Banking Services from SAP 8.0
October 2014
Organizational Structure Settings for Deposits in Banking Services
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Germany / Building Block Configuration Guide

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SAP Best Practices

Organizational Structure Settings for Deposits in Banking Services (L26): Configuration Guide


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Icon / Meaning
/ Caution
/ Example
/ Note
/ Recommendation
/ Syntax

Typographic Conventions

Type Style / Description
Example text / Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text / Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example text / Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key.
Example text / Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> / Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.






3.1Creating a Bank

3.2Assigning Banks to Be Managed

3.3Defining a Bank Posting Area

3.4Defining Contract Managing Units

3.5Defining Payment Transaction Areas

3.6Assigning a Bank Key to a Payment Transaction Area

3.7Assigning a Grouping Object and Number Range for a Bank Key

3.8Maintaining Number Range Intervals for a Payment Transaction Area

3.9Setting a Posting Date for a Bank Posting Area

3.9.1Setting a Posting Date for Payment Transactions

3.9.2Setting a Posting Date for End-of-Day Processing

3.10Assigning Check Digit Calculation Methods to Bank Keys

© SAP SEPage 1 of 22

SAP Best Practices

Organizational Structure Settings for Deposits in Banking Services (L26): Configuration Guide

Organizational Structure Settings for Deposits in Banking Services


The purpose of this document is to describe the general configuration steps required to manually set up the configuration within the system landscape that has already been installed using the corresponding installation or configuration guides for installation.

If you do not want to configure manually and prefer automated installation using BC Sets and other tools, refer to the Quick Guide of your SAP rapid-deployment solution that is attached to the SAP Note.

This document supplements the existing Customizing documentation in the Implementation Guide (IMG) and provides additional information where required.

In general,to be able to start configuring the attributes related to the deposit lifecycle itself, some general settings must be made. Within this document, the organizational structure needed for processing a lifecycle is set up.



Banking Services from SAP 8.0 - SP 2 must be installed.

Before you start installing this building block, you must install prerequisite Building Blocks. For more information, see Building Block Prerequisites Matrix for the SAP Deposits Management Rapid-Deployment Solution V1.800.


The following section describes the complete settings for this building block. These settings can be divided into three main groups:

Prerequisite settings that have to be checked and which were delivered by SAP (as part of the standard delivery)

The term Checkrefers to these prerequisite settings.

Specify all prerequisites necessary for the configuration of this building block (even if this means describing a complete table). Prerequisite settings are those settings that direct or influence the business process. Do not describe settings that are for documentation purposes only and that do not influence the process, such as generic code lists for currencies or countries. These settings are not described as prerequisites.

Settings defined by the customer (in the customer namespace and customer-specific):

The system uses automation to request individual customer settings during the personalization process. These settings can be initial or reused from existing SAPERP layers and are indicated in the text by your value.

If you need to explain the customer value,choose one of the following options:

If you have a short explanation, enter itdirectly in the table.

If you need a longer explanation, add an asterisk * after the customer value (<your value>*) and explain the value in the Comment paragraph.

Additional settings that need to be madecovered either by automation or manual configuration (in the customer namespace).

The term Createrefers to these additional settings in the text.


In this configuration guide, some fields are marked with (*) – Personalized field.

If the solution is implemented manually using the delivered configuration guides, the fields marked for personalization have to be taken into consideration.

During the configuration, you have to adjust the values provided for these fields in line with the values relevant for your implementation (for example, the currency in the configuration guides is marked as personalized field. Always replace the specified currency (ARS) with the currency relevant for your RDS).

For more details on personalization, see sections 6.2.1 and in the Quick Guide. The overview table in the Quick Guide lists all the fields/values that are personalized along with a brief explanation.

Multiple Entities – Independent Testing

Within this RDS the following content is implemented amongst others within this configuration guide:

  • One CMU (contract managing unit) with associated Bank Posting Area and so on which is described in all details within this configuration guide (and for usage in the Business Process Documentation)
  • Up to 20 additional CMU’s with associated Bank Posting Areas and so on

The scope of this RDS is to provide one Contract Managing Unit with associated Bank Posting Area to run through the defined lifecycle of accounts as described. For certain reasons, however, several independent entities might be necessary for using / testing the processes within the lifecycle of this account.

Therefore, in addition to the entity described in all details within this configuration guide (and in the business process documentation), the possibility to enter several additional entities is mentioned.

These can be usedto:

  • Represent a kind of branch structure
  • Test the business processes independently.

Independent testing with several entities might become necessary because of the following reasons:

  • The posting date is set for each bank posting area and must be changed to simulate a complete depositlife cycle.
  • Several testers might require different entities for independent testing

The configuration steps described in sections 3.1 through 3.9, therefore, have to be repeated up to 21 times to create all of the entities in question. For this reason, each time information is provided at the end of respective section.

These 1 + 20 independent entities can then be divided among the testers.

If the additional 20 entities are not or only partly required, the remaining entities do not need to be configured.

3.1Creatinga Bank


This configuration step enables the bank data to be created in the system.

Banks in different countries may have different ways of providing bank information.

There are three ways for banks to create the bank data in SAP Banking Services:

  1. Bulk creation of bank data using transaction BIC2 (report RFBVBIC2):

The bank master data (bank directory) can be uploaded initially with report RFBVBIC2 (= Transaction BIC2). This program uses the global bank directory in the BIC+IBAN format to import files, compares these files with existing bank data, and saves the new and changed data in the bank master (table BNKA).

  1. Bulk creation of bank data using program BIC2 (report RFBVALL_0):

Some national banks/federal standard banks also provide download files of local bank master data in ASCII format. The function module FILL_BNKA_FIELDS_SAMPLE is available for importing this file. It also describes the interface and the necessary instructions for transferring a country-specific file to an internal table (BNKA). The main program for transferring bank data is RFBVALL_0.

  1. Individual Creation of banks using FI01:

If no file for uploading bank master data, banks can be created manually with transaction FI01.

The following section gives the details for creatingbanks using transaction FI01.


  1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path:

Transaction code / FI01
SAP Menu / Financial Services Collateral Management Securities  Create Depository Bank
  1. On the Create Bank: Initial Screen, make the following entries:

Field name / User Value and Actions
Bank Country (*) / DE
Bank Key (*) / 12345678

(*) Personalized field

The bank key and bank country for the rapid-deployment solution can refer either to a “real” (existing) bank or a test bank.

In the standard SAP system, certain plausibility checks are implemented to check country-specific settings such as the length of the bank key, postal code,and so on. For this reason,adhere to the rules that apply to the country for which the rapid-deployment solution is implemented.

  1. Press Enter.
  2. On the Create Bank: Detail Screen, make the following entries:

Field name / User Value and Actions
Bank Name (*) / RDS Bank
City (*) / Buenos Aires
Bank Branch (*) / Head Office

(*) Personalized field

  1. Choose theSavepushbutton to save the entries.

If a bulk creation shall be done the transaction BIC2 (report RFBVBIC2) or program BIC2 (report RFBVALL_0) has to be used.

Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing

If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings:

Bank Country (*) / Bank Key (*) / Bank Name (*) / City (*) / Bank Branch (*)
AR / 11111111 / RDS Bank Branch 1 / Buenos Aires / Branch 1
AR / 22222222 / RDS Bank Branch 2 / Buenos Aires / Branch 2
AR / 33333333 / RDS Bank Branch 3 / Buenos Aires / Branch 3
AR / 44444444 / RDS Bank Branch 4 / Buenos Aires / Branch 4
AR / 55555555 / RDS Bank Branch 5 / Buenos Aires / Branch 5
AR / 66666666 / RDS Bank Branch 6 / Buenos Aires / Branch 6
AR / 77777777 / RDS Bank Branch 7 / Buenos Aires / Branch 7
AR / 88888888 / RDS Bank Branch 8 / Buenos Aires / Branch 8
AR / 99999999 / RDS Bank Branch 9 / Buenos Aires / Branch 9
AR / 11112222 / RDS Bank Branch 10 / Buenos Aires / Branch 10
AR / 11113333 / RDS Bank Branch 11 / Buenos Aires / Branch 11
AR / 11114444 / RDS Bank Branch 12 / Buenos Aires / Branch 12
AR / 11115555 / RDS Bank Branch 13 / Buenos Aires / Branch 13
AR / 11116666 / RDS Bank Branch 14 / Buenos Aires / Branch 14
AR / 11117777 / RDS Bank Branch 15 / Buenos Aires / Branch 15
AR / 11118888 / RDS Bank Branch 16 / Buenos Aires / Branch 16
AR / 11119999 / RDS Bank Branch 17 / Buenos Aires / Branch 17
AR / 22221111 / RDS Bank Branch 18 / Buenos Aires / Branch 18
AR / 22223333 / RDS Bank Branch 19 / Buenos Aires / Branch 19
AR / 22224444 / RDS Bank Branch 20 / Buenos Aires / Branch 20

(*) Personalized field

3.2Assigning Banks to Be Managed


This IMG activity enables the banks created in the system to be available for use in Account Management.


The bank directory upload [or manual creation of bank(s) (transaction FI01)] needs to be done.


  1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path:

Transaction code / SPRO
IMG menu / Financial Services  Account Management  Basic Settings  Organization  Assign Banks to be Managed
  1. On the Change View: “Account Management Banks”: Overview screen, choose theNew Entriespushbutton.
  2. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, create the following settings:

Field name / User Value and Actions
Ctry (Country) (*) / DE
Bank Key (*) / 12345678

(*) Personalized field

The bank country and bank key assigned here need to be the ones created in section 3.1–Creating a Bank.

  1. Choosethe Entries pushbutton.

Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing

If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above needs to be performed x more times (up to 20) with following settings:

Bank Country (*) / Bank Key (*)
AR / 11111111
AR / 22222222
AR / 33333333
AR / 44444444
AR / 55555555
AR / 66666666
AR / 77777777
AR / 88888888
AR / 99999999
AR / 11112222
AR / 11113333
AR / 11114444
AR / 11115555
AR / 11116666
AR / 11117777
AR / 11118888
AR / 11119999
AR / 22221111
AR / 22223333
AR / 22224444

(*) Personalized field

3.3Defininga Bank Posting Area


In this customizing activity, the key term and description for the bank posting areas used must be defined.

The bank posting area is the organizational unit of account management, which helps define some key attributes required for managing the operations of accounts:

-Posting date: the date on which posting on accounts related to the bank posting area will be recorded.

-Posting calendar: the calendar that will be associated with accounts related to the bank posting area.

-Legal entity: a reference to the chart of accounts where accounting for accounts related to the bank posting area will be done.


Posting calendar is defined for the system.


  1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path:

Transaction code / SPRO
IMG menu / Financial Services  Account Management  Basic Settings  Organization  Define Bank Posting Area
  1. On the Change View: “Bank Posting Area Maintenance from FS-PP 3.0”: Details screen, create the following entries:

User Action / Field Description / User value and actions
Check / Bank Post. Area / 0001
Create(*) / Desc. Bk Post.Ar / RDS Bank Posting Area
Create (*) / PostingCalendar / 99
Check / P+L Acct Symbol / VER.G+V
Check / Legal Entity / YLE0.

(*) Personalized field

For an existing ERP user willing to use the same implementation, the legal entity must be the same value currently used there.

  1. Choose theSavepushbutton.

Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing

If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above needs to be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings:

Bank Post. Area / Desc. Bk Post.Ar (*) / PostingCalendar (*) / P+L Acct Symbol / Legal Entity
BR01 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR01 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE01
BR02 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR02 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE02
BR03 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR03 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE03
BR04 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR04 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE04
BR05 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR05 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE05
BR06 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR06 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE06
BR07 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR07 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE07
BR08 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR08 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE08
BR09 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR09 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE09
BR10 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR10 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE10
BR11 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR11 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE11
BR12 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR12 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE12
BR13 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR13 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE13
BR14 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR14 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE14
BR15 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR15 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE15
BR16 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR16 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE16
BR17 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR17 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE17
BR18 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR18 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE18
BR19 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR19 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE19
BR20 / RDS Bank Posting Ar BR20 / 99 / VER.G+V / YLE20

(*) Personalized field

3.4Defining Contract Managing Units


In this step, the organizational units responsible for managing the contract data are specified.

The organizational unit owns the contract and assigns to it the bank posting area, bank key, country, and calendar attributes.


The bank posting area, bank country and bank key, and calendar are already defined.


  1. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options:

Transaction code / SPRO
IMG menu / Financial Services  Account Management  Basic Settings  Organization  Edit Organizational Plan

If the transaction is started via the IMG menu,the subsequent steps need to be followed as this is a master data setting and therefore only a “link” is provided in the IMG menu.

The following steps are described for using the path in the IMG menu:

  1. Choosethe IMG Activity Documentation for node Edit Organizational Plan. In the document displayed,choose theEdit Organizational Planpushbutton.
  2. On the Display IMG screen displayed,choose theEdit Organizational Planpushbutton.
  3. On the Organization and Staffing (Workflow) Change screen, use the pathMenuSettings Maintenance Interface.
  4. On the Organizational Plan / Change screen, choose the pathMenu  Organizational Plan  Create (at the top of the screen).
  5. On the Create root organizational object screen, make the following entries:

Field name / User Value and Actions
Organizational Unit Abbr. (*) / RDS Bank
Name (*) / RDS Bank Head Office
Validity Period (*) / 01.01.2000
To / 31.12.9999

(*) Personalized field