As per Section 13, American Kennel Club Regulation for Agility Trials, dogs may be moved up to a higher class, at the request of the Owner, as a result of qualifying for an agility title. Dogs so moved up will be entered at the end of the running order or otherwise at the secretary’s or Judges discretion.


EMAILED MOVEUPS: When emailing a moveup to us please just give the following information. TRIAL NAME, Owner Name. Dog Call Name, Move up for what days (Saturday, Sunday, etc.), Moving from, Moving to (PLEASE include STD, JWW, or FAST)

NOVICE MOVEUPS: Dogs or Handlers having attained ANY AKC Agility Title (Std, JWW, OR FAST class) must be moved to the Nov B Classes (Std, JWW and FAST classes) for all trials that have reached the final closing date at the time that they get that first title. So be sure and contact the trial secretary to change your entry from Novice A to Novice B Once a trial closing date has past, a dog cannot be moved from Nov A to Nov B. If the trial has already reached the closing date on the day the dog obtained its title, the dog shall remain in the class in which it was originally entered. The dog can also be moved up a level (Nov to Open) at the request of the owner subject to the normal move-up criteria.

Before the trial Move ups may be made prior to the moveup deadline via email to , via facsimile transmission to 888-521-1706 or in writing to Fast Times, 125 Hope Road, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724-3008. Verbal move ups will not be accepted.

Move ups for Saturday/Sunday are due in writing by the Monday at 6 pm the week of the trial.

Day-to-Day Moveups: are only allowed for dogs entered at the set of back-to-back agility trials for succeeding days of that set of back-to-back agility trials and must be submitted in writing at the trial within ½ hour of the last run of the trial day for the following day(s) and can not be conveyed via fax, email, or verbally to the trial secretary.

Trial Name: ______

Owner’s Name______

Reg #:______Call Name:______


Jump Height: ______Arm Band #:______(If Available)


Standard Class Jumpers w/Weaves FAST Class

STD: Move from:______JWW: Move from______Fast: Move from______

to ______to:______to:______


Standard Class Jumpers w/Weaves FAST Class

STD: Move from:______JWW: Move from______Fast: Move from______

to ______to:______to:______