mock city commission meeting
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Royal Palm High School
10600 Okeechobee Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
ROLL CALL– City Clerk
1.Request for direction on Amending the City Code to permit chickens within Residential Properties – Urban Farming
Mayor introduces item and turn over to the City Manager or information
City Managerto provide a brief explanation of the item/issue and that Staff is requesting direction on how the Commission would like to proceed with this issue. Introduce the City’s Sustainability Officer – Rich Reade – to provide Staff’s report to the Commission before the public provides comment and the Commission votes on the issue
Sustainability Officer – Rich Read to discuss the benefits and drawbacks associated with the issue that is presented to the Commission for consideration.
City Managerthanks Rich Reade for his report and states that this concludes the staff presentation and asks City Attorney for his/her comments.
City Attorneyexplains to the Commission that it would be best to receive public comment on this issue as it could be a very sensitive community issue and it may be good to hear how the public feels before a vote is considered
Mayorrequests that anyone that would like to speak on this issue to come to the podium and give their name for the record before they comment on the issue
Following all public comments, the Mayorwill close the public comment section and will ask the City Attorney for additional information and direction on how to proceed
City Attorneyexplains to Commission that the item before them is only to provide the Staff with direction on how to proceed with the issue of permitting chickens on residential properties. They can vote to either proceed with changing the City’s Code (laws of the City) to allow chickens or to not change the Code, which will ensure that chickens are not permitted on residential properties. If the Commission desires to proceed with changing the code by voting for the issue, then Staff will prepare an Ordinance to change the City Code, which will be presented to the Commission for consideration at a later date and meeting.
Mayorwill then ask the other elected officials to provide comments on the issue.
After all comments are provided by the City Commission, theMayor will call for a vote to proceed with giving staff direction on whether or not to proceed with changing the City’s Code to permit or to not permit chickens in the City on residential properties.
City Attorneywill then explain that one of the other Commissioners will then make a Motion to ______. He/she will then state that following the Motion to ______the issue on chickens, another Commission will then second the original Motion to ______.
Mayor will then ask each of the elected officials to raise their hands and vote on the Motion to ______. The Mayor will say “All in Favor” and the City Clerk will count the number of yes votes. The Mayor will then say “All Against” and the City Clerkwill count the number of no votes.
City Clerkwill then announce who wins by stating how many yes votes were provided and how many no votes were provided. This will conclude this item/issue.
Mayorwill ask for a Motion and a second to the Motion to end the meeting.
One of the Commissioners will make a Motion to adjourn and another Commissioner will then second the Motion. The Mayorwill then ask each of the elected officials to raise their hands if they want to end (or adjourn) the meeting. If a majority of the elected officials vote yes, the Mayorwill announce that the meeting is over and strike the gavel.
The City will furnish auxiliary aids and services to afford an individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity conducted by the City. Contact Doug Smithat 561-243-7010 (voice) or 561-243-7199 (TDD), 24 hours prior to the event in order for the City to accommodate your request. Adaptive listening devices are available for meetings in the Commission Chambers.
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Delray Beach Green Implementation Board(GIAB) with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide nor prepare such record.