On 2nd May 2014, my little twin girls came into the world at just 23 weeks old. Thea weighed 1lb 8 and Sophia 1lb 2. After a very long 6 weeks of fighting hard and excellent care from the Medway Maritime Hospital, Rochester’s Neonatal Unit, Thea became extremelypoorly. And on the 10th of June 2014 she lost her battle and sadly passed away. After another 15 weeks of highs and extreme lows her sister Sophia somehow managed, against all the odds, to achieve the massive milestone of being discharged from hospital. Unbelievably Sophia came home completely healthy, no oxygen tank required, no special treatment which is pretty amazing.Sophia is now a fit and healthy 1 year old, and is doing all a young baby should be. She is extremelyhappy and absolutely gorgeous. Every time we see her smile it’s a reminder of how lucky we have been. As sad as the loss of Thea was, she lives on in her sister.
Thea Sophia
Without the neonatal units amazing care Sophia would not be here today. The staff there are truly amazing and were there to give support any time of day or night. They helped through the really tough times and through the good.
But unfortunately as so often is the case, they have limited funding and rely hugely upon donations and fund raising. As you can see for equipment it can be hugely costly.
With this in mind I have decided to be take part in a sponsored tandem skydive. I am looking to raise as much as I possibly can, so any donation would be very much appreciated. To cover the cost of the skydive and make an initial donation to the unit, I need to raise £380.But I don’t want to stop there. 100% of money raised over and above this will go to the Oliver Fisher Unit that kept Sophia alive and well. So please, please sponsor me for this and do your bit to help little ones who are brought into this world a bit too early. I can honestly say having experienced this first hand, there are no words worthy of showing my appreciation for what the Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust has done for my daughter. So this is my way of saying Thank You.
Sophia now 1 year old
As soon as I have enough donations I will set the date. The dive will be recorded so you can all see the fear on my face!!
If you would like to donate please either complete the attached form or contact me on:
Work 01732 373313 or Mobile 07717 565 089
Thank you all in advance for taking the time to have a read
Sean Matthews