Radolinski[l1] Lesson Plans 11/8—11/12/10–candy questions may occur at close when time allows-add to schedule-will go over exam performance Wed.
Biology-period cellular respiration/mitosis and meiosisBio. 3a,/4a,b,c,d/2b,e/1a/6a,b,c /3b,c,d,e/5d,e /6a,b / Monday11/08/10 / Tuesday 11/09/10
11/10 / Thurs.
11/11 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / Opener
check ch10+meiosis vocab / Opener
Learning journal
check hw / Openers
Learning Journal / Openers
Learning journal
Present new/review old(20-25) / return ch 9 quizzes and go over / small amt time in comp lab for cancer research / explanation meiosis and graphic organizer to compare meiosis and mitosis / quiz
Activity(30-35) / ch 10 notes on ppt and handout/Cell alive web site and accompanying handout-covers cell cycle and mitosis/cancer research-comp lab / discussion
of cell cycle and mitosis w/notes,ppt and cell alive sheet / re”st of ch 7 notes
“mitosis-meiosis on the table”-manipulatives activity to compare and reinforce 2 activities / students view mitotic and meiotic cells under microscope and prepare mitosis/meiosis booklets
Guided Practice (10-15)
Reteach /review (10-15) / Cont’d
Closure (5-10) / hw—ch 10 notes’ questions due wed ,as well as cells alive,cancer research due Friday-using sheet provided,quiz Friday cell cycle +mitosis-at the least,mitosis/meiosis booklets due Monday / hw—ch 10 notes’ questions due wed ,as well as cells alive,cancer research due Friday-using sheet provided,quiz Friday cell cycle +mitosis-at the least,mitosis/meiosis booklets due Monday / hw—cancer research due Friday-using sheet provided,quiz Friday cell cycle +mitosis-at the least,mitosis/meiosis booklets due Monday / hw—m/ ws from activity duecancer research due Friday-using sheet provided,quiz Friday cell cycle +mitosis-at the least,mitosis/meiosis booklets due Monday / hw—mitosis/meiosis booklets due Monday
ADVBiology-period 4-mitosis and meiosis/genetics-mendelianprinciplesBio. 1a/6a-e /3b,c,d,e/5d,e /6a,b / M-11/08/10 / Tuesday 11/09/10
Teacher workday / WED.
11/10 / Thurs.
11/11 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / Opener
return and discuss ch10quiz / Opener
Learning journal
check and collect hw / Openers
Learning Journal / Openers
Learning journal
Check hw
Present new/review old(20-25) / discussion and differentiation of meiosis and its comparison to mitosis-using ppt,notes,cellsalive,and graphic organizer / view and draw mitotic and meiotic cells under microscope and draw-answer questions-prepare onion root tip slides and id mitotic stages / ch10+meiosis test / ch11quiz
Activity(30-35) / “meiosis-mitosis’ on the table activity / ch11 notes on ppt and handout / contch 11 genetics discussion / discuss and review spongebob genetics
Guided Practice (10-15) / review ch10+meiosis / spongebob genetics activity/ws / designer children activity
Reteach /review (10-15)
Closure (5-10) / hw-cancer research w/sheet provided due Wed,Test Thursday ch 10+meiosis,m/m activity due Wed-done in class,quiz Friday ch 11,Thurday ch 11 notes’ questions due / hw-cancer research w/sheet provided due Wed,Test Thursday ch 10+meiosis,m/m activity due Wed-done in class,quiz Friday ch 11,Thurday ch 11 notes’ questions due / hw- Test Thursday ch 10+meiosis, quiz Friday ch 11,Thurday ch 11 notes’ questions due / hw- ch 10+meiosis, quiz Friday ch 11,spongebob genetics due / hw-be ready for ch 11 vocab/spelling quiz
Human Anatomy and Physiology-period 2- diagnostic medicine,skeletal system / Monday
11/8/10 / Tuesday 11/9/10 / WED.
11/10 / Thurs.
11/11 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / Opener / workday / Opener
Learning journal / Openers
Learning Journal / Openers
Learning journal
Present new/review old(20-25) / return quiz and go over
-skull views due now / quiz/turn in projects / review ch 5 / ch5 test
Activity(30-35) / cont w/ notes discussion of ch 5 / project presentation / project presentation / project presentation
Guided Practice (10-15) / may provide some computer lab time / go over textx/workbk
Reteach /review (10-15) / Cont’d
Closure (5-10) / hw-musculoskeletal disorder project due Wed, quiz Wed-notes,test Fri skeletal system / hw-musculoskeletal disorder project due Wed, quiz Wed-notes,test Fri skeletal system / hw- test ch 5 Friday / hw- test / hw- ch 6 text questions