Record of Meeting

Date: February 01, 2013

In Attendance:Leslie Buckalew, Laureen Campana, Matthew Christman (ASCC Rep), Cari Craven, Greg Elam, Doralyn Foletti, Wendy Griffiths-Bender, Judy Lanchester, Wendy Link, Ron Martin, Kim Morris (ASCC Rep), Karin Rodts, Liz Rumney, Don Smith, Laurie Sylwester.Gary Whitfield, Terri Isaman (recorder),

Absent: Brian Demoss, Danise Rapetti, Dean Wimberly

Approval of Meeting Notes

Record of meeting forJanuary 18, 2013was approved as presented.

Measure E Construction Update

Ron reported on the following:

  • Secondary Data Center-Project out to bid; there have been many inquiries. Bid opening is February 25. Construction should begin in March if bids come in at or under budget and barring protests. The staging and student pathway plans will be presented at the March meeting. In response to a question, any specialized contract requirements are listed in the bid. However, most of our projects require a general contractor license B.
  • Tank Replacement–In design phase. Project in DSA. Working on site logistics. Anticipate no impact to college
  • Redbud– Project out to bid last week and was awarded to Robert Boyer from Twain Harte. Mr. Boyer completed the Public Safety Center project. Anticipate construction to begin the end of February. Building is off line and will be fenced at the bottom.Par course will remain open. It was suggested a sign be posted directing students to the nearest restroom. Ron reported there will be no portable restrooms at the site; the construction crew will utilize the Redbud restroom. Disabled parking will be directed to Sugar Pine/Toyon. The contractor and crew will be parking at the site. In response to a question of the contractor blocking the roadway; Judy stated it has not been a problem in the past. If there is a need for vehicles to be moved, either Ron, facilities or security will work with the contractor to move the vehicles as needed. Judy further stated the contractors cannot mix with the students. YCCD maintains a zero tolerance policy for bad behavior from the contractors while on campus.
  • Sequoia–Submitted to DSA this week. Anticipate project to bid in April and construction to begin in June. The staging plan will be developed soon. Anticipate project completion November/December.
  • Manzanita–In design phase; anticipate submission to DSA this summer.
  • Modular at Symons field –Project is operational. The disabled parking stall striping will be completed today. There are still a few items for the contractor to complete.

The committee discussed the moving process to the swing space locations. Ron stated there will be a full procedure line out in advance. And, outside movers may be engaged. There are meetings occurring now on furniture and technology needs as well as access to student services. Judy reviewed the swing space plan dated January 31, 2013. The committee discussed the sequential moves that are contingent on other projects being finalized. The swing space plan is designed to save bond dollars as well as alterations to the grounds required to accommodate new modular.

Facilities Committee Meeting

February 01, 2013

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Measure E Update - continued

Doralyn inquired about the location of middle college during the construction period. Judy stated middle college will utilize some instruction space in Redbud. However, this space will not be permanently allocated to middle college.

The committee discussed the poor condition of the campus roadways. Judy reviewed the draft roadway repair prioritization form (see exhibit B). Repairs are planned in 3-phases as follows:

  • Phase 1 – Resurface Oak and road to Symons Field. Repair path from Mazanita to Tamarack
  • Phase 2 – Student Parking areas, path to Alder and Madrone
  • Phase 3 – Staff Parking Area, CC Drive, path to Juniper

College Facilities Projects

Judy reported Facilities staff are working on the awning behind the Student Center. The Oak Pavilion continues to be revamped; project is on a 3-year plan. The court floor is scheduled to be refinished at the end of spring semester. The snow plan is current and active. Judy reported a caution/stop ahead sign has been installed prior to the new stop sign at Madrone. Restriping will occur as weather permits. The easement has been approved with CVIN to bring wider bandwidth to the college. Judy hopes to postpone trenching on campus until May, after spring semester. However, the work must be completed by June 30. California Student Housing is trying to work with CVIN to take the bandwidth to the dorms to improve service.

Safety Sub-Committee Report-Out

Gary reported the following issues were discussed at the Safety Committee meeting:

  • Handicapped door non-operational at Tamarack
  • Risk Management plans to review claims for trends and follow-up with solutions for reduction
  • Security reported 4-criminal and 7-non criminal events this month. California Highway Patrol held a second Active Shooter training on campus
  • Health Services reviewed the flu cases and other viruses. Everyone was reminded to wash their hands and stay home when sick. Get plenty of rest, eat well, exercise and avoid stress when possible. A person is contagious until they have been 24-hours without a fever.
  • The committee reviewed snow closure procedure and alert notification systems. Building evacuation and active shooter drills are to be planned.

The committee reviewed the recent incident in Oakdale of an active shooter. College classes were dismissed as the activity was on the perimeter of the campus.

Update on off-campus instruction

Gary reported a Board of Trustees presentation was held yesterday on off-campus instruction including the amount of services required to run a facility. The College is looking at partnerships in Calaveras and Oakdale. Discussion followed on the location of classes currently held in Calaveras and Oakdale.


The Committee discussed the posting of the evening shuttle bus route map in length. Gary will investigate areas to post the map around campus.

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February 01, 2013

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There being no further business, meeting adjourned at11:54am.

Exhibit “A”

Facilities Committee Meeting

February 01, 2013

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Exhibit “B”