WP/PPG/MIUTES/2014/ Jan 14

Heath Lane Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) Meeting

30th January 2014


Wendy Edwards, Andrew Burns & Alana Lenton


Ann Sowman, Eunice Ward, Margaret Stevens, Ann Walsh, John Brown, Roger Ellis, Diane Lucking, Jackie Telford, Gethin Jenkins, Hazel Thomason, Ann Myatt.

Minutes & Agenda / All had received the minutes from the last meeting
Ann reported on HLS flu immunisation uptake figures for this year and thanked PPG members for their input. The practice has increased uptake across all target areascompared to last year although, along with the majority of other practices, remains under the nationally set targets
Meeting / Roger welcomed everyone to the meeting
Practice Update / Dr G Jenkins retiring
Dr Jenkins will be retiring after 33 years at the practice on 30-06-2014. He reported being sad to leave but ready to undertake new challenges with his life. At present the plan is not to replace him immediately. Rather than allocate patients currently registered with Dr Jenkins to another named GP partner, there is a plan to investigate all patients, including Dr Jenkins, to be registered as ‘Heath Lane Surgery’patients
The patients are currently being informed by the staff, posters in the waiting rooms & the website
Roger thanked Dr Jenkins on behalf of the PPG and the patients for all his valuableinput into this group & the practice.
The remaining partners will replace Geth on the PPG on a one year rotational basis starting with Dr Max Cleaver
A short discussion followed regarding how successful the PPG Walking Group has become
GP Federations
All Hinckley Bosworth GP practice are looking to form into a federation with limited company status. This will allow practise to tender for selected health services
The CurrentEconomic Health Environment
UHL hospitals are significantly in debt and the Clinical Commissioning Groups are unlikely to be in a position to help them out this year. It is likely hospitals will need central funding or to change.
Walking for Health / John reported around 30 walkers per week are attending including a regular supply of new people. A group of this size works well. Ann W to request Andy sends through the updatedWalking for Health poster.
Any other business / Practice Display Boards
It was thought the attractiveness of these boards could be improved. Ann S, Ann M & Hazel will come in to upgrade and possibly take over responsibility for updating in the longer term. To let Ann W know when they are coming to the practice
Summary Care Record & Care. Data
Ann W discussed the implications of these national plans to share selected patient data with hospitals (A & E), public health commissioners of health care. All households will be sent information about both schemes giving patients the opportunity to opt out. Several members of the PPG commented that the leaflets had proven obscure. Patients can opt out or back in at any point
NAPP Newsletter
Spare copies were made available
Notice of Proactive Care Workshop
Thursday 20th February 2014, 1300-1700, venue to be confirmed
Notice of Expert Patients Programme; Self-Management for Life Courses
The Atkins Building, Hinckley Tuesday 11th February, 1000-1300. Open to all patients
Local PPG Locality Network Meeting 16-01-2014
Roger reported back from the minutes of this group. A copy of the minutes is attached.
Did Not Attend
Discussed challenge faced by patients who DNA. Different practices implement different approaches to deal with this problem. This surgery maintains a fairly low- key approach as those patients who frequently DNA often have other challenges in their lives. Roger will feedback our practice’s approach to the Locality PPG group
PPG Chairs Meeting at the NSPCC
Roger had attended. The main topic covered had been ‘what’s urgent and what’s not’. Trying to encourage patient to access health care at the most appropriate setting.
Maintaining Patient Confidentiality
A patient had mentioned that her name was diplayed on the jayex board inviting her to the midwife’s room; she was concerned people could surmise she was pregnant. Agreed to replace invitations to a health professional’s room with the more anonymous room numbers being displayed. Ann W to action

Date & Time of the Next Meeting

Thursday 27thMarch 2014, 1900 hours at Heath Lane Surgery