monitoring going on as well. (ASM)

How it is put on a website or told to students is an issue (SW)

If needs are being put wrong, need to be put right (disability, discrimination, etc) ASAP. Address to program leader and school dean (ASM)

Changemaker – Process, part way through journey, emphasis on entitlement through optional activates for students about uni doing good stuff in society. Every student should have the opportunity, volunteering or ambassador work run through UCEE. Social impact activities, SU needs to be informed. Serious change: looking at learning outcomes & skills, changemaker in the curriculum, transferrable skills being re-written reflecting CM social impact values, enable developmental work on literacy & employability. Students have workshops and are using them as much as staff are using workshops. Interim: making sure info can be put out to students making it clear to them, working with EDU committee. (ASM)

Intimidating for students to be in a session with staff (JV)

Will look at investigating how this can change, developmental. (ASM)

HEAR – Some information after degree with UCEE stuff, HEAR will be developed, no further progress. Go to the next SEC, will come to us when SEC have it. Will get transcripts, separate from HEAR document (ASM)

If re-written, could change and have been sorted out, communication is an issue.

3 – Minutes approved (Victor had an action that wasn’t specific enough, talk to business school manager) Minute taking need to be formalized more.

4 - (VA) Look into extending IT hours on Avenue, discussion with head of IT & issues, update required (VA action)

(VA) Talk to Business School Manager, unknown

(VA) Look into SU Opt-In forms being submitted to I.T., forms in SU, communications wont be sent out to those who are not accepted, can still access the website

(VA) To invite Ann Shalton Mayes to Ed. Comm. Done

(SW via VA) Email special needs & inclusion course rep, Done

(SW via VA) Update School Reps on which courses still need reps, didn’t figure out until today, spreadsheet with reps. Yellow rows don’t have a school rep, white do. Cannot share that is why white. Lots of wrong email addresses, on going

(SW & IM via VA) Organise School forum, done

(SW via VA) Put up a list about School Forum dates, done

(SW via VA) Email course reps re. School Forum dates, done (never sent by third-party)

(SW via VA) Book rooms for School Forums, done

(JY) Module Feedback forms (see AOB, below), sucks, few suggestions last times, went to 2 school receptionist, each school in charge of internal post, should get to the right place, S&T all forms delivered by JY if we wanted to do it that way. S&T will provide own forms; arts want them supplied, other not questioned. Cannot have both online and paper based system.

Filled out in lecture, if not complete, form put on NILE, printed out and put in anonymous drop box. (VA action, look into module evaluation)

Confidentiality put in training further.

(JY) Email non-attendees about lack of attendance, included in emails about school forum

(JV) Email – through Kristie – the health & business related societies about vacant School Rep positions, done

Decide data for next school forums in next meeting

5 –


-1 (VA (action in council) to report on conference in Feb), VA to change report to make it education focussed

VA to make report clearer, when not here is more important

Rejected based on not enough information written & not in line with guidelines


JY: Induction for S&T and art (meet with deans more often, course rep socials & society), school forum

KP: School forum

JV: Looked into course suggested, not viable, #CutTheCosts

BF: #CutTheCosts, school forum

Bad press release for #CutTheCosts, not happy with the quality

(VA action – Talk to Sammi to generate report of school forums)

(VA action – Write a response on how awful MP was to us at #CutTheCost)

6 – All is fine apart from distribution of dates and places

AF attending QSEC & SSEC, not enough info passed along, poor turnout in forum

JY invite other students to forum if low attendance in school forums

School forum banner

(VA action – school forum banner & leaflets to promote guideline about them, dates and time if possible)

7 – JV: Education, similar focus point in children and normally talking about same thing, courses to collaborate information for holistic view on an issue.

AF (email): Interlinking of courses, staff surprised that students wanted to talk between courses

Guest lectures should be open to all where it is relevant to attend

Raise at SSEC individually, if possible

(VA Action: Look into opening lectures to all students, if they wanted to attend them, where possible)

8 – School council is now based on councillors, instead of individual votes.

Write up of by law:

Education committee has to elect 12 reps.

Conflicting roles (PTOs) cannot have a seat.

School reps can have it automatically if they attend edu committee regularly, but can decline if they don’t want it.

If no school rep, or rep does not want position, election from reps in the school takes place, requirement needs to be met like school rep.

If cannot go for any reason, a democratic vote will take place in edu committee to represent them instead if needed.

Chair and vice chair automatically have seats due to having to be present, 10 further seats to elect, chair to organise.

Order of:

Chair has to go

VC has to go

Opt in of school reps, if possible

Course reps (manifesto required), voted in by education committee

(VA Action: Find out if a councillor can have the same vote of no confidence as an officer)

(JY action: work with SW on structuring and election plan)

9 – Student advice coordinator has to report to edu committee, future reports have to be in an appropriate format. Will know more information next school forum.

Few issues raised, EU student started course, couldn’t prove here for 3 year (3 days out), after a term, SF asked for the money and they had to drop out, still owe money for first term.

(VA Action – Find more about SAC reports)

10 – Victor sorted out,

Nightclub events are promoted more than educational issues. (KP)

11 – 98 course reps trained, encouraged to log volunteering hours

12 – See previous

13 – All happy if available and not too far away

(JY action: Email Drew & sort out)

14 – 14/01/2016

Go over colours on SWS in this meeting