*Registration – Please Print Clearly


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Church & District

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Pastor’s Signature (Required)

Choose One Course Only:

[ ] $40 Basic Course

[ ] $40 Advanced Course:

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Mail payment to: Clarksville District Office,

P.O. Box 847, Clarksville TN 37041

Payment must accompany registration. Registration fees not refundable after April 9, 2015. Registration will close when class limit is met. You will be contacted ONLY if your registration is received after class limit is met.

Why Take Lay Servant Courses?

Lay Servant Ministries courses are designed to train laity to be a vital part of the ministry of serving and sharing Jesus Christ.

  • Lay Servant Ministries courses provide training opportunities to realize and respond to our call to ministry.
  • Each disciple is given spiritual gifts……. Lay Servant Ministries courses help identify our particular gift or gifts and offer educational events to develop the skills necessary to fully use these gifts.
  • Lay Servant Ministries training courses are an excellent way to learn and develop ministry skills to be better servants of Jesus Christ; to be stronger church leaders and to better assist and support our pastors.



Combine words and actions in leadership roles within their churches and communities…


Combine words with deeds, find ways to care for others….


Proclaim God’s transforming love for a broken world

Clarksville District

Lay Servant Ministries

P.O. Box 847

Clarksville TN 37041-0847


A School for

Lay Servant Ministries

Clarksville District

April 18 & 25, 2015


New Providence UMC

1317 Ft Campbell Blvd

Clarksville, TN 37042-4038

Basic Course

Basic Course in Lay Servant Ministries

Instructor: Mrs. Beverly Dycus, CLM

Advanced Course

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Instructor: Rev. Joel Nulty

Lay Servant Ministries Director

Dr. C. Bruce Myers, CLS

Register for one course only,

Cost $40.

(Includes course books, materials, lunch, refreshments and certificate.)

Basic Course

Discuss servant leadership… developing leaders … consistent spiritual practices… accountable discipleship… and ways lay speakers may assume roles of leadership and service, identify and explore ways to use personal spiritual gifts in ministries.

Advanced Course: Discover Your Spiritual Gifts by William J. Carter

Texts: Each One a Minister by William J. Carter and Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory by Charles V. Bryant.

Designed to encourage individuals to discover God’s call to ministry in their own lives,Each One a Ministerleads toward practical ways of using gifts in ministries in our congregations and in our communities.

Course materials and assignment will

be mailed to Advanced Course and

Basic Course participants.

Class location:

Location: New Providence UMC

1317 Ft Campbell Blvd

Clarksville, TN 37042-4038

April 18 & 25, 2015

Schedule (For All Courses)

Saturday, April 18:

Registration8:00a -8:30a

Session 18:30a-10:00a

Break10:00a -10:15a

Session 210:15a-11:45a


Session 312:30p-2:00p


Session 42:15p-4:00p

Saturday, April 25:

Session 58:30a-10:00a

Break10:00a -10:15a

Session 610:15a-11:45a


Session 712:30p-2:00p


Session 82:15p-3:45p

Closing Devotion 4:00p-4:30p

Local Church Lay Servants

  • Must be recommended by their pastor and Church Council or Charge Conference; and complete the Basic Course for Lay Speaking Ministries, and submit an annual report.
  • Serve, support, and minister in their local church
  • Must complete a refresher course every 3 years.

Certified Lay Servants

  • Serve, support, and minister in their local church and beyond; through district or conference projects and programs and community; and submit an annual report of activities.
  • Have taken at least 1 Advanced Course
  • Must complete one Advanced Course every 3 years to maintain certification.

Lay Speaker

Meets the requirements as listed for certified lay servant. In addition, this person must complete the required courses after the Basic Course: Discovering Spiritual Gifts; Living Our United Methodist Beliefs or United Methodist History, Theology and Organization; Preaching Course; Worship; andEvangelism.


In 2012, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church approved legislation to change the name of Lay Speaking Ministries to Lay Servant Ministries. There is no change in the process of becoming a local church or certified lay servant from the lay speaker process. There was, however, a role of lay speaker added to the program that includes specific preparation and accountability processes. (Listed above.)

(Portions copied from the General Board of Discipleship website.)