Year 4T

Curriculum Newsletter

Autumn 1 2017

Dear parents and carers,

Firstly we hope you’ve all had a good holiday. Please find below an outline of Year 4T’s Curriculum for the first half term. If you have any questions please speak to one of the team. Important dates will follow on the next whole school newsletter via Parent Mail, so keep checking your inboxes for those!

In our first geographical study, we will explore the world’s major biomes. We will investigate where they are in the world, the climate, the animals and plants that live there and why they might be changing. / English
Our genre this half term is fantasy. Inspired by both the screenplay of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and the accompanying Hogwarts textbook, the children will write from the perspective of a magical creature conservationist!
We will also be
choosing our class
Novel! / Maths
In Maths, we will focus on Place Value and Money with an exciting application project that tasks the children with being personal shoppers for a celebrity family that is rumoured to be moving back to Cheshire! Spend Spend!

Our PSHE work this half term will focus on how we deal with change as we enter a new school year. We will focus on helping each other and kindness and having a growth mind-set to learning!
Our Philosophy (P4C) sessions give children the opportunity to express themselves and nurture their deep thinking skills by responding to topical stimuli and news stories. / Religious Education
Under this term’s RE theme of ‘Believing,’ we will explore why key figures such as Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Siddhartha Gautama and Guru Nanak are important to the people who practice religion. We will also examine how personal as well as unifying religion can be, considering our individual views.
/ Physical Education
In PE, we will be developing our throwing, catching and ball control skills, learning a variety of stationary and moving passes used in fast-paced games such as Basketball, Netball and Rugby!
Children will become games designers this half term, as they build their very own computer game using Kodu Game Lab. They will create a world and program the characters that exist there, setting them challenges and missions to help them survive!
/ Science
Our Science topic is Living Things and their Habitats! Linked to our English work on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, we will classify a range of real and magical creatures using classification keys, create our own ‘fantastic beasts’ for classification and explore interdependence within habitats. / Art
We are going to be studying paintings by artists who have been inspired by nature and landscapes, including the artist David Hockney.
Our inspiration for our art will be linked to our studies of the world’s biomes and animals and their habitats.
Bonjour! We will be revising numbers 1-20 and learning the French for body parts, animals and the weather.
We will be singing songs, designing zoos and labelling life size drawings of ourselves!
/ Time to Think/PSHE
In PSHE/TTT each week the children discuss current news events and PSHE topics such as healthy eating, dealing with difficult situations and aspirations and dreams amongst many.In order t
o develop children’s thinking and questioning skills children will also continuing to have Philosophy sessions. This has proved very beneficial and has developed the children’s ability to work in groups and value other peoples’ opinions and views. / Enrichment
In Enrichmentpupils generate patterns for creative proficiency, build good character, initiate an engaged mode for learning, and find purpose and interest in foundation subjects such as Food Technology, Art, Drama, Expressive Arts and Earth Adventures.


Homelearning grids will be coming home very soon. We will share and celebrate children’s homework each week. Any questions about the tasks please call into school.

PE will be on Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure kits are in school.

Reading records should be brought back to school everyday. Children will either be given opportunities to read independently or with an adult, so they need their books every day please. Thank you.

Kind regards,

Mr Chysler

Year 4T Class Teacher