Workplace Safety and Health Officer Awards 2016

Guidelines and Application Form


The Workplace Safety and Health Officer Awards is presented by the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), to recognise exemplary performance and valuable contributions by registered WSHOs in cultivating safe and healthy workplaces in Singapore.

WSHC and MOM believes that behind the good safety and health performance of organisations are the people whose efforts had enabled their companies to achieve good results. Thus, the applicant will be assessed on the safety and health performance of the organisation he or she helped to achieve. His or her contribution to the community also plays an important part in considering whether the applicant receives the award.

Explanation of Terms used in this application

reportable accident*: any unintended event which causes bodily injury to a person resulting in

  • death,
  • the person was granted more than 3 consecutive days of sick leave by a registered medical practitioner for that injury,
  • the person was admitted in a hospital for at least 24 hours for observation or treatment, or,

does not include any bodily injury sustained by a person in the course of commuting to or from his or her workplace using a mode of transport provided by the employer.

*Please take note of the ‘Accumulative MC days’ method as follows:

Example: 2 days of MC + 9 Days of light duties, after an interval revisit to the doctor and granted another 2 days of MC (for the same injury).

In the case above, the total number of MC days will be considered as 2+2 days= 4days of MC, which constitute as a reportable accident.

injury rate: number of injuries caused by reportable accidents in the workplace per 100,000 employees per year

Criteria for WSHO Award:

  1. A registered and practicing WSHO
  1. Worked in the organisation as a WSHO for at least two years
  1. Played a key role in developing and executing WSH and/or risk management programmes to improve the organisation’s WSH practices and standards
  1. The organisation has met the following criteria in 2015
  2. No fatal accident
  3. No permanent disability
  4. No dangerous Occurrence
  5. No stop work order
  6. No investigation, conviction or prosecution (including pending) of the workplace with regards to matters concerning the workplace under the Workplace Safety and Health Act or Work Injury Compensation Act or any other governmental regulations.
  1. Have contributed to the industry and also made contributions internally within the company
  1. Contributed to the industry in at least one of the following

(Subjected to verifications and endorsement of the company / organisation):

  • Presented papers in WSH seminars.
  • Helped other organization to develop or improve on WSH.
  • Wrote WSH research papers, articles, books etc.
  • Active member in national WSH campaign committees.
  • Served at least 2 terms as a member of working committees such ASMI, SCAL, SISO.
  • Served in technical committees or work groups in developing WSH codes or standards in organization like SPRING and WSH council.

All WSHO Award applicants should submit two200-word write-ups with examples of how they have managed to improve WSH practices in a) the workplace and b) in the industry. Applicants who have demonstrated that they have innovative WSH solutions to manage risks at work or WSH programmes which have yield good results or any other WSH-related achievements will gain bonus points.

Shortlisted applicants will be asked to present their portfolios to a panel of judges comprising of MOM, WSHC & SISO.

WSHO who have achieved WSHO Award for 4th year consecutively will have their name placed at the Hall of Fame.

Bonus Criteria

The organisation is a WSHPA or SHARP winner for 3 years or more consecutively.

Disqualification before announcement of results

The application may be disqualified if the following occurred in the workplace in the year 2015 and 2016before the announcement of results:

  • any accident (including occupational disease) that had caused death or permanent disablement
  • any investigation, conviction or prosecution (including pending) of the workplace with regards to matters concerning the workplace under the Workplace Safety and Health Act or Work Injury Compensation Act or any other governmental regulations.
  • any inaccurate information submitted

How to apply for the Award

1.Key in the information required in Part 1, 2 and 4 directly. Do not change to a different software application format. Approach a representative from your organisation (preferably your immediate superior) to complete Part 3.

2.Although you may nominate yourself, your organisation must support your application. A representative from your organisation must read your answers to Part 2 Section A and acknowledge that your organisation supports your application by signing Part 3.

3.Submit the following to SISO:

a. Hardcopies of:

  • Part 1 (completed and signed),
  • Part 3 (completed and signed),
  • Part 4.

b.CD containing:

  • Part 1:
  • Part 2
  • all documentary evidences required to support Part 2
  • Part 3
  • Part 4.

Incomplete application will not be processed.

4. Please indicate your name on the CD.

5.You may be required to attend an interview before the judges.

Where to submit

1. Please submit the application in an envelope to:

WSH Officer Awards 2016

Singapore Institution of Safety Officers

Blk 167 Jalan Bukit Merah,

#02-13 Connection One,

Tower 5, Singapore 150167

Contact person:

2. The application must reach us by 4 April 2016. Do not submit the application on Saturdays or Sundays.

Terms and Conditions

  • Application form must be correctly filled and signed. All supporting materials must be provided in a CD. Late entries will not be accepted.
  • All applicants are expected to ensure that all submitted documents are correct at the point of submission.
  • To ensure fairness of Awards, amendments after submission will not be accepted. Application with inaccurate information will be disqualified.
  • All winners are expected to work with the organiser to share their achievements with the industries following the announcement of the results.
  • The organiser is not responsible for any loss or damage to entries or supporting material.
  • The organiser will not return any entries or supporting material to the entrant.
  • The organiser reserves the right to decline any entry by an applicant or organisation who is being investigated for possible breach of Workplace Safety and Health Act or Work Injury Compensation Act (whether or not prosecution will be initiated) or any other governmental regulations, or where the acceptance of the entry may be detrimental to the objectives of the Workplace Safety & Health Awards 2016.
  • The decision of the judges and/or organiser is final. The organiser will not accept any appeal.

Part 1

(to be printed on A4 sized paper and signed; also to be in the CD)

Part 1. General Information of Workplace Safety and Health Officer

Please fill in Part 1 before printing on A4 sized paper. This page must be signed. The copy in the CD need not have electronic signatures.

Particulars of WSHO applying for the award
Tel No. / HP No./ Fax No.
Email address
Date joined organisation
Are you still with the organisation? If not, when did you leave the organisation?
Is this the first time you are applying for this award? If not, please state the year of application
Particulars of Organisation
Name of Company
Address of Workplace
Mailing Address
Tel No. / Fax No.
Email address
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Registration No: (required)
Number of employees (excluding sub contractors)
Factory No: (As in factory registration certificate, if any)
Nature of work: (Name the main product made and/or service provided)

I hereby certify that the particulars given in this application including the documents in the CD are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that legal action may be taken against me if I have knowingly provided any false information.


Signature of Applicant & Date

Table A: Injury Statistics of the Organisation / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016(till date of submission)
A / No. of reportable accidents which occurred in the workplace.
B / Number of employees
C / Company’s injury rate
= (item A * 100,000)/ item B
D / Fatal Accident
E / Permanent Disability
F / Dangerous Occurrence
G / Stop Work Order
H / New Occupational Disease
Table B: Safety and health training courses, seminars and workshops attended by WSHO (scanned copies of certificates issued to be in the CD) since 1st Jan 2013
No / Name of course, seminars or workshop / Organiser or Training Provider / Start date of course / Duration of course (hrs)

Part 2

(to be in the CD)

Part 2. The WSHO as a Professional

Please provide concise answers of not more one side of A4 per question (minimum point size 10) and support these answers with relevant information. All answers are to be in the CD.

Section A: Must be shown to the person supporting your application.

  • What are your duties and responsibilities in relation to safety and health within the company?
  • Give a 200-word write-up of what you had implemented in the company and highlight one of the programme which had improved the safety and health of the company. You must provide the results to support your answer.
  • Did your organisation win any safety and health award in 2014 or 2015? What is contribution to your organisation in this achievement?

Section B: Need not be shown to the person supporting your application.

  • Give a 200-word write-up of your contribution to the industry in safety and health since 2010, and highlight one of the contributions which you are proud of. Explain why this contribution has an important impact on the community.
  • Explain in detail, if there are any initiatives you have proposed or implemented in promotion of integrating safety and health.
  • Tell us why you deserve to win this award.

Part 3

(to be printed on A4 sized paper

and signed by the person supporting your application.)

Part 3. Particulars of person supporting the application

Tel No. / Fax No.
Email address
Name of company
Relationship to applicant (eg. Supervisor)
Why the applicant deserve to win the award (in less than 100 words).

My company is aware of this application and the contents submitted by the applicant in Part 2 Section A. We fully support (please complete the sentence in less than 50 words)


Signature & Date

Part 4

(to be completed and printed on A4 sized paper ; also to be in the CD)

Acknowledgment Form

To be completed by applicant:


For internal use:

This acknowledgement form confirms that SISO has received this application.


SISO StampDate


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