Welcome to HSC Ancient History. This will be a mixed group, made up of a fewpeople who have done some ancient history before and many who are new to the subject.

Because this college teaches both the Preliminary and HSC course in one year, you will need to satisfy the requirements of both in order to be eligible for an assessment mark. If you have completed Preliminary AncientHistory at another school or college, you will not need to do the Preliminary assessment work (althoughyou would be advised to do it, as it will help you revise).

Assessment marks and dates

The marks and submission dates for assessment tasks are as follows:

Preliminary Course (Year 11)

Component / Weighting / Type of Assessment / Task / Date Due
Studies of ancient societies, sites and sources and historical investigation / 100 / Portfolio / March 2nd
MARKS / 100

HSC Course (Year 12)

Component / Weighting / Type of Assessment / Task / Date Due
Core Study: Cities of Vesuvius – Pompeii and Herculaneum / 25 / Source analysis 15
Trial exam 10 / Task 1
Task 5 / March 30th
Starts August21st
Historical Periods: The Greek World 500 – 440 BC / 25 / Class test 15
Trial exam 10 / Task 2
Task 5 / June 1st
Starts August 21st
Personalities in their times: Xerxes / 25 / Assignment 15
Trial exam 10 / Task 3
Task 5 / July 17th
Starts August 21st
Ancient Societies: Sparta to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC / 25 / Class test 15
Trial exam 10 / Task 4
Task 5 / August 10th
Starts August 21st
MARKS / 100 / 100

Completion of assessment tasks and submission of work

Please note that the normal penalties will apply for late submission of work. That is, you'll lose 5 percent of the total mark for each day your work is late. After three weeks, you’ll get zero. If there is a reason why you are absent (sickness, court appearance, death in the family), pleasesee me. Attendance is important! You will not get an HSC unless you attend regularly.

If you have a legitimate reason why a piece of work is late, you must get an extension if you are to avoid losing marks. This must be done before the submission date. If you have forgotten the submission date or have lost the assessment sheet, check on the HSC website. Anythinghanded out or presented in class can be downloaded from there.

I take no responsibility for lost work. Never leave an assignment under my office door. If I am not there, please giveit to another member of staff and ask that teacher to write the date of submission on the top. I much prefer work to be submitted by email. I can then print it and send you areply acknowledging that it has been received.

Any plagiarised (copied) work will be given zero. I am notorious for checking sources. If you copy original work from another student, each of you (the copier and the one whose work was copied) will be given 50 percent of the mark. Before the sole take-home assignment is due, I will spend some time discussing what exactly constitutes plagiarism.

Punctuality and discipline

One of my main requirements is that students get to class on time. Unless you have a legitimate reason for lateness, you'll be locked out and marked absent. This also applies to breaks in the middle of class. I give ten minutes for a break, then lock the door if people are late. If you don't think you can get back in time from a break, don't move far from the room. (Having a cigarette is no excuse for being late; I hate smoking.) No exceptions will be made to this rule during first term.

There should not be any problem with discipline, but occasionally we get a few trouble-makers, so be warned:if you want to misbehave in class, don't bother coming; it will only save me the effort of throwing you out.

Next, there is the matter of mobile phones. Let me put this bluntly: I hate mobile phones! If you want to be in my class, you must turn off your phone at the start of the lesson and leave it off. The only exception to this rule is in the case of students with children – or in very special circumstances, and with permission from me. In such cases, the phone must be put on silent.

Stick to these rules, and we should have a productive and enjoyable year. Break them, and you won’t be in Ancient History for long.

Finally, I encourage you to come and see me outside of class if you are having difficulties with your assignments or with the content of the course. I’m here five days a week, and my door is always open when I’m in.

Ken Enderby

Head Teacher, HSC Program

Room J1.05

Telephone: 9780 5588.


HSC Ancient History website: or type

bankstowntafehsc into Google, then follow the links to Ancient History.

HSC Ancient History assessment schema – Bankstown TAFE Version 1.0 03/11/2018