Buckeye PTA Business Meeting—September 13, 2012

Meeting called to order at 7:11

-Welcome--Teresa Bowyer. Teresa announced to the members that we are now an officially recognized PTA under the Ohio and National PTAs. All members will receive a membership card.

- Introduction of new officers—Christina Peterson, vice president; Lisa Jevack, secretary; Jessica Krupa, treasurer. Teresa explained that we would like to keep meetings under a certain time frame, so therefore it is important to stick to agenda; if there are any issues that a member would like to discuss that does not pertain to PTA business or the agenda, they are welcome to contact the officers personally.

-Acceptance of May’s minutes –accepted by Margaret Bentley, seconded by Karla Kelly

-Principals Report—Mr. Kujala said that it has been a very smooth start to school year; both open houses and picture day were successful. Wednesday September 19th is the interim. The district has adopted a new software system-- Infinite Campus—to replace the Parent Assist Module (PAM). They are still working through this new system, do not have full access, nor is it open to parents at this time. They are hoping parents will have access to their child/ren’s grades by the end of the first nine week grading period. Science In Motion assembly the week of September 17; book fair in October; fall party Oct 26 not on Halloween, this is to spread out activities that kids may already have going on. The school is now wired for wi-fi. Mr. Kujala expressed his appreciation to all the parents for their involvement in their child’s education.

-Teachers Report—Introduction of the three 5th grade teachers, Miss Emerick, Mrs. Kovatch and Mrs. Tinney. All agreed with Mr. Kujala that the year is going very smoothly so far. They asked if we would still be doing CIA (Caught In the Act) Character Campaign. Miss Emerick explained that at the BLT meeting it was suggested that if we are still using this program, teachers should be allowed to award students exhibiting any positive, respectful behavior toward peers, regardless of the theme for the month. Sam Meunier, chairperson for CIA, agreed that absolutely teachers should have the freedom to award students for this type of behavior regardless of the theme, but that they will still have a theme each month.

-Treasurer’s Report—Karla Kelly (past treasurer) covered last year’s budget. A copy was given out at the May meeting, but if anyone would like to see this year’s budget, it is available. Accepting the treasurer’s report, Sam Meunier, seconded by Laura Zehner.

-B.E.A.R Reading Club--chairs, Jessica Krupa and Laura Zehner. Program will begin September 28. Reading minutes are recorded Friday—Thursday. Prizes will be awarded to each grade level and will be based on participation rather than number of minutes. This new way will be more fair, especially as the younger students generally do not read as much as the older ones. Each student has the opportunity to earn a total of $6 in Bear Bucks for the spring book fair.

-Review of Committees/Activities sign-ups from open house—(Teresa Bowyer) There are many new activities on the calendar, still accepting volunteers. We are open to suggestions for any new activity ideas. A parent posed a question regarding whether we have a calendar on our website for activities. That suggestion was taken into consideration for how we can get that going. This is something Mike Pillotti and Danielle Brennan will look into. Teresa explained that we will be doing emails again as a means of communication, in order to reduce the amount of paper being used.

-Fundraising—(Christina Peterson/Lisa Jevack) The playground is still a priority in our fundraising efforts. We are aggressively pursuing different ways of raising the necessary funds. Monthly Spirit Nights are on the agenda throughout the school year—October, East Coast Custard; November, Max & Erma’s; November movie night at the school—Star Wars (movie, and possibly characters coming to the school), and possibly another in the spring; looking into having RLEEF pay for the elementary schools’ movie licensing so that all schools are able to show movies. ATA/ Mr. Gehring fundraiser for the playground system--Mr. Gehring at Mentor ATA will donate all proceeds earned with the $49.00 for 4 weeks promotion AND match that money up to $1,000.00. This year we will have Spring Carnival in lieu of Spaghetti Dinner. A fundraising committee has been formed—chairpersons Laura Lekson, Kara Reutter, Lisa Jevack. We feel that in light of our district’s economic situation, it is important to have a committee solely dedicated to financial needs, in order to support educational opportunities.

-Presentation from KIDS Committee/upcoming levy information—(Lisa Jevack and Christina Peterson) is a political action committee independent of the school district whose purpose is to financially support a campaign and promote any school levies (a levy is on the ballot November 6). Lisa Jevack and Christina Peterson have been working with this committee; Christina reported on behalf of the most recent meeting. She explained the recent district cuts of $7M and what will be reinstated if this levy passes. All K-8th grade bussing will be reinstated, yet art, music and phys ed will not be reinstated to year-round for elementary. If this levy passes, it will be a property tax increase of $119/year per $100K home’s market value. The KIDS Committee is very low on funds, barely have enough to pay for a mailing. They are asking for monetary donations from all the parent/teacher groups in the district and for donations of postage for postcards to be sent to absentee voters. Christina suggested a postage donation box be set up at the school, which the PTA must vote on to approve. Community Rally for the schools is scheduled for Sunday Oct. 21 at Concord Town Hall/pavilion. Prior to the vote, Teresa explained that while we cannot endorse a specific candidate, we can endorse the levy. A vote was taken by all present members to endorse/not endorse the levy—majority voted in favor of supporting levy. Christina discussed the $500 minimum suggested donation to KIDS Committee; members posed questions regarding our current budget and whether or not this was an appropriate donation; Kara Reutter proposed we make a $1000 donation; Laura Lekson asked what we donated last year, which was $250 toward printing costs for fliers. A paper ballot was distributed, giving the options, to a) not donate to KIDS b) donate $500 c) donate $1000. Majority (9 – 6) voted in favor to donate $1000 to KIDS. Not all in attendance were current in this year’s dues, therefore were not able to vote.

-Market Day—Margaret Bentley, Linnea Lucas—first Market Day coming up. The November Pie Promotion will take place again. This year, pie sale proceeds from LaMuth’s volleyball team’s will be given to us.

-Trina Cesnik’s name was picked as the winner of a Barnes and Noble gift card (this year’s early membership promotion).

Motion to adjourn by Teresa Bowyer, seconded by Laura Zehner. Adjournment at 8:27

L.J. 9/13/12