What is wind and why does it move?

Wind is moving air.

**It moves because of differences in air ______.

Air moves from areas of ______pressure to areas of ______pressure.

Types of Winds

Global Winds

Are part of a pattern of air circulation that moves across the Earth

Move large distances and blow in the ______direction.

Local Winds

Move ______distances and blow from any direction

Bill Nye Wind Video

  • Wind is cause by the ______from the Sun and the ______of the Earth.
  • What did the “great big plastic wind box of science” show? ______



Global Winds

  • Label the Earth

with the 3 Global Winds:

Trade Winds

  • Blow from 30 ° latitude to 0 ° (the equator).
  • Early “______” used these winds to sail from Europe to the Americas.
  • The trade winds of the north and south meet at the equator (the doldrums).
  • Flow from the ______to the southwest in the northern hemisphere.
  • Flow from the ______to the northwest in the southern hemisphere.


  • Blow from the ______° to ______° latitudes
  • They flow from the southwest to the northeast in the northern hemisphere.
  • They flow from the northwest to the southeast in the southern hemisphere.

Polar Easterlies

  • Blow from the poles to the 60° latitudes.
  • They come ______the "poles" and from the "______".

Global Winds and Pressure Belts Picture

What is the name of the convection “cell” between the equator and 30°latitude?


Coriolis Effect

  • The Earth's ______affects the movement of the winds.
  • The Coriolis Effect is the curving of moving objects, such as wind, by the Earth's rotation.
  • Northern Hemisphere - curve to the ______.
  • Southern Hemisphere - curve to the ______.

Coriolis Effect Merry Go Round

  • For someone above looking down on the Merry Go Round, the path ball of the ball appears ______.
  • For the children rolling the ball on the Merry Go Round, the path of the ball appears to ______.

What is the Coriolis Effect? Video (FYI: A “round about” is a Merry Go Round )

  • What did they use to demonstrate the Coriolis Effect? : ______


Pressure Belts

  • Areas of high or low ______that occur at about every ______° of latitude.
  • Label the missing pressure belts:


  • Areas of low pressure around the ______.
  • This where the ______winds meet.
  • There is little wind because of warm air rising.
  • Doldrums mean "______" in Old English.

Horse Latitudes

  • Areas of ______pressure around 30° N and 30° S where the winds are week.
  • When sailors would sail into these latitudes they would have to throw the horses overboard to save ______.


  • At north and south poles, there is cold air, so it is a ______pressure "belt" (a very small belt"!)
  • The cold air ______and moves away from the poles.

Polar Front

  • Areas of low pressure at ______° N and ______° S.
  • As the cold air from the poles moves across the land, it warms and creates a ______pressure belt.

Jet Streams

  • How long are the Jet Streams? ______
  • How thick are the Jet Streams? ______
  • These are areas of high speed winds that blow in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
  • They do ______follow regular paths around the Earth.
  • The winds can reach up to ______km/h.
  • These can affect the movement of ______.
  • They can help in flying.
  • How many Jet Streams are there in the Northern Hemisphere? ______

Label the missing Jet Streams:

Cross Section of the Jet Streams

Wind Video

  • What heats and cools faster, land or water? ______
  • Cold air is ______. The air molecules need less room to move. You can fit more of them into one area.
  • Warm air is ______. Warm air as a ______pressure.
  • The ______the pressure differences, the faster the winds.

Local Winds

  • These winds are influenced by ______, like shorelines and mountains.
  • Examples: sea and land breezes, ______and valley breezes.

Sea and Land Breezes

  • Sea breezes happen during the ______.
  • Land breezes happen during the ______.

Sea Breezes

  • List 2 things you learned from the sea breezes website:
  1. ______
  1. ______

Land Breezes

  • List 2 things you learned from the land breezes website:
  1. ______
  1. ______

Mountain and Valley Breezes

Valley Breezes

  • The sun heats the valley and the air near it during the day. The warm air moves ______from the valley.
  • Complete the diagram below:

Mountain Breezes

  • At night, mountains cool faster than the valley. Cold air ______from the top of the mountain to the valley.
  • Complete the diagram below: